Greenpoint Seeds

Looks like momma Shuteye (Alien x Bubba/Fire OG)
Did you get any fresh soil, strawberry chalk and playdoh flavors? Fun plant for sure.

Absolutely :100: percent agree :joy:
I have found a couple of surprises in them packs. And when she doesn’t show I’m down for the Chem.


Chalk maybe but what I get most is lemon and gas after cure.



I took some out of the jar just for you:


Seriously. Gu comes in and immediately starts trashing other breeders? Way to get off on the wrong foot. I’m thinking sales must be lagging or something…


It’s a good way to start making new customers :sweat_smile::poop:

Btw @Greenpoint_Gu I can’t seem to log
In to my account !! Was/am a gold member but every time i send a request for a new password I never receive the mail …


Did you read the replies? A lot of them are people complaining about herms. I personally haven’t dealt with any, but I’ve only grown the California Cannon and the Stardawg f2. Still have a bunch of packs of your gear in the fridge, not too sure when I’ll get around to growing them, though.


Interesting take and exactly what anyone would expect from you .
What really befuddles me is not once has JOTI been accused of stealing and using pictures that belonged to others .
Not once has JOTI been accused of using a BS CC processor , that JOTI knew was ripping his customers off for thousands of dollars , and after having it pointed out , allowing it to continue for another year + .
Never has JOTI after being told about the CC scam his website was using by a customer who got scammed, replied, " ya buying drugs online is risky "
Not once have I heard of JOTI selling crosses he himself stated were " dogshit plain and simple " " that is why they are discontinued " but continued being sold for another year or two .
Not once have I heard of JOTI selling completely fake S’1’s and only after being caught in that lie , decided to give golden nuggets as a refund . Of course those golden nuggets could only be used on seeds that nobody picked out. They wanted those S’1 , not GPS gear.
Not once has JOTI just overnight made his golden nugget rewards program disappear , with nothing being said to those who had many thousands wirth saved up.
Not once has JOTI ever partnered up with or pimped out a fake " Outlaw" like Heisendouche.
Not once has JOTI ever paid forum Admins to delete any and all negative feedback in his thread on RIU.
And so on and so on.
Feel free to climb back into what hole you just crawled out of. You are the exact opposite of everything that OG stands for .


IF all that is true, who in he heck opened the frigging door??? I, for one, would N-E-V-E-R engage in commerce with an outfit as such…NEVER!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Yeah, I’m actually pretty curious about the “California Cannon” grow report on the GPS website, myself. Because the pics in that thread are absolutely legit Tahoe; it’s the reason I bought those seeds. The Cannons I grew out, though, didn’t resemble Tahoe OG in the slightest. And yeah, yeah, I’m aware of a little variation in the F1 hybrids, but there wasn’t even a HINT of Tahoe anywhere in those plants.

Can you enlighten me, @Greenpoint_Gu?


Better check the Basement, or Fire Escape!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


All of that is true, @misterbee. I made the unfortunate mistake of buying a shitload of beans before I knew any of that. Which sucks. But I guess Gu got what he wanted, which was to sucker the shit out of a lot of people. He got me, for sure.


Myself and anyone else who was part of the Greenpoint thread during a certain period of time on that other shit site , know everything I typed is 100% true and sadly not even all of it.
One of the funniest parts is it was heisendouche who caught him in his lying about the S1’s and pics lol Tore out all his gps plants and started heisenbeans. Not too long after he was Gu’s bitch boy selfing and cross pollinating anything he could get his hands on.
The video Heisendouche showed of his " breeding " setup , was just sad and was very quickly taken down lol

They are both complete snakes and have both proven it over and over.

Anyway I am here really really befuddled over the fact that Gu thinks he should try to sling mud at anyone.


Oh damn!!! This has just taken an ugly turn. It seems as if peeps was sitting here waiting for dude to show up.
:popcorn: :eye: :eye:
:smoking: as I watch in suspense


Hahaha. This is the best joke I’ve heard this week.


I’m glad I could teach you a new word today Greenhighlander, stick around and I’ll expand your vocabulary even more. Oh and Ryan, You’ve reached Silver status by spending $400 at Greenpoint. You averaged $37.00 a pack so you’ve got quite a collection.


How about addressing the things @anon60559124 brought up instead of insulting people, pal?


LMAO you do know I am a licensed legal grower and you insinuating what you are is hilarious and only proves my point.
Complete snake . Keep the hollow threats coming lmao


I’m pretty sure our Tahoe came from Cali Connection. The wider structure of our Tahoe gets it from the Affy I believe Swerve used in the outcross. OG Raskal made some Tahoe’s as well, but I do think ours is from cali con seed.