Greenpoint Seeds

I ran the GG4 S1 from geenpoint and had zero issues with it.That GG4 S1 was after Heisen showed up and not the GG4 cut that Goo was using.

Bridezilla, which is part GG4, the tall pheno never hermied but the short one would throw some lower sacs. The short one was the better weed too…I ran a few packs of that, but it got to be too much risk for pollinating everything else so I canned it. I have no room for hermies and not time to ball hunt.
Yeah…$20 packs are great until they fook your whole tent.
Sky Warden below. This was some great weed


Surprised anyone still bothers buying anything off Gu. Surprised he’s still around really after everything that’s been found out here and RIU.

Good luck actually getting the strains you paid for as not shit guaranteed in the setups I’ve seen :eyes:

Customer service over there is a joke. It’s Anthony now? What happened to Jeanne :joy:


That’s OK…lots of people have low standards. Particularly greenpoint fanboys. :slight_smile:


Hermies are not to be expected elsewhere. That expect hermies because the weed is so good is a “Greenpoint Rationalization”
That way they feel they can justify the poor performance of their testers they sell to people.

Then a few packs sent to loud mouth dirtbags to get the bogus reviews…yay…I guess whatever it takes to move $12 packs is what’s really important.




GG is known to be herm prone. The #4 came from bagseed, i.e. a herm. It’s no surprise that herms are found in it. There are several other strains known to herm. I don’t have specific experience with Greenpoint GG, but there should be only one #4 cut. And again, it is known to be herm prone.

I personally dont keep any plants that show any sign of instability. If I find a couple pollen sacks, I’ll probably pull them off and keep going - but I’m 100% trashing any clones I have of that plant regardless of how nice it smokes. There are too many excellent smoking, very stable plants in the world to waste time on anything else.


From how your plant is looking in your pic, you definitely look like someone who stress his plants so they are more herm prone.
Again, as explained to you before, most strains today that are in high demand, herm.
Low standards lol… I’ll put my hermi clone vs your choosen clone anyday buck.
If you grow to look at pretty flowers and post pics, herm prone plants are not for you indeed.
We OG growers grow for the smoke only, my standard about weed is when I smoke it, like when I eat an orange, my std is the fruit not the tree.
So much more breeders bring out herm lol even the top ones like archive, CSI etc… but GPS gets all the trash talk apparently
People refuse to understand it’s inherited
The main reason top breeders left forums cuz people like this trash their work
Peace brother have a good one


Plenty of herm talk in the csi thread too. Think the archive thread only just got started :joy:

“Top” breeders :joy::joy:


Again say what you want, they are top breeders indeed.
Some strains herm more than others, no way around it.
You want the perfect non herm strain no problem but maybe you’ll miss other things who knows
I’m not saying GPS is not shady or counter all other opinions about the work or non work that he does but enough with this herm all over the place… it happens to every breeder that touches certain genetics, some more than others.

All I got to say is not a big fan of having to smoke seeded bud no matter how stoned a guy gets off it.
Nice to have a selection of head stash when things go sideways and your whole room gets seeded.
Guess a guy can always make dabs or hash out of it.

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Bounty Hunter…I ran the heck out of this plant and then somehow I lost her…This weed scared folks…really strong!!! Narco-strong. Tasted like a gym sock you wore for 3 weeks. Take one toke too many and it’s lights out.


wipe yer chin off dude…get the goo off

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Nah now your just being silly… stuff like that, I smoke what is good, to me your pics look similar to brick weed, no offense I just say it like it is,
With that being said, no matter how it looks it can be killer smoke so I ain’t gonna disrespect you on that.
But that’s the picture your missing.
I’ll take seeded bud with effect over perfect mids anyday and that’s what counts.
My bagseed has killer potency but has some seeds on it, maybe 5-10%, it’s here to stay a long time.

You are the Bag Seed King around here! Impressive. I’m sure that your hermie advocacy will sell lots of beans for Goo. He’s gonna be so proud.

So who’s side did you take in the recent Goo/Heisen blowout?


DK your hurting my head. I think I understood what you’re saying and I can follow you a little but you lose me somewhere along the way.

I can think of a few “elites” that are prone to intersex issues. However just because a plant has intersex issues doesn’t mean its elite.
I love thai weed but much of it has intersex issues. Is all thai weed elite because it more unstable?
I can posit the idea you found something nice in a bag seed. Chem/Diesel family is from bagseed. But why do you think that unstable equates to elite?


I didn’t know that. I had a thai cross strain that 2/3 plants hermed. First time I got herms, and assumed it was something I did to stress it or something.


why grow mids at all? There is a lot better gear out there that DOES NOT intersex.


We all have a choice of what seeds we buy. If someone wants to deal with herms and seeds in their smoke that’s their choice. Growing herb already has enough complexities that hunting for pollen sacs isn’t something I want to add to the list


@DopeKiller I don’t think you know what brickweed looked like in the early 90’s
@willie Thats definitely not 90’s mexican brickweed.
Not even close.


welp, in 13 years of growing, I had a total of 2 herms over 100’s of “started from seed”.

when I introduced GP to my garden, of the 18 strains I started (2 seeds if fem, 3 if m/f), 16 were either yielded a herm, or a full blown male from alleged “fem” seed! (Alien Punch #2 was all balls, no hairs at day 14)

only two strains that went 2-for-2 on being female (fem or reg seeds): Diamond Cookies and Topanga Cookies.

Texas Butter was a wispy mess…Tahoe Animal…tiny, tiny buds, same with Purple Runtz.

if I was a noob, I’d keep my trap shut…but I’m not.

spend your money with ANYone but Greenpoint is by far the best decision. Gu is a shyster.