Greenpoint Seeds

Hell it’ll PROBABLY be good


Great… maybe, even! :grinning:


I hope these 2 black sorbets are outta this fucking world


If anybody is interested in the rest of the " Oreoz S1" photo. Fem. Let me know. I’m not going to run it again.


Fingers crossed for you as well, bud.:crossed_fingers:t3::wink:


I thought about it briefly


Appreciate it brother


I have not had any herm, but I have had a couple bad packs but they replaced them for me so I could not be too mad.

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Mine were delivered into an oven basically. I hope hours in that mailbox didnt killem.

With all the seeds flying around this site I don’t think I’d be running known herm plants again . The birds would be snacking on them.


Fair enough. There’s good breeders with tested strains for under 50 bux a pack.
I treat this as a grabem cheap pheno hunt extra outdoor space n test n have fun kind of deal. Ill stressem n toss any sack ones


The cowboy cookies has been some of my local buddies favorite smoke you did a good job with those fem seed man. Everything I’ve grown from GPS has been excellent smoke. The periwinkle pie was some damn good flower.

As good as it is though… a couple friends have had herms show up. I just had a buddy go back to back herms with GPS. Plus GPS really took a dive when they decided to get rid of Jeanne. She took good care of us more than a couple times.

Side note the video with heisen blasting Gu the other day was entertaining…


a couple of herms… hilarious.

You need the good readers to grow some of this gear… and look for male parts EVERY DAY.

Some will make it to the end intact. Some strains just SUCK. That GG4 hermied every seed but 2 in the pack… Fem GG4 are BRUTAL.

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Out of the last pack of 7 all 7 are growing ok a couple look a little skinny a couple are a lot slower but look better. But I only paid $12 on the reverse auction and anytime I have ever talked with I think his name is Anthony he has been cool and replaced my pack with little fuss.


Might as well post up the video…


Herm is expected nowadays, I dont stress about it, to me the end product (smoke) is the most important factor, i can deal with 10, 20, 30% seeds
If it’s full blown herm and most seeds from that pack act like this, breeder is straight amateur.
GPS service was always kind to me, can’t praise Gu enough for this, but I’m waiting to see if the smoke is up there or not.


You might be the perfect Greempoint customer…you are even respouting their Hermie Mantra…lol

All the seeds that are out there that don’t hermie and you are ok with the ones that do. That speaks volumes dude.


Old wild west pack of Tomahawk was the worst hermie pack I ever saw…more sacks than a full male.

Bounty Hunter and Sky Warden both gave me keepers from that Wild West series.


Herms should definitely not be an expectation these days with most of the seeds out there. That said, many well known strains/cuttings are prone to herm, GG#4 is one of them. It’s not really a surprise that an S1 of this plant would show a lot of herms imo.


Lol, clearly you have no experience in growing fine smoking plants, you probably buy the plastic like veggies in the supermarket and praise them for all we know, my last bagseed went herm, not fully, and it will put your d*** in the dirt potency, I will take it over 200 seeds I grown in the last 2 years, easy.

I am a perfect customer for people who sell seeds that actually smoke good, everything else is secondary, you wanna dwell if you got 10 seeds or 50 on a plant be my guest, I’m gonna smoke it and get fucked up.

Edit - to me as long as it’s not full blown herm like more you can’t see buds or trichomes, I will keep it :100:%, it’s all about the smoke.