Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

I got a half dozen one ounce and a few half once window samples. With discount paid about $11. Put about half ounce of cured in one with hygrometer and its a little low but not bad. Put 3 hygrometers in another half ounce window bag with just the hygrometers, 2 Calibre and one Inkbird and after 2 days they are pretty solid at 56%. My ambient humidity in the house and room is around 48. Im not impressed or put off. Kind of on the fence. If they maintain the 56% level with just hygrometers for a few more days I will be more inclined. My hygrometers are calibrated in mason jars with 58 and 62 Boveda packs. Truth be told the Inkbird is more solid on reading than the calibre for me. I know inkbird is about 1-2% low on reading but for last year plus its always the same. Ebay has them used on sale for 6 for about 12 bucks. Im anal about humidity even though Im a small grower. Jury is still out but these bags are so far worth continuing looking at.


Thanks @Jasper
That is good information.

This is the one haha

A little birdie told me some of his favorite crosses he’s ever made where with triangle kush and purple urkle.


Directions says dry and store at 60 degrees? Impossible for me in summer.

They also sent me smaller bags than what I ordered. It’s been a week, no response.

Not too impressed rn.


OK I just ordered another dozen or so each of the 1 ounce and half ounce and half dozen of the 1/4 ounce for gifting. Probably should have ordered a few of the QP ones. I got some of the one ounce clear since mine all get stored in a dark as a well diggers ass spot. I put more hygrometers in but my very short term results are positive. Very. I will probably still use jars to bring the freshly dried harvest down to the low to mid 60’s and them bag them.
I am curious how many reuses rounds of these are good for. Once or a half dozen ?
I really have to ask the nay sayers feel about cell phones over rotary dial phones or LED compared to HPS? Heck if HPS is the bomb that means limelight MUST be better. Funny story a guy I work with pushing 70 and I love this guy to death, will NOT use the auto lights on in cars now. We have a half dozen trucks on site we all share on all shifts and they all have the auto headlights on and auto high beam features but this guy wont use them and manually turns all that off whenever he gets in or out of a company truck. Dont even get him started on rain sensing wipers.

On topic were I a bigger grower I can see this saving so much time and quality of the product maybe.

Here a link for a pretty good deal on InkBird hygrometers which I find to be as rock solid as any or better including the overpriced calibre which I have a have half dozen. These can not be adjusted for calibration but manually calibrating them in mason or gallon zip lock bags with boveda packs then I put a piece of masking tape on right side and put the plus or minus offset on them. Its usually just a plus or minus 1 or 2 at most. Just a FYI.


I’m hoping they send me a sample soon I’ve been waiting a couple months, at this point I’m not sure they’re sending it.

It’s not expensive but if it’s not broke don’t fix it so I’ve been sticking to my True Liberty bags/liner in totes and then food safe buckets with Gamma lids…or some basic mason jars. Itching to try the grove bags though


Thanks for the heads up on the inkbirds! Just ordered a dozen.


Yes @Jasper . Thanks for the heads up as well. I am ordering 24 today.
I’m really liking these bags. The harvest has been in for a while now and the smell is really cleaning up and the samples have been smooth hitting already and the buds look stellar!

I’m officially happy I bought them.


I did the same, hard to beat that price…


Ok so today is the third or fourth day with the Ghost Rose in a QP bag. It’s an ounce or less I would imagine so plenty of extra room in there. It went in at 61% and within ten minutes was at 60%. I’ve checked it a few times of over the past few days and it has held at 60% so far. If it stays there until the end I can’t imagine I won’t be happy with the results.


I was able to get mine to stabilize at 58 to 60 in multiple bags, that was 3 to 4 weeks ago. The cure is getting better while the humidity is staying at the number it was when I decided im done burping.


I have seven QP bags with 2 - 4 oz in each. The RH dropped about 2% from what it was initially. So far I am well pleased.


I just checked and mine went from 60% to 61%. As long as it doesn’t move anymore I’m still happy.


I see they have a Canadian site now. The shipping is still out of hand lol I had I had 20 bags in my cart. Went to order the cost of the bags were 60$ A little steep for 20 bags but I was still willing to order them. Then shipping. The cheapest for 9 day standard was 35$ and 73 for the expensive option. I canceled that order.
I’d like to try them someday but they need to pull their heads out of their ass before I do. I got 4x4 tables shipped across country before for less then they charge for a couple bags.


I would agree, I always get mad when I see such ridiculous shipping charges, it feels like theft.


It totally is. I would have no issue paying what they ask for the bags if they work but the shipping turns me off because I really can’t justify it


If anyone hasn’t bought their bags yet, I messaged LukeGroveBags on Instagram, and got their sample pack, without even paying any shipping. It took like 4 weeks for him to respond to my message, but I got a large sample kit that had bag sizes from 1 gram to 10lb’s. About 15 bags or so in the sample


That’s awesome! Just messaged him myself.


That is great man! I was hoping you could get some.

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Righteous response from them!
Gonna be using these shortly.