Greenpoint Seeds

And I’d like free shipping please.


I can’t knock Greenpoint seeds. They all produce :fire:
The thing that’s annoying is the multiple emails I get each week offering me a % off. I had an email today stating the “daily” at times “offers” were gonna stop and that they would only come holiday or special times of the year.
If Greenpoint stopped all the advertising for custom (that they likely pay for) they could easily afford to reduce the “normal” seed prices by 25%.
The genetics are first class and total :fire: especially the stardawg crosses.

If it’s really you say the name of “you know who.”




Close enough. :+1:


I’m about bro. Old login doesn’t work for some reason.

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So I have to ask…

Is “:fire:” the new emoji for hermie? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


:rofl: the dawg crosses don’t Hermie. Can’t say if the rest do.
Greenpoint is getting some stick now :thinking:


The only GPS I have grown so far are Cowboy Cookies (a dawg cross). Two of four hermied bad right from the start of flower. You can blame it on me as the grower I guess, but they definitely hermed.


No, Gu cheapened them with his shady business practices - questionable CC processors, and doxxing customers. His marketing was actually very good, especially when he allowed us to stack coupons to get 95% off

oh gee, a new branding, that will surely affect the quality of my plants! Now I can have an edgy modern feel to my plants seed packets rather than a western-themed one. that is a major development! :rofl:


With dawg and her crosses it’s usually the heat is to high in your grow area. Instead of foxtailing she spits her dummy out and grows nanas. People blame the breeders but if your grow area isn’t right for a strain it doesn’t matter who breeds them it’ll Hermie on you.

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Fair enough

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If you want stable genes try growing something tried and tested. I recommend dutch passion LSD If you like your skunks :+1:
Shite. It’s not Dutch passion it’s Barney’s. Sorry :v:


I’ve said more above.

I grew the Hibernate and I really liked it. It’s a shame, I really liked it.
No herm issues.

The problem is their attitude. You probably missed some of the above fuckery but they were throwing shade at other breeders and at O.G. members personally (in their first O.G. post!)

All it takes is one unless you own it immediately, which they did not.


that may be true for pre-heisenbean stardawg, however there have been many reports of the newer stardawg crosses herming a lot


I missed about 75% of this thread. Too be honest it’s been 3 years since I grew any Greenpoint stuff so maybe I shouldn’t have commented. People do get greedy and cut corners when it comes to this stuff and the inevitable happens. The stardawg they use has to be old af now so maybe it’s that causing the Hermies??


I can’t speak to the herm issues because I don’t personally know.

I can tell you that they showed up with an attitude of superiority that did not fly.

I’ve broken up with women over less attitude.


yes exactly, and that is why @minitiger just gave away a lot of GPS seeds that he spent a good amount of money on. Their genetics are OK, but not good enough to justify lining the pockets (or building up the ego or rep of) people who have such crappy attitudes about their customer base.


Bro you know my attitude. If I think something is off I make a point of letting people know. I fucking hate marshydro and was far from quiet about the yields they “stated” they gave :rofl:


Well, you’re all good now then, dude. Because that email that was posted earlier from @CornbreadJunior said that there will only be sales on “special occasions.” So I don’t think you’ll be getting multiple emails each week offering you discounts. Unless every weekend is a “special occasion.” I mean, I always look forward to every weekend, each one is very special to me. Each weekday is, too. But I don’t know what GPS considers a “special occasion.”