Greenpoint Seeds

I use to always have an assortment of solid beans fro my friends here at OG from breeders to just growers like us but until I took a 19 yr vaca and now back I have no clue who is who and trying to figure it out but until I’m gifted I will continue buying single or 3 seeds from good breeders …


Well, I read from August on of the Greenpoint thread. Yeah the owner may not have been the swiftest at navigating the political landscape here. But I have read some of the posts from people here, even some I have held in high regard, well thankfully my memory fades rather quickly. Quite obviously the two Greenpoint gentlemen could not make amends in any way.

I grew the testers that Heisenbean supplied. There were three people that had hermies that I recall, one may have got a pack of regular seeds by mistake from the sound of it. Not as was thrown about in the thread, that we all had them. The plants I grew did well and I can say nothing bad about them. They had no issues and were good producers and on top of that, easy to trim. I was on the site regularly and I did not see any posts disappear that would clean up problems with the seeds (as what was suggested in the thread). While Heisen did start off on the wrong foot in his first post he tried to keep things civil after that and was called out for not supplying testers a day after the request. I found myself embarrassed by this site at that point, there was no good outcome for the man. I do not blame him for just giving up. On proving his beans, he had about 60 of us growing them in all manners and I did not see the shit show the Greenpoint thread made it out to be. I think it was the lowest point I have felt since I joined this place. If it was the first thread I read when coming here it might have been my last.

I grew some Greenpoint Cherry Wine and posted pictures of it with people saying I knocked it out of the park with them. My only fault with them is they had enough THC in them that I had a mild buzz on. I probably could have used it for a while and the buzz might just fade into the background with me getting along just fine. I am taking the tack that if for some reason I get in a car accident (Nothing to do with the weed) and blood taken they might find THC in it and say I was impaired. Other than that concern I can not complain about the seeds. The ten I had germinated and I ended up with four females, par for the course.

I did not want to give my credit card number to a company I dud not know much about in another country, they had a cash option which I took. I had an issue with their software, it wanted a telephone number and I did not want to give mine. The woman said do not worry about it, just put her phone number in. I sent my meager American greenbacks and in a few weeks received the beans. All told I had less trouble with them as compared to the other three outfits I bought seeds from. Mind you it was my only time dealing with them, maybe I got them on a good day.

But enough of that, we got a load of snow drop that I have to shovel as I do not have my snowblower going yet.


shit man, that sucks ttl arse. sorry man

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Awesome explanation, and I agree, we should remain more civil than that despite the bad blood… after all this is an incredible place to be and incredible people as well… every member!! Usually you don’t see that… this site is truly unprecedented when it comes to its togetherness… that being said I was also surprised by some of the stuff I saw in the thread, but who knows? If it had been me I may have been as unforgiving… But thank you @bunny at least I feel better about the beans I do have from them… I started germinating purple crunch today… fingers are crossed

If it were not for the contest threads and seeing them go down I would not know a few here exaggerated a thing or two. Had a really good time with the bunch they had over there, even the Youtube guys. Still go there and check in but this place suits me more.


Thats why I prefer to get my beans from the original breeders.
Why buy a hack job while trying to save a few pennies.
There are 2 words that never go together. They are “cheap” and “good”. That especially goes for cannabis.

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Bodhi charges seventy bucks a pack for his seeds and I’ve yet to grow anything of his that wasn’t worthwhile. Doc D charges between thirty and sixty bucks a pack and I’m happy with his stuff, too. In fact, if somebody’s charging ridiculous amounts of money for their seeds, I’m MORE skeptical, not less. $300, $400, $500 for a pack of seeds? Why, because you got a lot of “likes” on the closeup shots you posted on IG? And you’re limiting your releases to fifty packs? “Oooohhhh, that must mean they’re reeeallllyyy good seeds…” Fuck. That.


What I’m saying is I would prefer to buy from bodhi or doc D than buying a hack to save a few pennies. I’m not talking about $500 seed packs.
Gps is selling crosses or clone reversed s1. What do a person expect when they buy from someone who is profiting from someone else’s work.


Right… but as a new person in the game… go ahead Google 1 time best seedbanks… or best breeders… and see what u get… it’s not as easy in the beginning when you really just don’t know any better… so yeah it’s much easier now than it was then when I bought from gps…


I disagree, look at Mark from strainly… decent prices and very good… correct??

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Man I’ve purchased literally hundreds of packs of Greenpoint over the last 5 years or so…haven’t had many issues with hermaphroditism as of yet…maybe I’ve been lucky!?

Grown both Regular and Feminized seeds with little issues…only slight late flower nanners that have been mosty sterile…

Some strains have problems with instabilities and will hermi if issues arise!

Gu has always been more than gracious with replacement of out of stock seeds and throwing in freebie’s which he’s done a few times! Anytime I reach out he replies within a day…sometimes in a few hrs.

Just my experience of the year’s…

Be wel



I’m leaning more towards what happened was an isolated incident that got blown out of proportion… but as for their character, not such a good track record lol… but as for seeds… I’m hoping the ones I got are ok!! I just put 6 purple crunch in the napkins … we shall see

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Besides I got some yummy blueberry as a backup coming from you @Alaskagrown … see… I need help bro hahahaha

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I’ve got more strains than I know what to do with…but yet I can’t help myself from buying more! Lol

There’s worse things in life!! Bahahaha

One of these days I’ll have my seed co off the ground…we’ll see what 2022 brings! :wink:


Man I’d love to see that!!! I wish u the best of luck, someone support this guy! Lol

I’m what u would call seed poor lol… I have like maybe 14 strains or some shit like that… but definitely getting better w help from friends :+1:

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I mean, I did a bunch of research before I started buying seeds seven years ago. Landed on Bodhi. The biggest indicator for me that his genetics were worthwhile was that there’s never any drama on his threads. If you ever read any grow reports of his gear online, you see just a bunch of happy people growing his seeds. Nobody’s ever bickering about this and that. So I bought and grew Bodhi exclusively for like five years, never had a complaint.

Two summer’s ago, when there was nothing to do and Covid was happening, I decided to buy packs from a bunch of breeders that had some drama on their threads, but I figured, you know,”Fuck it, I’ll just see for myself…” and bought stuff. I’ve liked some of it, the Rare Dankness “Sativa” crosses especially. But as I grew out the GPS gear, I found out two things: one, their plants just aren’t that good. They yield well, but they all smoke the same. It’s obvious no thought went into the crosses. And when Gu showed up here last summer and started saying that they used fucking Cali Connecrion’s Tahoe (???) in their Tahoe cross, that kind of sealed the deal for me.

And two, their level of shadiness was beyond anything I was able to find out by simply reading the grow reports online. And that’s because they paid sites like icmag (which I still use as a reference, good site, especially for info regarding older genetics) to keep any sort of negative grow reports offline. And that’s fucked up.

You’re joking, right? There’s certain people on this site and other sites who’s opinion I value the most and none of them have had anything good to say about the seeds they’ve grown from him.

Just do a little research, dude. And not simply googling “best seed banks” or “best breeders” or whatever, but thinking, like,”Oh, I like Blueberry, DJ Short bred that, so now I’ll research grow reports of his gear from actual growers.” Or whatever. You have to do a little digging, dude. That’s actually how I found out about Bodhi, was I read something about Goji OG in Skunk Magazine, years ago, looked into him and then you just go down that rabbit hole. But you have to do a LITTLE reading, at least haha. I’m not gonna Google something and then just believe the very first thing that turns up. That’s asinine. Plus, I just like reading about weed, growing weed, talking about growing weed, asking questions etc etc etc, so researching shit has never felt like a chore to me. I enjoy it.


Right but if you’re new you’re researching grow styles lights co2 ec meters ph pens … I’ve literally read every day for the past 9 months lol, when you’re new it’s not that easy… and if you have no other way than scouring the internet then which direction to look? It’s not as easy as you make it seem , you happened to luckily land on something that lead you to where you ended up… I feel like 9 months in on actual research after finding this place I have done it faster than you did… I completed research as far as that goes in a sense because I can always bounce things off of people who KNOW better… like u guys…it isn’t laziness… it’s carefully thought out attempts to walk down beaten paths… when I researched greenpoints stuff alot was actually positive… I had to come here to realize the bs going on or that went on rather…

Believe me reading isn’t a chore to me either… I’m intrigued by everything marijuana, The unfortunate thing is if I would have known how much research I’d have to do on every single aspect of growing I would have started oh I don’t know about 8 years ago… lol

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Right. I did the same thing. Read every day for months and months and months. Anyway, I’ll leave you to it.

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