Greenpoint Seeds

I’m growing Purple Runtz now. No herm. as you very small buds. Very frosty, very candy, grape smelling but small.


Didnt u say u want stable shit i dont get you. Im trashing anything that ain’t perfect.

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Do you have a rosin press? The PP S1 made excellent rosin. I have some purple crunch and some Ice Cream Punch here that I’ll be pressing sometime this week to see how they compare to the S1.

No press. bubble hash.

The current Greenpoint drama is a pretend battle between GU and Heisen to Walmart the shit out or reversals and regs.

But one does get sick of hermies.

Good for the consumers who can pick out the nanners and balls…and find the one that runs well.

Reverse Auctions getting down to 20 bucks for 12 fems? When you have 10 000 dream catchers you have to get them to sell somehow.


If they could act they would be on
The Days of Our LIVES… Cannabis edition.


I have a pack of Eagle Scout seeds from Greenpoint. Girl Scout Cookies X Stardawg 10pk regular photo.


Bodega Bubblegum F2 at Day 56:


Day 63


That PLCG is a real looker!! :boom:


@willie that Bounty Hunter sounds like my kinda smoke, anything that can scare normal folk I wanna try :laughing:. My tolerance is too up there. Wouldn’t happen to have anymore seeds of that one?


I started growing in 2019 and my first introduction to seed banks and collecting was with gps. Looking at it now I wish that I hadn’t of started out with them as a breeder because they honestly aren’t that great. The time it takes to pheno hunt out strains and find keepers is to far and few in between each seed. Not to mention the herm situation from certain strains in their catalogue. I really hope people do there research before wasting years of growing on this company. I’ve spent too much money on their reverse auctions thinking it was a great deal. In all reality they have to get rid of trash genetics somehow. Gu is a thief and a crook. Heisen was the backbone of that company and I hope they fail without him. The stuff back when gps first arrived on the scene came from Heisen and that shit was legit. I get you’ll find hermies around more nowadays but c’mon. BEWARE ANYTHING THAT HAS COOKIES in greenpoints catalog. Just buy off of Heisen himself instead at seedly .com
He has reverse auctions too. Just trying to reach someone before they go down that rabbit hole. I have a fridge filled with little green bags that say greenpoint just gonna sit there and wait. Luckily it’s mostly the stardawg cross regulars.


That looks really good man! Good job
These days you absolutely have to research the seeds/ breeder first bc there’s so many hacks out there preying on seed buyers.


These are their Texas chem strain. Probably the only one I grew that had a strong stench and I’ve grown a lot of greenpoint seeds. Not anymore now.


Thanks man. She turned out really good. Just finishing dry now. early smoke report- chemical lemon taste Followed by gelato on on in hale. Cemeical Lemon black pepper hash on exhale. Chemical lemon taste is not necessarily lemon pledge. (Unfortunately in my opinion) still A little chlorophyll but that should dissipate after dry/cure. Powerful straight to the brain kind of smoke.
Harvested Platinum lemon cherry gelato (S1) at 9weeks (63days F.) No herm/bananas

Edited to add pics.


welcome to overgrow! I’m sure I speak for most when I say We’re happy to have you.
I hear you about greenpoint seeds. If I knew , then what I know now , right?


Tombstones TK x Stardawg. 4 are left. Confirmed one fem and one late fem and 4th one very green healthy bushy squat male taking my megacrop burn like a champ and 1.5 week after removing solar lights…
Stem rub is present but haven’t made it out.

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GU had seed strains way before Heisen showed up ,his origin wild west series with the stardawg male has outstanding plants to be found ,im still finding so great plants .
And that’s where it ends with me ,when he started messing with fems and cookie strains I moved on so can’t really comment on his latest strains but those old ones are worth a look


Yeah, A whole bunch of this is wrong. Gu started the company using the original Star Dawg male that I think came from Green Dot Labs in Colorado. I think that’s where Gu sourced it, but it may have been a different place… Either way, it was legit. It came from Top Dawg’s Kate Upton/Purple release of Star Dawg. JJ actually unintentionally plugged Greenpoint in a HighTimes interview, which I think is why a lot of people first showed up to buy some seeds. This was right around the time when a Chem Dog entry first broke the 30% THC range, and everyone was trying to get some Chems, but nobody was selling them except a few people, Greenpoint being one. He basically chucked the pollen to a bunch of clones, and maybe a few of his own things… if I remember right, he had some non SD stuff too… Gu actually used to be a tester for Bodhi, so I mean, he’s not a total hack. Anyway, he did business with DVG, Cult Classic seeds… A couple others… had a CBD oil for a while, then had a very big blunder with selling untested seeds he got from somebody, that turned out to be bunk. Heisen used to be on the Greenpoint thread on RIU and grew a bunch of Gu’s stuff, before turning into his arch enemy and biggest critic. It was like a soap opera for a while… everybody was jumping in, and everybody was hating everybody… it was actually hilarious. Then he ended up working for Gu, and he’s the one that brought his special Purple Punch cut, and became the main breeder/grower for GPS, while Gu got married and moved back to Florida. Now Gu seems to have fired Heisen, and I guess is growing with his new family in Florida. Heisen was crazy, but sure seemed to be serious about getting the best out of the plants, so I’m actually kind of surprised all of his creations, which I believe is most of what more modern GPS gear is, are so bad. I haven’t had anything after 2018 or 19, so I can’t comment on any of that with any personal experience, but Heisenberg sure talked a big game, so I guess that’s what I’d expect from him, something good, but I guess not. Gu used to drive me crazy because he was sloppy, only seemed to care about making money, and liked the wrong person politically speaking, but at the beginning of GPS, there was no denying he was good at being a salesman. People used to buy seeds, buy more seeds, then buy even more. Anyway, they are both lower tier breeders. Until they prove otherwise.


The buds definitely have some frost happening looks like some nice smoke.