Greenpoint Seeds

So in short he doesn’t actually know LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


You’re using Cali Connection gear to breed with??? Jesus Christ, you maybe might wanna mention that in the description on your website. If I’d have known that, I never woulda bought those seeds.


Yeah, this is pretty embarrassing, actually. Like I said, sales must be lagging. I’m not sure why else he’d show up here.


That is the only reason he is here . Anyway at least his true colors are on display for all here to see. Helps less of the good folks on OG get swindled by him .
I have nothing more to say . Mission accomplished :slight_smile:


Ryan was the most prominent supporter. He snapped on Rollitup and has been butt hurt ever since. The things he mentions are false or blown out of proportion. I love the drama, and it keeps this thread at number one. So keep it up. Eventually, you’ll have people who will share their positive experiences to balance him out. That is if he doesn’t scare them into silence, which he is trying to do. It’s the playbook. Be so loud no one counters.


The things he mentioned are things I’ve heard from a lot of people, not just “Ryan.” And just as an aside, why are you using someone’s real name online? That’s fucked up.

In any event, we know about you. Really regretting buying so much of your gear, but it’s too late now. I actually considered selling what I have on strainly or something, for twenty bucks a pop, but I’d feel bad passing that shit on to anybody else.


Imagine your business involving having peoples info and you think it is a good idea to publicly try to use it as a weapon against someone who simply posted the truth about you.
It would seem ridiculous coming from anyone but you Gu . Fits right in with the snake pit you call a company.
Give Heisengoof my regards please.


I mean come on dude. You don’t even know where your own parent plants came from. And if I was using Cali connection seeds to breed with I would keep that on the hush hush.


It’s almost as if he’s threatening to dox you. Might as well be a snitch at that point. And we all know the saying that goes along with that.


That’s the vibe I’m getting, as well. Which is fucked up. At this point, he might as well be holding people’s personal info hostage. “Buy my seeds or else!” Fucking scumbag…


too bad we cant stack coupons anymore, I liked getting 500 dollars worth of seeds for $50, even if they were hermie seeds


For a vendor, this is disappointing. If you are planning on instigating and feeding into drama here, don’t. This is not RIU. Pick a higher standard and interact as a professional.

Folk, same deal. There is quite a bit of history that doesn’t need to be rehashed / litigated / discussed in the past. I’m one of those BTW but have moved past it with a bit of gained wisdom.


When Cali Connection sold Tahoe OG in the late oughts, it became challenging to distinguish where a cut Tahoe OG originated. At that time, there were no clone-sharing sites like Strainly or widespread legalization. The lack of availability made it incredibly difficult to source clones. Swerve made this infinitely harder when he started to name his strains after the clone onlys. I think the honesty of elaborating about the muddied waters of Tahoe OGs incredibly more valuable to people reading this than to say I know precisely where every Tahoe OG cut originated. It’s disingenuous to suggest otherwise. It’s easy to forget the early years and how things have changed. And this, of course, is not the same scenario for all the other cuts in the garden.

That reminds me of @Hugh_Glass. He was always looking to stack coupons. Maybe we should have looked a little closer at his ways ?


Sorry to say but it was me who told him to stack them :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: and stack them high !! :point_up::point_up::fire:


@Hugh_Glass was just reselling them as copycat for $500 a pack


My sincere apologies . But I thought it was important for people to know , specifically because of the attempted mud slinging.
I won’t post in this thread anymore . I was very careful with my words and hope that those posts do not get deleted. As they are very very much truth and IMHO clash deeply with what OG means to me.


Good luck with that


Understood, just want to calm this down before it escalates more.


Oh, stop, I’m not threatening anyone. I would hate to be on the opposite end of a threat like that, I have been, and I don’t do it to people. I’m just proving that he, at one point, was a massive supporter of Greenpoint. He probably got turned down for replacement or testers and wants to throw some venom out there. I don’t know how he’s kept that energy up for two years. He’s eating his Wheaties, I get it, but understand where you’re getting your information.

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