Greenpoint Seeds

Take that Back!!

TAKE THAT BACK!!! :smiley:

Purple Punch is one of my nr. 1 terps.

I do have Black Cherry Punch here, and i had an Slurricane Pheno that was mainly Purple Punch, the Do-Si-Do made it even more Purple Punch(er)…

I believe Black Cherry Punch has 25-28% THC, so it checks all the boxes.
but yield is really a 3/10


Well…one of these black sorbets smell amazing. 1 doesn’t. 1 is tall 1 is short. 1 is frosty already 1 is not. 1 has denser buds 1 looks pretty fluffy. Both have small flowers so far. One grew more nanners one didn’t. And I only have seeds forming in one. A little inconsistent but they’re no longer testers they’re available on the site as we speak. I’m curious whose results will differ

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I hope that’s not the case with these black sorbets I’m growing but I haven’t seen them put on much weight yet

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So far the Cookie Breath is not doing good, most are slow vegging mutants, I sprouted 6, maybe 2 are showing normal signs of growing…
Other than that, Copper Chem is doing good, City Slicker has a bunch of mutants aswell and I got mostly males
13 Valley Chem are next into flowering, so far vegging nicely.

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I just have the Sundae Driver x Animal Cookies from Greenpoint Seeds → Does anyone of you guys had that?


Nope I never got that one. I have a few but not that one.


I have grown GPS Purple Punch, Purple Crash, and Sundae Stallion. All fine stuff in my experience.


Copper Chem smells excellent in veg so far
I think Valley Chem will do good aswell, very nice plants overall
Waiting to have some 50+ days of flower on them before i post some pics.

In the meantime, some Valley Chem and Bodhi - More Cowbell vegging


These are
Diamond cookies, runts, and frozen custard all from GPS


I got ta hand it to you, your cupped plants are beautiful :heart_eyes:
Very happy lil ladies, with supportive stem pieces (legs)
Good stuff :+1:t5:


I’ll be watching that Valley Chem. Curious to see what you get.

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I am going to go the opposite route of the Indoornesian , and tell you to cut back on the N or get your PH in check. Not that your plants look terrible at all . But they are showing signs of one or possibly both of what I mentioned.
I get why you might take it as hate . Seeing as how both goofs involved with GPS, I have called out for years , across several forums . Just two complete trash individuals all around.
Kinda of why they have to post anonymously , on same forums , looking for workers on their BS farm LMAO

Anyway goodluck with your plants. Make sure you are constantly checking every single node for balls on your “females”. Kinda what GPS is known for lol

Imagine being the biz so long and having zero reputable breeders as friends LOL


Yeah that soil mix is heavy in ewc, that’s why they are super green but not burnt
I’m only giving normal tap water to those, 6.4-6.6 ph
They should snap outta it as they grow and eat it away.
I took into consideration everything negative about GPS, not dismissing your opinion at all, I value it brother :muscle:
Hope I don’t catch any troubles with them but def om the look out.

@willie those are interesting to me aswell, they grow so clone like and beautiful, almost no runts or mutants
They are going into flower soon.


Even with my first plants I grew from them I got a few balls never found but maybe 3 seeds in the buds but I’ve had balls every time. Again I won’t say all this without saying the smoke was pretty good every single time also so it’s a real catch 22. “You win some, you lose some. But you live. You live to fight another day” -Friday :joy:


Than you for taking my friendly advice as just that.
I will also point out that is not from too much EWC. It is pretty much impossible to use too much EWC. To the point you could grow a plant in only EWC and it would never claw.

I will give you more friendly advice and say you can get your hands on far genetically better , morally better , and ethically better smoke then garbage GPS.
For pretty much the same price point or cheaper.
I get the draw to the hype names they use. I am just saying there are many folks offering much better versions of the same.

There really is no reason to be running GPS in 2024. The only reason people are is because of their marketing. Not because of anything else.

GPS is the sizzle without the steak


I don’t know what else to tell you, there’s about 20% of ewc in those cups, and plain tap water.
No N was inserted beyond that :slight_smile:
The ones you see clawing a bit are just N sensitive more than the rest, common thing with plants :wink:
Anyhow I get your drift about GPS, but also I was curious about the genetics…
At the price I got those packs it’s worth to see if anything worth smoking is hiding in there
To be honest, you take herm and some balls too seriously around here, I’m just in it for the smoke
If it smokes good, to hell with everything else
I wouldn’t keep full blown herm plants that make endless seeds and not buds, and I won’t keep mutants aswell which seems to be kinda a thing with GPS and his cookie crosses at least with me…
But other than that I’m a happy camper so far and it’s not costing me anything as it’s the season here, free sun haha
But I would absolutely love to hear your recommendations my man ! Always on the hunt for the next bigger better thing :wink:

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No idea what EWC you are using , but there is zero chance those plants have been given just EWC and tap water , without said tap water being wayyyy TF off.

I hope you find yourself better genetics on day .
Again good luck with your grow

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Thanks my man, it is what it is, that’s also why you don’t see burnt tips but N is high indeed.
Ewc will claw some plants fosure, mostly the sensitive ones.

Here’s a pic of one of these black sorbets I keep talking about

Still waiting on this mf to put on some weight at 40 days old. The other one smells better but it’s more seeded and the flowers are actually LESS developed


That sounds normal. The plant has zero reason to dev flower if it was pollinated