Greenpoint Seeds

to me it’s a special occasion when I remember where I put my wallet and glasses


They are also probably interested in where you put your wallet.


Every week I’m breathing is special :rofl:
Jokes. We’ll see if he’s good to his word :+1:

you are on your own there buddy, I am done with them. Fool me once shame on you…


this guy looks like he sniffs office chairs for pleasure.


If anyone is interested their old breeder went solo and goes by the name heartandsoilproject, he finds heirloom/landraces and crosses them to a bunch of hype stuff. I definitely agree with the sentiment that GPS older gear never had any issues but it seems like theres a problem with every drop now in one way or another.


I don’t grow Greenpoint stuff now bro. It’s ran it’s course. Stardawg sells over here in UK and Greenpoint stuff had the best dawg strains at the time.
I’ve been building up my personal smoke and in house genetics sugar cane has been my go to. If I’m growing for profit I grow whatever is cheap with gsc or glue in its name. Straight stardawg sells well. Just people say it’s stardawg and when I check the dried buds it’s not what they say it is.

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he lost me when he doxxed someone on here who ordered from him in a threatening way… who does that as a business person lol… what next is he gonna send info to the feds on people in non legal states if they talk bad about his genetics…


@Esrgood4u whats the beef with mars i bought 2 sp6500s and 2 ts1000 for veg lol

Yeah, once you f with personal security and privacy in this industry, I dunno, makes you question what their ethics in other areas are.


they were roundly laughed at by everyone in the growing community awhile ago after heisenbeans posted a pic of his “breeding area” once that looked incredibly filthy and questionable.


I left og because of all the arguments. Got sick of seeing new members commenting on long time members threads giving abuse and nothing being done about it. I found that paid advertising members could get away with murder.
Seems to have changed although this thread is a little negative :rofl:
Can I just say something quickly??
I used to accept the OG seed run seeds and I grew them. I had more Hermies from the seed runs than I have from bought seeds :v:


Have a gross growing area as a professional grower, whatever. But be dumb enough to post it???


Must be because you cared about more about paid seeds and the hermies were due to lack of grower care for the free seed run seeds. Now that isnt my opinion, just following GPS logic.


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:rofl: love it :v:

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I don’t know what this means but I like it :+1:


3 years ago GPS was the greatest seedbank OG ever had. We would do anything to grow the strains. Purple badlands was :fire:

We have reached the “Rinse and repeat” part of their program… :roll_eyes:

The general consensus I’m getting is they were OK with the old breader, but are turning into ‘herm city’ under Heisenbean…
OK, when did Heisenbean show up?

On the subject of herms, I’m of the opinion they can’t herm if it’s not in their genes. I tortured the daylights out of plants w/o them herming.
Others, you just have to look at the funny…

TL:DR if it herms, it’s on the breeder not the grower.



Even if this is not true, the breeder should replace them. Maybe charge shipping for the replacement, who knows. Pointing the fingers of blame just makes them look bad. Shit happens sometimes but how you deal with the problem is more important than the problem.

Happy customers are good business and seeds are cheap if you remove the hype.


The customer is always right!! Least here in the UK :+1:

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