Greenpoint Seeds

How’d this Bananimal turn out then? I got a pack of their Reverse Auction for~20 and it’s about 3 weeks into flip. Like yours, HUGE fan leaves on her

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We didnt get any banana smells but it’s not bad.
Citrusy. The trichomes are different. Kindof makes it feel sandy.


Sandy trichomes make for the best washing :wink:


The wife is going to make her first hash from it.
I’ve never seen them so sandy


If anyone is interested in making a trade, I’ve got Greenpoint Raindance and orange blossom special I likely won’t end up running. They’re unopened breeder packs, so I’d like something in a breeder pack as a return trade- not interested in any other GP gear. Open to suggestions otherwise

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.not trying to be a jerk, but:
What other unopened breeder packs would trade even with a GPS pack?
GPS packs sell everyday for $20…they are tough to trade or sell. Good luck with a trade. You are NOT alone, lol…I have a snootful of packs myself…a product of buying them cheep! But they are mostly untradeable. :slight_smile:
A thread for trading GPS packs…is it out there?


Why bother…just throw them in the garbage with the rest of the trash…it is what most do that had them…or chuck them in planters outside your municipal buildings.


I managed to trade out most of mine :sweat_smile: Gave my last pack away to my In-Laws :joy:


Ahhh…a skilled trader…do you also sell ice cubes to Eskimos😬…

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I ended up just giving defnsmokin like fifteen packs, no trade necessary. He likes GPS gear, so… Still saddled with like 30 packs, though haha. I for sure did not pay $20 for any of them (although I don’t think any of them cost more than sixty bucks), thought about maybe seeing if I could get anything for them on strainly. I really don’t know what that’d entail, but I’m sure it’d involve electronic payments and shit. I’m a “cash-only” kinda guy haha.


Who knows man, like I said I’d be open to whatever. Otherwise I get hit up a few times a year by people locally looking for genetics, they’ll get them as a freebie.

I mean, there are almost 2k posts in this thread w a lot of people growing these seeds out. Don’t think hes still got those 2 strains instock but I haven’t been on his site in well over a year. Maybe someone looking for something they wanted in the past but never pulled the trigger. Seems like it’d be a good trade for something someone else got as a freebie, like a bodhi freebie or some shit. Either way, low expectations but I won’t trade em if I don’t ask!


I am interested in the OBS, I have some ninefold genetics I could trade.
I will be gone most of the day, but I can see what I have to offer at a later time.
If you still have them hit me with a pm and we can work out the gory details.



I have seen pics of some great grows with GPS. I have not grown them and have seen the drama surrounding them but to say they belong in the trash is an overreach I think.


I’ve only ran their city slicker so far from seed to harvest but that bud was SOLID. 100% germination rate and the high was great. Was a bit concerned on the quality of the phenotypes I got and decided to throw out the clones. BIG mistake. It wasn’t the purple phenotype that I was looking for but the bud cured up to be incredibly tight rock of buds that would put you on your ass. Here’s a couple photos.

Doing my first outside grow in the heat of Arizona, and their jelly pie is chugging along just fine in full sun.

I’m only buying the 10 seed packs so I wasn’t expecting to pull the “flagship pheno” on the first go. Just sometimes you get lucky :man_shrugging:


Ive grown regs and fems from Greenpoint. Only had one regular plant herm. Had lots of herms with the fems. Tried talking with them about the fem / hermies, no response. Until I complained I always got responses to my questions.
I think the majority of the complaints are about fem / hermie issues and bad business practices
Just my 2 cents.


That’s fair. Customer service is huge in business so that sucks. Any decent company should be open to answering any questions about their products. I am just not a fan of the whole “toss them in the trash” stance after seeing some great grows. I know they have some good stuff but can’t speak to the other issues.


If the beans are from when heisen joined GPS, its a good chance you didn’t get what you paid for. So if you wanted to do anything with those, lineage is gonna be questionable.

If you just want some decent smoke… it’s fine.


I agree 100%


beside they are a bit pricy !! thay have been around from the start but their prices don’t suit me


Speaking of customer service… I want to know why they let Jeanne go. She was amazing customer service for GPS.