Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

Nothing wrong with a 5 gal food grade bucket and if you’re extra fancy put a gamma seal lid on it :stuck_out_tongue:

I have cured in those zip zag bags you get from lbs of weed before when I didn’t have room and even that works well. I find they keep the smell almost or just as well as being vac sealed. Still have to burp em but I don’t mind. After a few weeks everything smelling great. I open them to smoke and look at my weed often enough anyways.

Might have to pick up a 150 pack at the local store. Pricey but well worth it for weed storage IMO. Will be trying to freeze some weed in some soon and if it works I will start freezing a lot in them instead of jars since they fit way more and cost less.

I looked into the groves but IMO they look pretty gimmicky (terploc lol) and of course everything marketed to us stoners is expensive as fuck. Curious to see what people say here when they do the comparison with jarred and burped vs grove bagged.

I bought into a supposed climate controlled storage system for my weed years ago (c vault) and ended up being a huge waste of money (almost half a grand to store a few lbs of weed and didn’t even keep the smell in) It was supposed to use those humidity packs to keep things at a perfect moisture content and keep the product quality for longer but I found my stuff stored in them lost smell and flavour over time (probably because it wasn’t completely sealed)

A friend of mine a year or so ago got a smaller version that fits 7-14g and even his makes whatever bag it’s stored in smell like weed.


Got a small sample and good timing since I just last Sunday jarred last harvest. Put some, about half ounce in correct size bag, in one of the windowed bag with a small digital hygrometer and it’s holding steady 62% vs quart jars with hygrometers and I have had to burp the jars several times last few days when they started climbing over 65%. Not sold but small sample seems to be doing what they claim. For the moment and I didn’t seal it just zip lock close.

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So I did reach out to support, and they were pretty dismissive. They said “The bags average between 58-62% so i don’t think there are any issues” and asked about the humidity in the room it was kept it. (It’s been about 50% on average in my place) Afterwards I asked a few follow up questions, and they responded to the first one, but then stopped. The thing that bothers me about that response is the bag I heat sealed while the RH was too high. I sealed it at 64, and it has only risen. It is currently sitting at 66 and has been heat sealed for just over 2 months now.


I have not had good success in contacting them. They don’t seem to want to hear anything potentially negative and did the same (stopped responding).


Oh this is just great to hear a week or two away from finally trying them out.

Sorry you guys had problems though, that sucks.


I checked all the bags today. Aside from the 2 I mentioned, I have 2 other bags that were heat sealed at 62 and are at 63 currently.

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That’s better! :laughing:

No but seriously that is good to hear and thanks for checking them and posting it.


I’ve been wanting to try them, but yeah that shipping just not worth it. Things are tight right now.

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For sure. The best test is going to be how it smokes, so I am thinking of opening one at 3 months, and comparing it to the jar sealed buds that I have been smoking in the mean time.


That is exactly what I’m doing @other_barry .
So far my smoke has been in just under a month. They have held rock steady on the RH and the and smell is already loosing its green smell.
We just sent off an email to Grove Bags about the two damaged 1/4 lb bags. We shall see.


This thread could not have popped up at a better time for me.
I’m looking at buying a bunch of 1/2 gal ball jars (16) and trying to figure how to store them.
Thanks OG fam and OP!

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I found that the side of the bag flat on the shelf had a slightly higher % than opposite end of the bags and they needed turning occasionally.
The faqs for the bags say you should sweat the buds old school fashion (paper bagging) before you put them in the Grove bags or dry a little longer than usual beforehand if you want to get away without burping the bags. I noticed most people trying them out on here are ignoring these instructions .


Yeah. Mine went in at about 55% RH. They have held steady. I hung them until I had no doubt about their readiness. I have some in brown bags now. I’m trying both methods. Thanks for pointing that out BTW.

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My position has already been expressed.

Best of luck


Thank you again, @Foreigner , for your input. Anything, positive or negative, is welcome. I started this thread to explore the usefulness of a product I hadn’t tried. I just now have product to use in them and had already bought them. I, personally, like them better than using jars.
I don’t think I’ll end up just dropping the RH to 60% ± and jar without burping from then on. I’ll try one but It’s just me, of course, and I will admit to very limited experience, but I feel if the chlorophyll smell is allowed to escape every so often that the smoke will end up with a cleaner smell and taste.
Again, I have virtually no experience compared to yourself but this is what I have read on here and other sites and it rings true to me so that’s what I do.
I’ll try just popping some in a jar at the right Rh as a comparison though. I’m nothing if not open minded.
Again, thanks for your input.
:v: :cowboy_hat_face:


Thanks @MoBilly

The poor customer service grinds my gears, especially the “what’s the humidity of the room the bags are in?”

Isn’t the point of the bag to isolate the contents from the outside elements?

I guess I’m suspicious by nature and it is just a piece of plastic independent of whatever NASA inspired special smell lock polymer they claim to be made of.

I think the money would be better spent on a vacuum sealer instead of this expensive cannabis specific product.

If they want to send me some to test I’ll consider it.


I havent really been flipping them, aside from when I check on them, but I burp the bags down before heat sealing them. The first one I heat sealed, I just miss judged how the RH would drop. The next 2 I was able to get gauge better.

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Well, I sent out the email to Grove Bags yesterday morning. Today I received this response.

“Hello, So sorry to hear that! Please just let me know the number of defective bags, and we will send you new ones!”

I will let you know the outcome soon. Hopefully I’ll receive my replacements in a few days. I am pleased, however, with the quick response.


So I just loaded a pound bag with Mac, probably more than a pound I’ll measure it out and jar anything over 16oz to compare later


Four days ago I sent the manufacturer an email. Three days ago I received a response.

Today I received my replacement bags with one extra included for good measure.
I can absolutely commend their customer service department, in this instance anyway.