Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

It seems a little silly to update any time the thing moves a degree but since I did it already I figured I’d mention that I checked before bed last night and it had gone back down to 60%. I assume that means it “burped” itself which if so is awesome.


I had occasion to open the bag for the first time today cause a friend wanted an early sample. Really happy with it so far. Bud smelled great as soon as I opened it and when breaking it up even more so. My buddy said a few hits were a little dry but on some he caught some nice flavor. It’s still usually at 60% and goes up to 61% for a little while here and there.


That goes right along with my findings. When I open the bag I’m hit with a very nice odor. The RH is holding steadily within 2% fluctuations. I’m calling it a good purchase for my part. :slight_smile:


Now what we got to do is try some beside a standard stash bag like the dispensaries give out as this seems like the same thing. My Cheese is good but I bagged it all so nothing to compare it to. My next batch I will bag and jar some of a strain and perhaps try a standard black bag they dole out weed in. That will be the true test for me.


You are quite correct @DougDawson . That would be the tell.


Just wanted to post something up that I noticed last night. Had a buddy come by and I gave him some nug out of the Grove bag. It was open for maybe 5 minutes or so but I saw the hygrometer shoot up to 66% from 60%. When I sealed the bag it stayed at 66% and made a point to circle back in about an hour to check it - 60% again. So far nothing but good to say about these.


I noticed this as well. If they’re not open long they go right back to what the buds are settled at. I bought several oz bags to keep handy and they have been keeping the buds just right.


They get an F for customer service in my book.

I’ll stick with my turkey bags, totes, and food grade buckets with air tight gamma lids. If it’s not broke don’t fix it


Can you tell just a little more @WeTokeChronic?

I’ve never heard a thing from them after 2 sample requests, an email, and a message on Instagram…haven’t heard a peep so it makes me want to say fuck em! They should have better customer service for a growing company especially when it’s just a damn bag they’re selling at a high price :joy:


I also heard nothing back from my IG messages requesting samples. It was read immediately but they never responded.

I’m seeing 2 of them work though so I can’t complain.


I am letting my bags go for a 6 month cure. The first one I will crack open on Christmas Eve. I will report back shortly after that about how the final product is, but I just checked my RH meters in the windows and they are holding steady at 61-62%


Yeah I haven’t had a response to email or IG


They have a sample request on their website so if you have that you have to live up to it or you’re going to fail!

I’d LOVE to see somebody do a side by side test instead of just saying it works. Use a Grove bag and use a turkey bag or/and food grade buckets with gamma lids


I didn’t realize that. In that case yeah you don’t get to ignore requests through your official site if you offered them in the first place.

I think @DougDawson is doing a side by side or has one planned.


I will try that on my next bud run. I ended up using them but the whole Cheese auto ended up in 2 grove bags so no way to compare it and I don’t know the strain.


I thought you had said you were doing it but I may have been mistaken.

I’m digging the bags so far enough that I’m comfortable just going with them for what it’s worth @WeTokeChronic . Still a true side by side would be the true measure and cool to see.


Yea I’ve had a few people I really trust tell me that they like them so they’re probably good to go…but so are turkey bags and food grade buckets with gamma lids :man_shrugging:t3: That’s the only reason I prefer at least a one bag sample. I’d be happy with an oz sample bag but prefer 1-2 lb
A lot more growers swear my turkey bags rather then grove bags but turkey bags have been around a lot longer


after a proper dry 16 days at 60f and 60% rh, been curing for like 3 months in some 1/2 pound bags, the weed smells awesome, it visually looks cured (buds have tightened & goldened up), it does feel a tiny little bit more dry and crumbly compared to 62% bovedas in mason jars. I’m using the all black, no window bags and they work for me so far


Thanks for the input @supershitfuck !