Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

It was a busy weekend. Daughter’s birthday party, grocery shopping and a list of things needed done around the house before it gets to cold. Managed to spread things out a bit thought a had some trellis net left but couldn’t it. Going to just let them do there thing and I’ll support them if needed. filled the res and adjusted some timer. First day of 12/12 is today.


I like how you lst and tie down your plants

What do you use to hold your wire to the grow bags ?

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@Mr.greenbee I see you are filling your bags all the way a full 6 gallons of soil is not necessary you can use less if you wish
But no less then 11 inches on the bag

I find the roots hit the reservoir faster and I loose nothing at all
In size of plant or harvest
Try it you’ll save a bit and control over head space better

I saved 6 inches of head room and when you grow monsters you’ll need every inch lol


I use paper binder clip and rubber coated soft tie. Had to do something and I had probably 70ft of the soft tie so that the route I’m taking. It does work good opening them up to the light and with the soft tie you can easily adjust. I like to use a net cause these most likely will require some support. I’m happy with it tho I’ve only been home on the weekends so that the only attention they get. Octopots set and forget lol before the octo I ran dtw coco in a high frequency fertigation setup 38 gallon res. At this point the octo are outperforming dtw in all areas most of all easy of use. I pH goin into the res and that it haven’t even check what the octopot is after.

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Exactly iv never seen the need to check ph in the reservoir as long as it’s right going in :+1::+1::+1:

This is maybe 20 grows in them you learn something new every time

I definitely recommend a support net
Things get big quickly lol :joy:

Also try mainlining them it keeps down the excess vegetation (circulation is key in a crowded tent


Thank you for the info. Last weekend I gave the octopot a good look over to see how things operate and was curious about this. So I took my laser thermometer and these numbers are just a example I’ll redo it and post my exact numbers. But I started where the sleeve meets the base the temp read 68.2 about two inches up was 69.5 then 72 then 74 but the last four inches was basically the same temp 75. It kinda showed me the different zones and I agree I wouldn’t need that extra four inches or so

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Most of us use less medium in the bags

I’m sorry I forgot what medium do you use ?

I used sunshine mix #4 advanced what they had when I went to purchase

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That’s a great mix also I can’t find it by me

I know a few peeps who use it with great results

I have no complaints. Same as any needs the sticks and trash picked out but I like it.

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Was curious how the first day of the flip went got some update photos


Just made it home and got a shower had to come check for the some males. So far there one snow caine× cake fighter male Im for sure on. So I’ve never grew a male made seeds or any of that I’m wanting to get some pollen from this snow Caine to get some practice on pollinating. What the best route for this I do have a separate area I can grow the male. How long after the balls show up till I need worry about pollen dropping ? Any advice is more than welcome



Odds wasn’t in my favor on this one out of six plants five are male. So now in the tent I have one lemon g that still needs to be determined but believe it a female. And two white widow that were feminized seeds. I kept one lemon g male separated from the others going to try my hand at collecting pollen. Killed the other four. I need to find a better way to start and sex before the octopots


You should just run them in soil till sex is figured out, then maybe octo, or take cuttings then get the cutting rooted and then octos

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Yeah I need to set up a clone area

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Here my Friday update everything looks great lol octopots for the win I’ll get a picture of the lemon g × 88g13hp sometimes tomorrow. He not in the best setup up but is still growing


those octos are really working their magic, grow is looking great.

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They get big fast in the Octopots !!!

They look healthy too

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I’ve only been home on the weekend fri-sunday there whole life very little interaction beside filling res once a week. Can’t complain ready to see some flower develop going into week three Monday