Greasy's Journal

Ya I noticed my first pair of Fiskars was amazing and it feels like none that I’ve bought since have had as sharp or durable of a blade. My original pair never got dull but it seems newer pairs dull just pruning back mother plants. Wouldn’t doubt if the plastic or spring quality has reduced as well in recent years haha.


Plants look good!

I have no clue what brand I use, but I’ll go into the grow room tomorrow when the lights turn on and see if there’s a label on the side of the handles haha. I’ve been using the same pair for eight years, still work great.

One thing I do when I’m trimming is I’m pretty vigilant about keeping rubbing alcohol and a paper towel at the ready so I can wipe them down as soon as they start getting all “gummed up.” I don’t really care about scissor hash, so… haha. Whether or not that’s made them last so long, I dunno, but they’re still around. Blades are still sharp, the spring’s still, uh, springy haha, seem like good scissors to me.

They are, dude. Everybodyyyyy is using cheaper everything now because they don’t care and they know you’re just gonna have to buy another one when their shitty product breaks six months after buying it.

I was totally thinking about that this morning, actually, about how every manufactured product is just crappy now and has been for like the last six years haha. For real, I have one humidifier that I bought eight years ago and she’s still going strong; every other humidifier that I’ve bought in the last six years, when we moved out to the new house where it’s much drier, has shorted out or just stopped working within three years of buying them; had to buy replacements, obviously, then they crapped out, too, had to replace those… Rinse and repeat.

It’s the same thing as, like, when you go the grocery store and there’s only two people working the checkout lanes and there’s eight unattended ones. Why spend money paying people to check customers out quickly when you can just make them wait in line? I mean, everybody needs food, it’s not like they’re gonna go somewhere else. Everybody has to eat.

Why spend money making quality products when we can make shitty ones for less money and force people to buy a new pair of fucking replacement scissors once a year? We spend less money making inferior products and said products get bought more frequently because they break. Win-win!

Late-stage capitalism… It’s a free-for-all now.

Anyway… Sorry haha. Plants look good! Haha!


I think that’s what get’s me in trouble. I save the finger hash, and smoke it while I’m trimming, hence the stoned out stupor I’m usually in while trimming and not degunking my shears haha! Like to wait until it has nice big globs that I can rip in the bong. It’s not an efficient operation at all.

Yeah, it stinks. It’s really killing me with wetsuits. I used to get years out of them, and now I’m lucky to get two full seasons before they are falling apart.

All good, I know we are all feeling that frustration of our dollars not going as far, for lower quality stuff. At least we grow our own weed!


I rotate a few pairs of trimmers as I trim. Take a mason jar, drop the trimmers in till blades touch bottom. Fill with isopropyl till it covers blades. As they sit they clean, wipe dry when you need another pair.

I also save my resin from blades, I use a very small Victorinox pocket knife blade to scrape off trimmers and allow to collect on blade. When I’m done a session I roll it in a ball and drop into the keif in bottom of my grinder.

When done trimming for the day, pull your clean trimmers and cap your jar. Use this till you finish your harvest then dispose of.

That’s how I keep fresh trimmers…


I really like the chikamisa or however they’re spelled. Much more precise than the fiskers and no spring which I like.


Sounds like a great a system! I’ll try and replicate this next go around.

OK, I’ll grab a pair of these and can compare. Thanks!


Maybe you can kind of scrape the blades as you go, with a butter knife or some sorta “scraper”-type tool haha, before it gets too globby. And then wipe that tool on the side of your bowl or whatever until you’ve got enough for a rip? Haha, I dunno.

I’ve always kinda regretted not taking advantage of that scissor hash, but I do get a little irritated when the blades start sticking together. It’s a trade-off, I guess; no scissor hash, but trimming is a pleasure haha…

Ahhh, dude, that blows. Have you ever mentioned anything about that at the shop?

Every now and then I’ll bitch to a grocery store employee (I dunno why I’m fixating on the grocery store right now haha) about, like,”Dude, what the fuck? These apples are almost rotten. This yogurt expired last week!” even though I know they’re just working there and couldn’t care less and have no answers for me. I try to keep outbursts like that to a minimum haha, but sometimes I can’t help myself.

Edit: I missed GCBudz response, that’s a better solution haha.


Yeah, I think the scraper type thing is a better idea for sure.

I think if you make statements like trimming is a pleasure, you should stick with what you are doing! I think you are in a pretty small club for that one. I admittedly enjoy it for a couple hours, but once it turns into a half day activity or more it just feels like work.

Shops can’t do anything about it, as they have deals set up with all the wetsuit brands, to just have the customer send the suits to the manufacturer on their own dime, and they’ll fix em, but it won’t be a guarantee they’ll do it for free. I’ve had mixed results, where sometimes they’ll just say it’s wear and tear, and then you’ve mailed them your wetsuit that they’ve had for weeks, and they finally let you know it’ll cost half the cost of a new one. I’m pretty good at patching them up, but at a certain point, you just gotta move onto a new suit. I will say that they are a lot more flexible and warmer than they used to be, it just lame those improvements have cut down on lifespan of the product. It’s no fun being cold in a worn out suit during the winter, so they just get all my money!


I dunno how it took me almost a decade to come up with that idea, but it did… haha. I’m gonna do it myself (if I remember) when I start trimming in six weeks or so.

See??? This is why OG is awesome! We talk about our issues and then brainstorm solutions! Haha.

I was kidding…

Yeah, I understand. But I like to think that maybe the higher-ups occasionally ask their minions, like,”So what are you hearing? Any complaints? Any ideas about how we can improve our products?”

I realize that’s a pipe dream, but it’s still kinda nice to think that that might happen one day, thinking that maybe the people responsible for their product actually give a shit and wanna hear from their underlings about how they could maybe make things better for their customers.

They never do, though. Which is why I always get fired from my jobs haha!

I don’t think that’s the case, though. It’s not “one or the other.” All the advancements they’ve made, there’s no reason they can’t be more flexible AND last longer. I’m certain of that.

But I could be wrong… haha.


Another week, another update. Tent #2 at 8 weeks flowering. Tropicanna looks close to the end, but the Rudeboi still needs a bit more time. Everyone has been real easy going in this tent. Tropicanna is starting to fade a little, but they look like they’ll finish pretty green!

Rudbeoi OG looking delicious

Tropicanna Cherries, looking phenomanal, but still smells like turkey/poultry to me! I really hope she loses that smell or it doesn’t translate to the flavor, or this will be my only run of her. Maybe I’m just a nut thinking a strain called cherries smells like Turkey?

T-1000. I think I’m getting a much better final product on this one than my last run. Doesn’t seem to be like she’s going to yield all that well, but her nugs are pretty!

Curing in tent #1 right now, but in a week or so, I’ll be putting a new group in to flower out. Think they’ll get a week or two to get acclimated, and then are ready to flip! Next round will be Blueberry (Archive), Skunk Tangerine (Farmer Joe), GMO (Farmer Joe), and Purple Urkle (from Schmarm, not sure original source). They are really ready to get into a bigger tent. I uppotted them into five gallon pots yesterday and gave them a good feed.

Skunk Tangerine - Purple Urkle
Blueberry - GMO

And all my clones on deck here. Got some good stuff to look through this winter. Backlog to run includes Mac 1, Banana OG, Afgooey, Pinesoul OG, and Bubba Kush. I think at this point I’m full up on plants, and going to start having to make decisions on who to keep! I’m stoked on all the good smoke coming my way, got my own little dispensary menu in the works now!


Getting things dialed in more and more over here! Rubeboi lookin’ proper. Will be fun to compare that one to the Irene.

Lots of fun winter projects to choose from…

lol @ the Turkey smell on the trop cherries, I can’t wait to experience this for myself :rofl:


Thanks man! I think this grow log is the main driver in my plants getting happier and healthier. I’ve learned so much from the people I’ve met through it, and that have contributed plants and advice. It’s been really rewarding keeping up with it.

Definitely. I recently looked through CSI’s Rudeboi page on IC Mag. Starting to try and poke around there more, and it sure sounds like it’s gonna be a good one! Can’t wait to see what you do with her!

Yeah, it’s going to be a real party! I want to try and do a little seed project in my yard for the fall/winter. Should be fun having all these clones around to hit with some pollen. Just gotta find a male, or be like you, and try my hand at some reveresals! If anyone has some interesting males, I wouldn’t be opposed to a cutting or two :wink:

I’m eagerly waiting for yours to be flowered out to see if I’m crazy or not haha!


I can’t get over the colors on that Tropicana cherries, beautiful! I hope the smell changes for the better during the cure though. Great job!


Dude you ruined me on all this Turkey business. The Tangie I’m growing used to remind me of oranges in the beginning, and now all I get is Thanksgiving turkey, which my wife also pulled out before this all transpired. I can still pickup on the orange but it’s hard to not go right for the turkey now when I smell it. And this is funny because Trop Cherries to me always had a “kind of orangey” smell that I couldn’t quite pinpoint. I bet it was those damn turkey terps the whole time.

I began to worry that maybe everything I used to love as orange smelling is actually just turkey in disguise, but thankfully I have the Skunk Tangerine to fall back on which is like " citrusy orange peel no mistaking for turkey" kind of orange.


Thank you! She really is a looker!

You cracked me up with that one. Actually dying of laughter on “is everthing orange actually just turkey in disguise?” I do feel a little vindicated that it’s not just me getting that smell, and once you’ve registered it in your mind, it’s undeniable! Poor Tangie will never smell the same again. Guess turkey will be a new terp category moving forward. Start seeing people reviews strains like this: I get some pine, citrus, and thanksgiving turkey on the finish, hahahaha. That thought really made my day.


Probably gonna cure to cranberry sauce to complement the turkey.


Tropicana Cherries is killer looking. :100: :fire:


It’s been my experience that the weirder and gnarlier something smells, the better it tastes. And that goes for a lot more than weed. Certain cheeses in particular can smell really disgusting, but they taste soooooooo fucking gooooood… The Clusterfunk I grew smelled like rank armpit, all onion-y and garlic and total BO, but she didn’t taste anything like that. The Golden Triangle smelled like a dirty-ass wet carpet, but she was some of the best-tasting weed I’ve ever smoked.

Fingers crossed for you! Haha.

Dude, for real, though! I was actually thinking about that when I was reading the posts, like how people will make cranberry sauce and you, of course, gotta add a little orange zest to it.

Maybe it’s not so much a “turkey” smell as it is a “Thanksgiving dinner” one.


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