Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

Ok that’s pretty cool!


Yep, and those of us who have ordered them so far have gotten a freebie, so it’s less than 2 bucks per unit!

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That is quite interesting. Never seen those.

I use these. Only complaint is they take a long time to register/stabilize properly. Like an hour.


easiest cure I’ve done for sure! Making another order.


Do these have the humidity regulating layers?


Don’t think so, but they’re pretty thick and keep my buds nice.


OK, so I changed my mind about auto-burping jars and decided to try the Grove Bags.

It turned out I slightly over-dried the plant. When I loaded the flower into the bags with a wifi SensorPush hygrometer, I waited 2 hours and the humidity dropped to 58%. I was concerned that was too low to support the micro-biology of curing so I peeled a grapefruit and split the rinds between the 2 bags. After 24 hours I removed the rinds, let the buds air for a bit and zipped the bag. The humidity stabilized and I let it ride.

The humidity rose slightly overnight and got too high for comfort. I dumped the bags out and let them air (burp) about 20 minutes then zipped them back up. I have felt the need to do this 2-3 times now.

What has concerned me was the humidity getting so high and never seeing it trend lower. So I have kept burping which is against the premise of using these. I know I rocked the boat with citrus peel, so I am not sure if I can start trusting bags now???

Has anybody done a histogram of a cure with these things? How long does it take for humidity to start escaping through the membrane?

1: Initial loading
2: Addition of grapefruit peel
3: removal of citrus peel
4: 30 minute burp
5: 30 minute burp

No off odors yet, smells change with each burp but they are expected smells, I think I added the citrus just in time and caught it before it was too dry to recover.


Very cool data, thanks for sharing.

I think for a precise answer you might have to contact Grove Bags.

I have messaged them directly over on and they reply within a day or two.

I think though you could message them on their website.

I’d definitely be interested in seeing what they have to say about your graph data.


Email sent, just copied the above post almost verbatim. Will share the response.


Thank you @MrWizard ! Empirical evidence is most assuredly welcome information. :+1:
I had that problem as well. I put some in that were drier than I wanted and I put fresh cut pot leaves in to bump the humidity level. JohnnyPotseed uses this method in his jars and suggested it. It worked well, but getting it to balance out at 59 was tricky for a bit.


One thing I noticed on their site is this:

"The biggest factor for getting the most out of your Grove Bag is to make sure your cannabis is properly dry and the inner moisture is both released and regulated. If you think the cannabis is too wet still burp it in the bag for 3-4 days. "

So, if we consider that the material was too wet when I removed the citrus peel, then a few burps is normal.


Okay so I am just about ready to harvest my single plant grow and I am wondering if it’s just worth using the Grove bags to cure and store the flower because it is not easy to use a new product when you are outta headstash and plan on using after a month or two and I am just curious if you all think about short-term curing


I would split it up if that’s an issue. Half in a bag and the rest in a jar would tell you what is what. I find that even after only a month in the bags I can get good flavor and a smooth burn.


I guess where this gets me is if I have to not only burp the bags but also completely stabilize the moisture what’s the point. By the time you have done that you can just leave it in jars for long term storage :thinking:


Most of the bags I only had to burp, maybe four times to get the % where I wanted. Then it was just a waiting game. But I do see your point. My wife said that she likes the flavor of the bagged stuff compared to the stuff that was in jars. TBH though, I could have done a lot of things better with those that I jarred up. That LA Confidential was too dry when I put it in the jars and I put too many leaves in to raise the %. I went back and forth a few times. Totally my fault.
I bagged half of my last run and using jars for the other half. That’ll give me a better idea.


Cool, can’t wait to hear how that comparison works out. I stuffed one of my plants into 2 bags when I cut down recently just to store over night when I was tired of trimming. One bag retained its moisture and was good, the other dried out much more, and both were sealed. Just has me questioning really. The concept of 1 plant stored in jars and bags is really going to be a good test.


What percentage do you shoot for before LITFA time?

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This sort of sums up my thinking as well.

However, I’ve heard jars are not great for long term storage. I’ve experienced a degradation in mason jars after about 18 months. All strains became earthier smelling, became darker green and lost a lot of their original smell. In general they just sort of became more generic weed.

They were stored in a black container in a basement that never really gets above 65 degrees F.

That’s why I want to try heat sealing some of my grove bags.

The other thing I’m wondering is if a moisture meter will solve the burping problem.

Grove says that if the stem of the largest bud on the branch is 11%, then you can bag it and forget it, no burping.

This might be a better way than using an RH meter to tell if the bud is ready to bag.

I’m going to try that, and also put a sensor in the bag window to see what the RH turns out to be, and if it’s stable.

Anyways, I’m definitely interested to see how these work for people. Seems like a great idea, but only time will tell I guess.

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Yes, I will get one of the moisture testers before next harvest. I love measuring and working to a number as my green thumb is still kinda yellow.

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That is what I was shooting for. I didn’t use my moisture meter on the last grow. I kept getting readings that were not consistent. I’m thinking my buds were a little to loose and the meter had problems because of that.