Greasy's Journal

Yeeeewwww that looks good! I’m not getting any waves on that level, but I have also been enjoying all this late season southern swell that’s been happening. We’ve gotten quite a few overhead days in the past two weeks from it, with offshore wind and still really warm water, it’s been wonderful!

I had hit a bit of a rut in my surfing last year, and needed to really get focused again to keep my progression going. First off, like we had chatted about, got my fitness up, and dropped a good 10lb’s. And secondly, I’ve made a board style switch. I’ve always ridden traditional thrusters, and had never really experimented with more alternative boards. I traded my Hypto Krypto for a 6’4 2+1 board about six months’ ago, and it’s been really refreshing. It’s about 40 liters. It’s the biggest board I’ve ever surfed, and my wave count has gone through the roof on this thing, and it’s still nimble enough to be able to do cutbacks on. It held up well this past week in solid six foot surf.

I’m glad to hear your living the dream down there with that warm water, tropical surf! Someday I’ll have to come visit your region, and get all the tips on how to score! Your photos always get me jealous!


Come visit anytime bro, I’d be happy to show you around and twist one up with you… well obviously more than one haha. That board looks exactly the same shape as my 41ltr single fin which when it’s bigger I also put a couple of side fins in. Super fun just highlining and letting the wave dictate where the board goes and not over surfing it. I agree it’s way more satisfying upping the volume and in turn the wave count. At the end of the day it’s all about fun and not trying to take it too seriously. Look forward to surfing with you one day mate yeew


Sun Ra project is coming along. Have everyone transplanted to three gallons and in the main tent. Planning on flipping in two weeks. Plants were getting a little cranky in one gallons. I changed my light cycle in my little tent for two days, and got one plant to show female, and I have a guess that another is leaning male. Sure hoping it is a male, or I’ll have to reverse someone.

The potential male zoomed in. You don’t know until you know, but I’m hopeful the plant in the bottom left of the above photo will be my pollen donor. Would make things a lot easier. No pistils, and some ball like lumps forming.

edit, the potential male is the bottom left of the tent, not right. the bottom right is the least exciting plant in the tent.


I’m pretty excited about the project as both my indoor and outdoor Sun Ra really turned out nicely for me. Once they cure a bit longer I’m going to write up a smoke report and go ahead and post it in the Bodhi thread, and here.

Here is my indoor Sun Ra with flash and no flash


no flash:


no flash:


Both the indoor and outdoor look so good to me. Did the indoor just have an amazing calyx to leaf ratio or were you very meticulous with the trim job? Don’t think I saw more than one or two leaves on the zoom in. Either way it looks incredibly good, very nice job there!


It had an amazing calyx to leaf ratio, and made for some very easy trimming! The nugs from that plant are insanely dense. One of the first plants I’ve grown with slender nugs that turned out to be rock hard. Normally I get that on golf ball style nugs


My little winter outdoor patch is looking pretty cheerful after our storm the past few days. Have two Sun Ra males and a female on the right and two key lime pie x t1000, and a rude boi og x t1000 on the left by @iamyou_youareme . I didn’t think I would get such a good female ratio on my sun ra pack 6/9, and had planned on letting them veg indoors for more than two weeks, but I didn’t have the space. My last few grows had been very male dominant, but I’m not gonna complain about more females than expected! Just wish I had been able to do them justice.


I’m trying to step my clone game up. I decided to buy Buildasoils as my local grow shop, got bought out by a corporate grow shop, grow generation. I actually received the tray damaged, and they gave me the whole kit for free! Wanted to let everyone know what great customer service I got. I even offered to just have them refund the tray portion, but they insisted it should be a gift. Pretty cool!

I topped my three most vigorous indoor Sun Ra’s and am going to see if utilizing flora flex plugs and a proper tray and dome will do the trick. My little clone containers I had been trying gave me about a 30% root rate, which I would like to improve upon. My process for this attempt was to cut each top off with a razor blade, washing it in rubbing alcohol between cuts, clip the leaf tips off, dip the cut at the 45 degree angle into some clonex, and then soak the flora flex plug in distilled water with a little bit of aloe, squeezing out the excess water. Spritzed the inside of the dome, and let’s see what happens!

The cuttings:

Into the dome:

And because I have the space started a couple auto seeds, to see if I can grow out an auto during my photo veg period. Will I have the space to complete them? Probably not, but I just love popping seeds!


Your Sun Ra’s look really good dude! Interested to hear your thoughts on that one.

Your outdoor patch is looking great as always, everything just loves the sun! Gonna be cool to see what variation you get between those T1000 fems. Mine are doing well, I just need them to stop stretching now :slight_smile:

Very cool that you got the cloner for free basically! Your’s is nicer than mine, I like the tray that holds in cubes in the bottom. I hope you get all you clones to root! I try to take big ones like that too, but my mom’s aren’t always as big as I’d like them since I keep them in smaller pots. Your process sounds solid though. You’ll have that dome filled up in no time!


Thanks man! I’m holding off writing up any formal report here, as the outdoor has changed so much as it’s cured. I was smoking it right after harvesting and it was pretty damn racy and invigorating, whereas now it’s kind of the opposite profile. The indoor is kind of following the same pattern being very up so far, but it’s has some LOUD flavor which I’m very excited about.

I hope so! The little cup domes I did required a lot less space, but just wasn’t giving me the results I’m hoping for. I’ve never cared with vegetables or house plants about having a higher success rate in rooting clones, but with MJ it seems like developing a protocol that provides near perfect rooting would be really advantageous for future projects! Something tells me I’m going to be rolling in clones soon :wink:


A little update on my BBMxVBB for ya.
Day 17 of flower. Really loving her look, her leaves are straight saw blades. Really put the stretch on yesterday, I think she jumped about 2-3 inches over night.
I thinned her out pretty good a couple days ago in prep for full on flower mode…

Getting really excited now, can’t wait to see what she does. Took some cuts the other day in anticipation :crazy_face:

Good Vibes!


Wow, she looks spectacular! What a happy plant. The F2 I grew this summer also had the saw blade leaf type.

Still early, but you getting any berry smells? Thanks for posting here. I can’t wait to see you flower her out!


Nice fade!!
Not really anything but green marijuana at this point lol…
I did a stem rub before I posted in hopes I could report on that as well but we’ll have to wait a bit longer.



The Sun Ra tent is ready to flip! Everyone’s been topped and starting to show vigorous growth. Going to give them a big top dressing of fresh worm castings and a mulch layer and get the show on the road!

I’ve also confirmed that the front right plant is my male, so the f2 project is happening!


damn they look happy! cant wait to see them jump up


Sun Ra (SFV OG x Wookie) - Bodhi

Grown: Outdoor

Bud Shots: at 63 days flowering




Smell and taste:
Bright citrus smell. Kind of like a freshly peeled grapefruit/orange slice for a cocktail. Flavor is very sour grapefruit, with a sweet, hint of grass, after taste. Very full bodied flavor.

Potency and effects:
I would give this a solid B+ when it comes to potency, not weak, not overwhelming. Actually a little stronger than I would have guessed with the SFV OG in the lineage. Only other cross I’ve grown with SFV OG, SFV OG x Bubba, had great effects but was very mild in potency. I would say the effects a true hybrid, slightly leaning more towards sativa dominant. Upfront it has a light body high, alertness, wandering mind, ready to go do things. Then, after it has reached it’s peak in terms of how high it’ll get me, it settles into a relaxing, settled calm place.

Really nice flavor on this strain, probably it’s best feature in my opinion. Very full bodied, bright sour citrusy smoke that really coats the tongue. Definitely has a place in my strain drawer for going out, socializing, and being active. It’s not really that chill in terms of sitting on the couch, it can kind of make me a little antsy in that setting. This kind of MJ has not been my forte historically, I’ve been more of a couch lock kind of guy, but it really is a two for one, as once it reaches it’s peak, it becomes soothing, and can be comfortable lazing around. I’ve been smoking it after work, when I want to get some stuff done around the garden or the house, as it gives me a little kick of motivation, but then also helps me start the unwinding process as time passes. Overall, I think Sun Ra is great weed for people who need to get shit done , but still want to smoke, or those enjoy being physically active after they smoke. It seems ideal for outdoor activities, and enjoying strong terps!

@syzygy thank you for gifting me these seeds! Like I’ve said before, I’m really enjoying exploring different varieties of cannabis that I really haven’t had as much exposure to. These were my first Bodhi F1’s that I’ve grown, and they won’t be my last!


Great report @Greasy sounds and looks wonderful gotta love some get shit done weed :grin:


Amazing job! Agree with pretty much everything here especially

I’ve always seen it as great functional herb in moderation for work or getting responsibilities done as well. Definitely can be on the louder side too haha.


damn, looks and sounds amazing, noted!


Dad-weed! Thanks for the thorough write up duder! Sounds right up my alley!