Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

I get em direct from the manufacturer, I doubt there’s a cheaper source


Thanks I’ll have to check them out wonder if they ship to Canada?

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They do @ShiskaberrySavior. But I believe that the shipping they charge is higher when headed to Canada.


has anyone tried standard mylar bags? i have a bunch of used flour bags from walmart. they’re really high quality. im wondering if i can use them as a 1lb grove bag style? im probably being too cheap. i should probably just buy some legit ones

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@sardinebags Those would work for long term storage after you’re done curing, but they won’t do the gas exchange the Grove bags do to keep curing without burping.


they have a canadian site or at least distributor “.ca” which is where i ordered mine from


That’s good @Mr.Sparkle .Sparkle. When the thread started that was not up and running.
If someone mentioned it I missed it.


perfect. that makes sense to me. i think ill still use them, i dont mind jars until they start piling up. at that point ill bag em for long term storage / compactness

Just noticed 15% off on the .ca site with code backtoschool2022.


Just ordered 20 of them , will post up what i think when i use them .


Great! Please do let us know how they do for you @Jetdro .

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Will, but be a bit. 6 days into the flip now, lol. So :smile:


LOL. We aren’t going anywhere soon. :slight_smile:


Pretty sure you’ll like them they have my stamp of approval. And I’m a fussy f**k .


@smokenhike nice I was looking at getting more of the 1oz bags even if they hold two as they seem to be the ones I use the most.


Your nugs must be dense as hell bro :sunglasses:

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Lol not really i just find you can put alot more in than “recommended” which some do get more overly packed doing so.

Was just trying to figure out which sizes i liked with the ones i had last night and grabbed one bag which i threw on the scale “63g” then measured it but dimensions didn’t quite match exactly as i think they go by internal size possibly so had to go back in my emails and yup using single oz bags the most, just allows me to typically throw choice buds and what not from single plant into a single bag where as the QP bags you typically can throw closer to 150-200g which is more apt for me having one of my cabinets only running one strain or 3/4 of that one strain.

Ordered some more singles last night anyways, and a fresh frozen bag just to see.


I assumed that empty space was required for the terploc venting to be able to properly vent, but that was 100% an assumption. I agree though, you can usually fit almost 2x the recommended amount in the bag.


yeah having some airspace in them helps initially i find, though once down into range i didn’t notice a difference and just load them up at that point.


I like the 1oz also.

The QP bags I have ALL have a slight smell of wet paint at the opening of the bag. The 1oz have all been perfectly clean smelling. I have gotten 3 different sets of QP bags, and they all have the smell to varying degrees.