Greenpoint Seeds

So sad to hear
But if a may have a list I’d be happy to help out

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Free boxes is always good :sweat_smile::v::v:

Sadly that’s life @minitiger

I won’t be smoking either, as I don’t want to pay people for something I made better in a tent…

but I’m still gonna be around and enjoy everyone’s grows and all the fun bits here on OG!!


@Swe-can u should start a thread for that bro… it would be beneficial!! I’m sure og’ers would be more than happy to help!!!


There’s no better people around than OG folks, when it comes to helping out or just being there for one :v::heart::raised_hands: that’s why I love this community

I’m keeping it in the low with dm instead of having it open to everyone :v::v:


That makes more sense… less cluttery mess… I’m still pretty new here… joined several months ago… and I have to say I agree 100 percent… That’s why I posted this… to see what the real deal is against their claims of changing everything… I did not read the greenpoint seeds topic earlier than hesinebeans statements before posting this… but yeah even if they changed it was at the expense of good people like people on here… you and I and whoever else bought seeds with their hard earned money… I’m glad I posted it anyway because not many people will read a thread of that size it would be better to quote the important pertinent info and put that up rather than having people go through hundreds of pages lol… which is why I was glad someone actually posted what month to go to to see it all… gu seems like a total loser and arrogance never wins with me… it’s just unnecessary bs from an overconfident breeder… I appreciate everything from everyone who added their input on it and clarification… no hard feelings @Purple-N-Hairy , I didn’t realize the type of bad blood involved , perhaps I’d have understood your responses better had I just listened in the 1st place when you said read the thread… and for that I apologize


Purple-N-Hairy’s cool as fuck, don’t take it personally. I actually thought the same thing he did when I first saw your post, that you were shilling for Greenpoint. Guess he was just feeling a little argumentative today haha, no need to worry about it. Christmastime’ll do that to ya…


It’s pollen chucked F1 and S1s.
Nothing wrong with that if on sale with good reviews and willing to end up with maybe 1 or 2 fire females but now with so many us banks taking CC it’s competitive now. I rather go with 3 fems from a worked line and breeder that doesnt use photoshop on their bud pics.
The seeds cost them nothing why not send you more?
Once you learn the game you’ll have a better source for genetics and never look back.

Ironically guess what’s the most potent hybrid fems I got from them that’s still somewhat heard of today? I got it years ago…
Sadly never cloned it but I know I can hunt for it again if I’m feeling nostalgic.


Agreed… and I imagine it’s a stardawg cross…lol

No but I got one city slicker lady out of 10 bad seeds or weak seedlings.
I also have Tombstone pack left too.

The strain I got from them was Cannventure Las Vegas Triangle Kush

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I ran those. Got them through gp years ago too. One grower found a good keeper

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Lvtk? Esosseeds breeds with them very knockout frosty indica


Yep lvtk. That name rings a bell.

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Just read through the other thread where Greenpoint showed why they will never get a cent from me. Good work OG’S @anon60559124 @minitiger for exposing these idiots, thank you!


A quick look at Heisenbeans forum and it sounds like as of 10 days ago he and Gu are still involved.

They probably just hired a customer service lady who is trying her best in a bad situation.


Yes they confirmed today heisenbeans and gu are involved… they went on to say that heisen is limited though in his function there :laughing:… but yes… to CONFIRM … heisenbeans and gu are both very much still there for sure… so at least through all this confusion of mine I was able to clear that up for everyone… so yup still those 2 dickheads and a very busy customer support :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


The woman to whom you’re referring has been there since at least June 2020, which is when I ordered a bunch of packs from them, before I knew about all of their shadiness. Unless it’s a different woman. But they’ve had some kind of “customer service rep” for at least the last year-and-a-half. I suspect that nothing at all has changed, the same people are involved, blahblahblah. Just different lies now.

Quit wasting your time, @Terpsnpurps. It’s been confirmed: GPS is a shitty seed company who doesn’t know how to breed good weed, at best; full-on scam artists at worst. The latter’s probably most likely. Fuck ‘em. Move on.


I was confirming who worked there… obviously I’m not trying to prove they are decent… I just thought it was important to include that they still are both there… not such a waste of time really… I mean after all… this stuff was buried in the other thread …

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I just want good genetics !!! I am like u were though, bought a bunch before I knew… But now it seems like the real deal is in the freakers collective here, with everything they are all doing. Very cool shit if I may add… It’s a shame that as a community we can’t put all the scammers out of business… I mean the list of shitty seed companies is very long… list of great places… very short… WTF!!! So I am on the same mission as everyone else here… let’s make and share great genetics and put the rest to shame… I can’t wait until I am on that level. I am very new though… so while I learn as much as possible it’s difficult to see the bullshit sometimes in the whole scheme of things. I myself struggled w their seeds but I am so new I struggle with everything lol… so like I mentioned before instead of making people rifle through page after page of people going … " yeah I remember a few years ago I got seeds and they all hermied" isn’t as beneficial as getting the facts and important stuff to the Frontline for all to see… like gu and heisen talking shit and threatening people by exposing personal info for example… I mean if that had been the 1st thing I saw I doubt I wouldn’t have even posted this thread as there would have been zero need to. I think it would help to remember SOME people are new as can be… I’m a humble man… I have no reason to compete… or try to upstage anyone… I’m here for the betterment of THIS community in any way I can … and to learn as well…

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Want some good genetics :dna: buy some Bodhi :v::v::pray: @Terpsnpurps


Yes I saw bodhi … mark from strainly, great lakes genetics, and James beans were all very recommended… seem to be a common denominator among the suggestions…oh and Jordan of the islands as well

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