Greandal’s menagerie…

I hate always being out of “likes”.


Thank you :blush:

I tend to let the plants grow and not defol unless humidity becomes an issue. There are leaves on both the Monsters and the GDP that are as large as that and larger.


You’re just a busy man and generous with your likes. Both good things!


Yeah, I try to stay active. As a matter of fact, I am going to be a less frequent visitor on the forum from now on. Too much work is backing up since my son and daughter moved out East. It’s just my wife and I now and I find myself on here visiting sometimes when I could be getting stuff done (slowly but getting done nonetheless).


How far east did they go? Sorry to hear that, this place needs more folks like you.

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My daughter moved to Florida and my son moved to Tennessee. Yeah, they couldn’t find work in what they trained for around here so they went and found work elsewhere.


Florida?! Ugh screw that. lol Tennessee not quite so bad. At least there’s horses there.


True. Tennessee is not too bad. My daughter is already planning to move from Florida. She hates it down there. She’s a graphic artist and the company she went to work for is based down there. Now that company has been opening new offices in other states so I am not sure where she will end up yet. I hope she has better sense than to move her and my granddaughter to some place like the California coastal area or Portland. I’d worry my ass of if she did that.


My goodness. I’m thinking there’s gonna be more than a little bud coming. LOL

Frankenstein! All three are good just took one picture




The Viet is getting me excited @slain

Frankenstein and Kashmir


That viet is looking sick (good sick, like the way the kids say it)


Me too lol. Lots of crazies out there.
Florida is too hot and too flat. Love those Palm Trees and the little lizards though. ( anole or similar name?)
Beautiful VB! @slain do you know the history of this VB?
@GREANDAL you have me wishing i had less plants of bigger size.


Sadly this is all I can do at the moment. Kinda chained to the tents until next year, going to make rooms. I have enough light to do a lot more. How do you like the look of that VB? lol


Vb is beautiful. You’ll be smoking off at that 1 for months. Very much looking forward to seeing flowers and finally, a smoke report😁


The other VB I had in there turned out to be MALE. :joy: That’s 4 out of 5 seeds male. Some bizarre luck.

Going to keep him going in cuts like the female.


Very odd indeed. Could it be the oiginal IBL?

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It’s most likely just random coincidence.


I knew what you meant but you would have been right if you meant it literally. lol

She’s recovering from a foliar a week ago. Everyone else was happy but she did NOT care for it.

And oddly, for a tropical, really light sensitive.

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Awesome, it’s looking great , hopefully you’ll get a girl this time :joy:. It’s definitely getting that Xmas tree shape, it’s super branchy too!

I grew these for a number of generations in a place that spends a lot of time on the cloud, so sometimes weeks of drizzle, when it does clear up the light is super intense, though it’s at around 3500 feet so the climate is very mild for the tropics, maybe that’s got something to do with it. I think it only takes a few generations in a specific climate for them to alter, especially if you are selecting the pheno’s that do best in that climate. They are super mould resistant, and hopefully shouldn’t be super long flowering, at least a few weeks less than when I got them anyway.


I don’t think so, I haven’t been so unlucky with them, unless it is something that happened in the last generation, but I haven’t seen it before… I don’t think I would have continued with it had I got such a high proportion of males… definitely unlucky though:(

I got it from a Vietnam vet, he swears he has kept it clean and he has no reason to make it up I guess, though beyond his assurances I can’t verify its lineage, everything I got from him has been pure sativa, and his png gold is unmistakable, it always yellows out and sheds leaves at the end, almost self trimming lol. The old timers in that part of the world hold onto the old school stuff, no cupboard weed for them lol.