Greenpoint Seeds

I have to say at this point I am SORRY I even posted anything at all… in fact I wish they’d flag it at this point… argument and rock throwing is all its become… along with childish comments… I didn’t realize the bad blood when I started… but at this point it’s stressing me out… I’m about peace everyone… PEACE :v: :peace_symbol:
Not fighting and bickering … I don’t have the time to play games like this… I’m more about living life enjoyably as much as I can… so ok we got it thanks alot of people hate greenpoint got it thanks everyone… now can we all go back to being cool to each other and being on 1 same side… that is furthering knowledge of others and not being condescending… or rude. Thanks for your input @bunny because if all I had to listen to were everyone’s bad comments and ridicule then I’d be getting aggravated at this point


I will go review the contest, I was going from memory. Maybe I phrased it wrong, I think three people got them (I am assuming you take it that I meant only three times, I hope I cleared that up). How am I embarrassed by fellow OG’rs? I told my experience, it was not a bad one. How far will I go for a pack of seeds? I visited the Greenpoint site and bought a set of seeds from it. That is how far I will go.

I disgust you? It takes very little I see. Oh well, so is life. Glad I can cause you to come back to post after four months absence. Two pips I see, not spending much time here I see. Have a nice day. Sounds like you need it.


I never realized GP was the devil, that I got hoodwinked by them. I am sad that it brought out a side in people that I never seen before on this site. I am rather disappointed.


the only issue i had was gu on here threatning a member with his info and address. idc if he had top tier beans that was what lost me. i mean especially in this business where some ppl arent in legal places, thats where the focus should be on and not even the seeds. he threatened to give the guys info out!


I’ve got some gp seeds via some trade or something I don’t even remember. I’m gonna pop that shit just because this thread is so ridiculous. I’ll post if it’s dank or hermie trash. Or something in between.

The only thing in this thread I care about at all is the revealing of customer info. If that’s true nobody should buy this stuff ever.


I am as well… I honestly wish @moderators would just squash it… it was supposed to be a friendly debate and a seeking for insight… but instead was an open door for arguing and bullshit… I truly am sorry to everyone for getting this all started… I hope everyone realizes we are on the same side here… whether we disagree about 1 single topic or not… doesn’t matter… what matters is that we rise above the bs and since most seem to have a high powered scope for perfection let’s hear their perfect opinions… but at least keep it civil and adult-like… At this point I could care less what anyone else has to say as long as it’s FRIENDLY CONVERSATION

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Greenpoint purple crunch… put in water yesterday 1 hour… then napkins on a heat mat in a box… 6 put in 6 cracked open


I have no issue with people taking exception to that. He should have been spanked by the mods and told straighten out otherwise he would be banned. I was a mod on a site once, that is how I would have suggested we handle it. After that it just turned into a shit show (from reading the August portion, I never read anything before August). I probably would have stepped in as a mod also, just to keep the level of exchange in the thread in keeping with the tone of the rest of the site. But that is just me and how I helped run things. But it was a more rough and tumble site than this one and we had to keep a tight reign on things. This place is a love and peace site as compared to it. This is the only thread that I have found a caustic tone to. I wish I never saw it.


I have to say I can’t complain about 100 percent germination . The funny thing is everyone wants to boycott GPS for one action… but do they research the charachters of the grocery stores they shop at? How about the places they work? Or even the teachers teaching their kids at school… no … just this 1 guy they seem to single out and dig deep to find things that are bad… don’t get me wrong now… threatening to give info is bad bad bad… but I wonder what you would all find if you looked that close at everyone?? Just a thought… reminds me of a pantera song… drag the waters

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That’s crazy logic to me to overlook or forgive such an act because other people are scum bags too…that’s an unforgivable act where I come from. To narc.


Again , read what I said… I’m definitely not overlooking… that’s a huge deal… a threat is just that a threat… a threatening action that actually happens is another

I never said forgive… I’m just saying it’s a dead horse… and I don’t plan on buying any more from them… and it is because of both genetics not as good as others and the whole info thing… but I find it funny that everyone’s up in arms about something like this… Did you all stop eating at subway because Jerod is a pedophile?? Did anyone stop believing in governmental control when police beat Rodney king? How about believing our governments when they just came out and admitted alien existence? No we focus on gu… lmao

All I’m saying is it seems to be a bandwagon type thing 🤷
But for the record no I am not ignoring the facts here… it’ll be bodhi from now on…

Don’t worry about it, dude. But this is what I was saying when I was talking about how the lack of drama on Bodhi’s threads and grow logs kind of made me gravitate towards his gear. When any thread elicits the amount of vitriol and bickering that a thread like this GPS one does, I instinctively know: stay away from GPS gear haha. Unfortunately, I didn’t really read too many GPS threads before I bought a lot of seeds; I only checked out their “grow reports” (which apparently aren’t even accurate).

In any event, I’m done here.


And same I agree unforgivable to narc… but that wasn’t the case was it? It was an idle threat I believe correct? Not defending gu… please don’t think that… but I believe this is about a threat not actually something that went to fruition and happened… right?

I agree man … my only regret really is not knowing… which is why I appreciate all you people… despite the heated discussion… u guys here are the best… I say let’s abandon this thread and go back to talking about what we love most… growing and smoking!!! I AM CONVINCED THAT BODHI IS THE WAY TO GO FOR MANY REASONS… plus ultimately I want to support good people… and so GPS is lacking a bit there… so safe bets are best :ok_hand: That’s my logic… You all are awesome and while I know it’s a touchy subject ultimately it’s all it is… a subject… now as far as our community… everyone know that I consider you all friends… otherwise I wouldn’t kick it here… I love this place and everything it’s about… so right now… everyone… get back to being who we are w out this drama… Points have been made severely clear… back to what we do best… being cool to each other. Being a big amazing family who all is on the same side… with 1 goal, to push the truth out… to push best genetics out, to help each other along the way and to share with each other great knowledge and some good strains… Back to the roots everyone!!! Thank you all for your input… keep being the greatest site to be on…

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I honestly don’t really give a shit about gp seeds. I’m not about to read this whole trash thread either. That’s the bit that caught my attention. I stand by what I said. You can bring up all the scum bags you want and characterize whatever, however you want.

That’s a narc move and only a narc would threaten to narc.


17 posts were split to a new topic: Bodhi “company” website

You bet your ass I do. Monopolistic motherfuckers.


Please guys whatever you do !

Pop them seeds make a grow journal, let’s see what happens.

Maybe they’ll go all Miss Thailand on us :eggplant:

Or maybe they’ll be the next :fire:

It will be the best thing you could do :v: And we all do enjoy some grow threads


Lmao… :joy: :smiley: