Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

But not overly dry feeling? The smell usually tells the story.


The smell has defiantly improved and it’s a nice pot smell, not grassy.


I put mine in and after a few hrs I saw it was at 55% so I put a Boveda pack in. The next day I took it out and it’s stayed right at 60 and 61% since.


Nice I have seen other things. The 5 gallon buckets. I tried to make one. It may have worked. The ones I looked at where pricey. I need something different this time.

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I probably skimmed past the answer but I just ask an due by it lol.
Are you taking all the air out when sealing or leaving some air in the bag.
Thanks advanced.

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I’m leaving about 20 - 25% empty. The manufacturer suggested that in order for the technology to work properly @Osogreen .


Thanks I receive my order tomorrow.

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I have one that has been sealed for almost 2 months, and another that is almost at a month. I’m not really hurting for bud to smoke, so I am starting to wonder how long I am going to leave them sealed up. GWE says it can make the smoke smoother and stronger, up to 6 months.

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You think it would hurt to put 3 or 4 oz in a 1lb bag? Not sure how that effect these but im not going to be harvesting a pound of the same strain, more like 3 to 4 oz per strain.

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Overly surprised by how good these work. Had bud curing 2wks in a QP and it smells yummy. Also using them to store fresh dried until I can get to a trim. Working so far no complaints. If long term I may throw a bóveda in there.

All I bought was 1 pounders last year. Few ounces cure in them just fine. Done it a few times now no issues at all.


Nice thanks

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I would think the issue would be if you put more in than intended rather than less. I see @Bow4Buck responded that he made out fine doing it but wanted to add that.


The manufacturer suggests leaving around 20% space on the bag for the technology to work but, like said, they seem to do just fine with just a little in the bag.


Pretty sure exactly what he said :point_up_2:

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Ordered some today to finally try them out after a buddy had a good experience


First plant sitting between 62 an 65 %
For 2 days . The cure is on .


I will check my grove bags tonight and see what has happened to the RH.


I’m setting at18 days with mine.all are steady at 60% rh.
I do have a small problem to address with the company though.
Two of the quarter pound bags have damage to them. The package was fine so I’m thinking it has to be a manufacturer defect.
At least I’ll have something to add to the thread by way of customer support review.


i have seen one in person and have played with it but i have yet to see the difference of a normal vaccum seal bag?

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