Greenpoint Seeds

Definitely has that 1000mm stare. :rofl:


Too be fair it depends on who’s been sitting on one. Don’t knock it till you try it :rofl:


well, for what its worth i said i would share the progress of my single GPS Mentos so here it is…
if it gets no love i wont take up valuable forum space and share future progress so if yall are not interested in seeing this GPS grow up you know what not to do…


I’m curious to see what you’ve got growing. Don’t see why you shouldn’t post .


LOL, post AWAY!
Lets see your GPS grow by all means.
:sunglasses: :+1:



I got an old pack of MACDawg I’m gonna play with soon. I also have their Cherry Wine F2 (cbd) I want to drop for med reasons.


ok i’ll add updated pics to this thread. hopefully i wont mess up my lighting cycle or leave the door open or get her too hot or something like that…

if you mean all the other green in that little tent here is the list:

Mentos GreenPoint
Doge father GreenHand
Strawberry Showgirl Blue Mountain
CBD Panties 7 East
Blueberry Bastard F1 7 East
Squirrel Tail #1 aka Hang Krarok Zomia Collective
Chocolate Mimosa Captain Red Beard
Dynamite Next Generation
Future #1 Anesia
Big Detroit Energy Ethos

i was thinking about doing a grow diary on the Squirrel Tail #1 but its a little late in the game and i didnt get many pics early on


id suggest making a journal of everything you got going… few of those strains sound really interesting. but i understand if you wanna just pick and choose what plants you showcase. if you do make a journal tag me and i will check in week to week and catch up


Just sprouted some future #1. Had it before?

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schrodingers beans

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Nope, this will be my first from Anesia. I picked up Future #1, Captain Future, Big Bazooka, and Gelato Dream.
Only seemed appropriate to do Future #1 first.

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ya, i dont want to be embarrassed by my crappy grow on all of them… yall might boot me

No need to be embarrassed, we all have had shitty results before. The important thing is to not keep going in that direction. :100:
You have tons of help at your disposal.


I picked up

Future #1
Bola Mintz
Hyper Glue
Gelato Dream
Original Gorilla #4
Strawberry Tree
Blackberry Moonrocks
Imperium X
Captain Future
Sleepy Joe
Nova OG

BIG reason I only got one BOG pack from the last drop.

Mostly 3 packs but got 10 of future #1 and starting with them for the same reason as you. Its their flagship, so start there. If you do a grow journal on it tag me. Ill be showing in my shed grow thread. I want to start doing BOG x Anesia crosses if the Anesia stuff is any good. Maybe Ill hate it and wont, life is exciting.

Is it bad I wanna get Obama Kush and Trump Nutz so I can grow them along Sleepy Joe?


breed all 3 together and call it clusterfiuck


It would be (Obama Kush x Sleepy Joe) x (Trump Nutz x Freakshow)

I can sell a version to the conservatives where Trump is the male and does the pollenation with OK and SJ being females and a version to the liberals with the opposite. And this is where my commentary on this ends.


least they all end up where they should be … and that is up in flames :fire: :fire: :fire: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


WOW!!! im coming to hang out in your garden.

i noticed no Bazooka, reason?


The places I was looking at mostly didnt have it in stock I think was the main one. Made a flippin spreadsheet to get them cheapest from 3 seperate seed banks.

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