Greandal’s menagerie…

Oh yes. This one is definitely female.

All the males have been a little frustrating but I really don’t mind. Those first three were absolutely magnificent bastards. Beautiful plants. The latest male is gorgeous too.


Looking at the rate it’s going I’m expecting 16+ weeks.


@slain I haven’t forgotten the Thai, will start some soon.

Awesome :clap: Clone the living fk out of it lol.

Reminds me somewhere I’ll see if I can find a photo of a vb male that I let go till it basically died, it got to at least 9 feet, it deadset looked like a Xmas tree but just has colas of pollen sacs instead of girl bits, if you gave it a shake it released great clouds of pollen, it was hard core. Every crop for miles around would had been spoofed on! :joy:.

Nice, they are pretty special too imho. Massive amounts of vigour, going to be lots of bending in the tent I reckon lol:[


Yeah I have eight rooted and as many more starting. Still have some pollen from the first three and I’ll get plenty from this male too. Not going to lose this!


Yep exactly how they grew. Three distinctly different ones. One really tall medium green, one 3/4 that size bright green and one like this one, fat round leaves and darker.

The tall one got to 3m before I took them down. I didn’t want to be that guy. lol


I said EVENTUALLY, didn’t I? LMAO


Yeah the darker leaved one that starts with fat leaves that get increasingly thinner as it grows and the leaves are super jagged, that’s the pheno I think is the nicest… It’s also the one that is most likely to go black. It’s often got purple leaf stems too but I can’t see a lot of that on yours yet…


We’re at 30 days past flip. A week at 11.5/12.5 Really only setting up still.


Great mold resistant qualities is your line. I too live in an overcast area, though not quite like yours. Happy to hear you kept this VB intact.


Yeah kinda have that or die were they were grown really, I’ve bought myself a chunk of land further south that is a fair bit drier so I’m looking forward to being able to grow some fat leaf plants again as well as the sativa.

This is how that Thai ends up… the beans you have came from this very bud!


Nice Thai nug! Which Thai is that one?
Chubby Bubby!

Ahh sorry man! I was thinking I was replying to Greandal…not stoned at all!

It’s another one I collected up in the far north here where new fangled things like short fat leaf plants and hybrids haven’t got to yet… or really it’s super wet and equatorial so they don’t even grow up there

I think I posted some grow shots in the landrace and heirloom thread a while back….

Here is some grow pics of it


I know you were talking about the seed you gave to Greandel. Beautiful plants! What northern province/ region did you collect from? I envy your ability to make that trip.


The female showed by the time she was 2 feet tall. Surprised me!

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Yeah this has to be outdoors I think. I’ll have a greenhouse in the spring.

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Very healthy, great job so far!

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Thank you kindly :blush:

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I’m looking forward to seeing them finish out cuz, I know, you’re looking forward to it more than me though! lol