Greandal’s menagerie…

Thank you :blush:

The beldia are living on the soil they were planted in. I topped one off with worm castings a couple weeks ago cause it was a little pale earlier than expected. Just water since day one other than that.

The VB on the other hand I feed weekly now, quano, frazz etc. I didn’t feed them heavy until last week trying to hold the reins until I got the frame up.


Thanks bro! I’m looking forward to running one or two.
Can you detect any of that mint smell on her?

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Your plants look mighty fine greendal! That’s a beautiful garden. I think I’m in love with plant in the middle of your last Pic dump, the one with big blonde bush on it :heart_eyes:


The big cola has a little bit of that starting to come through but it’s so astringent it’s actually hard to put my nose in it without my eyes and nose running. :laughing: The honey is definitely there. They are quite sweet overall. The wheaty looking pheno is reportedly the strongest but it’s definitely going longer than the pole.


Thank you @mndlss

This one?

Or this one?

That second one has crazy long and abundant pistils. It’s already heavy and it hasn’t really begun to fill out.


Yep, I meant the first one. Both look stunning though :drooling_face:

How many plants do you want to put on your little field next year and how big is the place?


It’s about 8M x 8M square, currently the dog yard. :laughing: looking at these I’ll probably sow with 75cm spacing. Could easily put 50+ in there. We’ll see how the hash turns out whether or not it’s worth doing. There’s enough nitrogen in the soil there now I bet all I’ll have to do is water.


So finally popped three Dosi Walker autos kindly given me by @MoBilly, thank you sir, and spinning the roulette wheel on three RSC “Afghan mix” freebies. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: I get lucky!


That is, I think, the first seed that I gave away that someone told me they were running. :slight_smile:
I’m happy to see that.
I hope it does an outstanding job for you!
Watching this for sure. lol


Oh gosh surely not! I feel bad it’s taken me this long to get to them. But I have an abundance of soil this year after some investment and the beldia will be done before I know it.

I’ll try to be more in depth with them since you’re watching. :wink:


WOW sweet @GREANDAL I was just about to ask you about the bass in the background and I loved it when Sammy Hagar aka The Red Rocker and Micheal Anthony got two other legendary musicians in Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers since 88 ) and one of the best guitarists of all time definitely in the top 20 JOE SATRIANI but I never got to see them and it’s just always a good time with Sammy Hagar involved so beautiful plants and I just got caught up and Happy Growing The Doc and :metal:t2::man_singer:t2::guitar:

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Also I see that you’re starting some Dosi Walker Auto fems and I just got some of those as well and look forward to trying them out I’m totally going to be hanging around and I’ll have snacks if someone else has beverges Happy Growing The Doc


Welcome to my mess! :joy: please do hang around if you like.

That’s a sixties era piece of weirdness I got from a friend. One day I’ll straighten it out and gig it but it’s heavy as one might imagine. :joy: It’s ash but it ain’t swamp ash.

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That sucks, but bud rot doesn’t have to be a total loss. You can do an alcohol extraction.

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Cuttings about ready for indoors

@Old-Ron inspired planters this time


They look good @GREANDAL. How long have you had them outside?

I have 3 Earthbox Originals outside right now with Sour Diesel fems from seed. They have only been in the boxes for a couple of weeks.


Thank you :blush: @Old-Ron About 2 weeks outside for the VB (smaller containers) and 1 week for the Manipur. I got sidetracked and left the Manipur cuttings in the cloner way too long. Had 10” of root. :laughing:

These will all be finished indoors. The Manipur promises to take quite a while.


OK. I was wondering. I have left things in the cloner too long before. The long roots may be helpful with the sip systems. I definitely see a difference on the plant when it finds the bottom reservoir.

Definitely will be watching this one.


lol Damn cuz, took me a ‘minute’ to get caught up but things are looking so great there, I had to pause and take a deep look at some of em! lol Just beautiful cuz! Way to go!


Well hello @JohnnyPotseed great to see you! Thank you :blush: Man I swear it’s all Michigan. You just throw seeds around out here and suddenly you’re up to your ass in plants. LOL