Greenpoint Seeds

Middle/end of August. So, like, four months ago.


So did they get rid of old heisen? Either way him and GU were made for each other. They’re damn near the same aka shady asf.


970-625-5769 idk call em and ask

I’m not surprised that the purple line hermied honesty. Prior to Heisen joining GP and starting those lines he released a few tester seeds with HORRIBLE germination rates. He said he tested them out but he did not. Many growers had issues with those testers. He lied. GP had a solid line but ever since he lost his stardawg male I stopped buying their seeds because that male was putting out fire.


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I suggest you read that thread. These guys are on par with copycat genetics. That’s all I’ll say


Aah yes, I remember everyone getting very passionate about this subject a while back heh.


As long as Gu is involved, I’d avoid them. And since it’s his seed company, I think the odds of him ever not being involved are pretty slim haha. Gu can try and blame whatever problems on the “breeders” if he wants, but the fact of the matter is, dude’s a piece of shit.


I’m glad I posted this then… because after talking to that lady on the phone it seemed like they are different… thanks even @Purple-N-Hairy for the input… I didn’t see the point in reading an old thread if anything had changed… I felt like they were speaking about the past… but now it seems like it’s bs and they are just covering up bs with lies and bad smoke haha… I shall run these and several other packs and I will report if there were issues or not… I ordered several packs from them that I have still from last year… I anymore am interested in older genetics as most of the commercial Industry is destroying genetics as we know them…

Well, yeah, that’s what they do haha. You should read that thread, though. No need to read the whole thing, just scroll down to mid-August of this year and check out the posts from Heisen and Gu. I was pretty shocked that any seed company would respond to legitimate questions about the herms, the using of other people’s pictures as their own etc etc with such arrogance and flippancy.

@Swe-can I’m putting those seeds in the mail soon, by the way haha, I promise. Sorry I’ve been lagging. My only excuse is pure laziness.


Will do… thanks for pointing out the location in that long thread

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I plan on reciting it to them via phone call… I want to see what they have to say about it… And what their excuses are on such a shitty thing… then I’ll put it all on trustpilot

:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::v: no need too @minitiger won’t be able to grow them any way !

And @Terpsnpurps please do grow them all out and please do make a grow log on them


Complete garbage company run by a couple of definition clown pieces of shit. Absolute poison that should be avoided at all costs.
This has been the case before Heisengoof and even more so since.
The good news is thanks to many reputable seedbanks selling respectable sellers seeds , and great places like OG , there are many other options for even better genetics , then supporting such complete and total sacks of shiat :slight_smile:


What??? Why won’t you be able to grow them? Shit… I went and got the boxes from the post office like two months ago haha, just been being unbelievably lazy about sending them out. I also have to go through all of my DM’s to see who wanted what, the only person I actually remembered wanting any of those seeds was you haha. Fuck…


Read it… and wow… what a bunch of immature asses… thanks everyone!!!


I grew a Hibernate F2 from the seed run.

I liked it a lot.

That said, they won’t receive a nickel from me. I was there for the drama and they can suck it as far as I’m concerned.

Genetics good or bad I don’t deal with dicks. And I don’t care about “new management.”


Due to some circumstances and that I relocated for the 3rd time since the end of 2020 I’m not gonna be able to grow anything anymore for many years to come ( by the look of it :frowning: )

So I’m even trying to get rid of all my beans for who ever wants them cheap some a bit more expensive :v::heart:

Tell me and I’ll cover those boxes for you as a thank you :pray: @minitiger


Awwww bummer bro!!! Hope it gets better fast!

Yup agreed… I didn’t know they were pulling all that kind of bs… until today

Many years??? Seriously? Shit, dude, that sucks. Sorry to hear that.

Aw, dude, those boxes are free from the post office. Just gotta pay shipping once you put something in them and send them haha, which I obviously haven’t had to do yet.

Shit, though, no more growing… Bummer.