Greenpoint Seeds

Lmao I’m still at dialing in stage… can’t use me

Btw, ive got 2 Dreamcatcher going, and 4 Tombstone. Im hoping to catch a male/female on the Tombstones and make more seeds of those, as those are all ive got left. I killed the first run of 4 by overwatering them as babies,as well as the first 3 or 4 dreamcatchers the same way. Ive only caught males from Dreamcatchers so ive no real hope for a female there.

A nice Pebblepusher pheno I found, this clone is in flower now.

I also have a very potent Tomahawk clone i was gifted from a fellow grower, makes beautiful monstrous flowers.

Shes about to head to flower as soon as the clones root.


He probably got that habit from his boy heisen. Heisen did that to someone on another forum and got banned.

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I got into the seed auctions when I first started buying seeds…it was a rush. I still have some copperchem iron horse and snake oil I haven’t ran.


Two contest beans. Dollar Store light bulbs and Miracle-Gro.

Topped and rooted one. All in coco.

I have the Cherry Wine also if you like. I have the rest of my driveway to shovel.


Get that snowblower going!!! Lol

The car is in the way to get the snowblower out. I was going to chance it with the old fuel line (which is the problem) but said fuck it last night. I have to take apart more of the machine to get to the other end of the fuel line. Not sure what they were thinking how they built it.

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This thread has me ready to buy some just to see. Haha. I guess there is no bad publicity

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Awwww that sucks!!! I’m jealous, we haven’t had any snow at all … I take it you got buried in it then… don’t they always build things in a way that’s like… “what the fuckin’ fuck” …lol

I was starting to get concerned that we would not get much snowfall, the lakes and rivers as well as the aquifers are all down, some seriously. While fluffier snow we did get 6-8" in the last two days. A good start but they said we need three feet to get us back to normal.

I am surprised that I did not take many pictures of the Cherry Wine, mind you most were not interested in it.


That looks really good!!! Nice pics! Nice plants … I see you made it in from the cold :cold_face:


Please no more off-topic in this thread. This is dedicated to Greenpoint seeds, not to Bodhi or other seed producers.


Them plants and seeds are Incredable… great job …


That CBD Cherry Wine looks absolutely stellar!!

I’ve got a few packs hanging out in the seeds fridge…I’m not a High CBD/Low THC kinda guy…but damn you killed it!!

I’d sure smoke that even if it barely gave me a head change or suffering from inflammation…I’m sure it has some very high medicinal properties!



It is not a hard hitting buzz but you know you smoked something. Watched a movie and it just gave a little something to the sound, I felt the effect on my body but then again I have the pain issues. What it would feel like to an ordinary person I would not know. After a couple of hours it was still hanging in there, which surprised me. I smoke some THC bud and starts wearing off by the end of a movie. Or I just smoke enough to last the length of a movie? I do not like smoking too much as I end up with a weed hangover the next day. No idea if it is because of the medication I am on or not?

But yeah, it produced some good looking bud and a fair amount of it. As compared to it I look at what I get from the Dinamed CBD and I wonder why I am growing it. But the Dinamed does not get me high. That is why I am trying crossing the two. Growing out the offspring right now and some interesting plants. All looking more like the Cherry Wine in leaf structure but three or four different branch structures. No idea what the result will be. Crossed four males with one plant, three the rest. The early showing female (2-3 days) got hit by a male that flowered well before I switched them to 12:12. The rest of them, about 24 plants, got at least a branch pollinated by each of the 12:12 flowering males.

I have a mess of seeds to go through once they finish. Mind you, I want to run the CBD seeds some very people offered me to try. We will see what I can manage, also doing a seed run for OG. It is going to be a busy year. But I am going off a tangent (and hopefully getting to look at my grow, comments welcome), the seeds I got seemed to do well. It is not like I am a master grower or have the best equipment or grow media or nutrients. The only complaint I have of the seeds is that they have some THC content in them. Otherwise I do not have anything bad to say about the plant. Mind you I am not a connoisseur when it comes to the complexity of flavors and the like. I just want the stuff to work.

And yes I paid for the Cherry Wine and am not shilling for Greenpoint Seeds. But if they do have a run of CBD seeds that they think have a low level of THC and they want me to try them…


Running a small Tombstone breeding tent. I had 4 beans left, popped them to get 3 females, and 1 male.


They look like they are happy.good job


Tombstone project is going well. :v:


Those Tombstones look great. I’m planning a drop with Bounty Hunter and MACdawg in March.


Thank you!

Oh nice! Bounty Hunter looks righteous! Tag me if you journal them!

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