Greenpoint Seeds

Imagine this a first time poster here or sock puppet or whatever you call me lol. All joking aside I have refrained from posting here the last few days but just want to say I’m not here to specifically defend Greenpoint at all. I’ve grown out 2 different fem strains. 1st was the motor punch no issues and then 2nd was these last testers which I am assuming my herms was from a ppm and ph issue I was having. I’ve had herms from several breeders not just Greenpoint.


I know, right? Us waiters, always thumbing our noses at the plebs… I just got off of Jeff Bezos’ and Elon Musk’s rocket ship. It was awesome.

Dude, don’t even worry about it. Don’t explain yourself. Those of us who get it, get it. And the people who got defensive… I dunno. I’m thinking they have a little skin in this game. I do find it interesting that that guy who asked about other breeders never responded to my answer. And DefNSmoking turned down my offer to send him some Cali Cannon seeds. Seems to me that if you’re a fan, you’d jump all over an offer of free seeds. But maybe not. I dunno. I turn down seeds all the time.

Anyway, I’m gonna post a list of the GPS seeds I have here in a second. Anybody wants them can have them.


un-dibs :toilet:


Hahaha!!! Hey, man, somebody might want them… I dunno. Seems like there are more than a few “fans” on this thread. Surely they’d be down to grab some free GPS gear, right? If they don’t want those seeds, I’ll just assume that they’ve only been posting on this thread to make it seem like there are genuine fans, when they really aren’t. Or something.


just joking, I have a lot of GPS gear in the fridge that I got at 90% off, that I have yet to grow. I have seen a lot of good plants grown from their seeds, and I am sure that they will be appreciated. I am just not in a hurry to grow them (or get any more) based on how Gu and Heisenbeans acted here.


As discussed in a PM, I’m not a fan of GPS, but I think their might be some potential there. From my experience, and from all of the evidence in this thread, I wouldn’t ever buy from them again. I’m probably naive to think that I can bring out something worthwhile, but if nothing else, it may give me some experience growing and breeding.


Can’t say I have ever grown gps so I can’t really have any input other than what I’ve heard others say and thats a pretty mixed review. Some good, some not so good.

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Hey maybe duck around a bit and make a big grow and spread those suckers around free for everyone :sweat_smile::fire:

Put them on IG FB all those other crazy social media apps


Yeah I’ll send this pack of Stardawg f2’s (regs) and this pack of Ice Cream Punch (fems) to anyone that wants them. If it’s in the USA it’ll stay in the packaging. Out of USA I’ll have to repack into coin flips but can still send the gps sleeve it came in.


I’d be super intrigued to see what pops out of those stardawg f2s!


Interested in that Ice Cream Punch, since the only GPS I have are Stardawg crosses.


For sure, dude! Like I’ve said already, the two crosses I grew were, you know, okay, I guess. Flavor was gawd-awful on both of them. Really, really unpleasant. But they got me baked. I wasn’t a fan of the high, though. Compared to the other stuff I ran, though, they were shit. And that’s my whole point: I grow a lot of stuff that’s really good, no need to waste my time with things that aren’t good.

The lackluster high coupled with the horrible “flavor” (if you wanna call it that) just didn’t impress me. If the choice is Bodhi gear or GPS gear, I choose Bodhi. And everybody else, too haha. Especially when you consider that Gu/Heisenbeans are just straight-up douches.


I guess 90% is stardawg crossed :face_with_monocle::pensive:

I do also have those stardawg f2… I’ll pop them one day to see what kind of funk they have


Yeah, you did mention that. Now you’re making me re-think whether I want any of these…



DM me safe address and I’ll send em out :+1:


This recent fuckery is very unfortunate (for them) because I really like the Hibernate F2s


No no no! Take them! Please! Haha. Seriously, though, if you don’t want them, I understand. I think that you’ll find at least one or two good things. For me, it’s just a matter of, I log all my grows and in doing that, I’m promoting whatever I log. And I have zero desire to promote Gu/Heisenbeans/GPS. They’re dickheads. I’d rather promote the breeders who give a shit.


I totally get that. I’m so new to growing I just want to try a lot of different things and try to find my way. I won’t turn them down. But I only want one or two. Anything you think might have potential.


Im not even sure i was looking at the right thread. Im not lying bud, the thread I saw had no herms, but it wasnt 166 pages long….

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I just want to find a nice spot outside and let em go and document a growlog to see if they herm. I am fascinated by all the back and forth and need to know where the bullshit lies.