Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

guess ive been fortunate mine are fine, they just smell like whatever bud i had in them last assuming they haven’t gotten a wipe down


I just restocked on 2oz and QP sized Grove bags. I’ve been leaving buds on the branch after trimming so those larger sizes work best for me. I’ve been pleased with how they make the cure less hands-on, then continue to hold the RH constant once in the proper range.

Can’t say I’ve noticed any weird smells from the plastic, but I’m in a near constant state of allergies so it would have to be really strong to stand out.


There may be a little plastic smell at the very first but after they are unboxed and the plastic wrap is removed I believe that smell dissipates quickly. After the bud is in there for just a bit, you won’t smell it at all.


I agree, I leave them as puffed up as possible in big bags for the first few month or two then move them into oz bags that are more like 35-50g each and heat seal for long term storage


I bagged up some herb in the QP bags 2 months ago and I went back to smell them today and I will say the smell had improved to the point where it is barely there.

I do think it took almost 2 full months for it to get to this point though. I smelled them a month after and they still had that wet paint smell noticably.

It’s possible I’m just sensitive to that particular smell, but it’s my biggest complaint with the bags.

I did mention it to grove bags and they sent me replacement bags. They accidentally sent me replacements twice… So I have a ton of the QP bags, which is cool… Except they all have that smell lol…

I smelled some of the unused ones and they still have that smell pretty intensely. Maybe it gets better after use :thinking:


Harvest is coming up and the bags showed up pretty quick so I’ll give Grove an A for shipping. The velvet bags have a nice feel to em… and just a slight inner tube smell but not a deal breaker (I kinda like it. lol) thanks for the reccomendation @other_barry


You’re missing one step. You need to take all the bud off the branches and put it in a big Tupperware tub that you don’t even put a top on for the first 12 hours, unless it’s winter and bone dry. Then I put a hygrometer in the covered tub, so I can ease it down to 62 %. It takes a while for it to even out. I leave them in these tubs, and switch tubs daily so the buds all get evened out to the same level of moisture. If you have big, dense nuggs, this step is essential. When the buds are at a steady 60% they go into the Grove bags. Any earlier and you’re going to have issues IMO. I find it takes about 45 days in the bags with an open every couple days just to make sure everything is as expected. They say you don’t have to burp these bags but I open them up every now and then and make sure all is expected. They work very well IMO.
Just a side note. In my experience, there isn’t really any difference if you cut your buds off the stalks and dry them racks, or hang them for 10 days first. I know people are skeptical of this because of the long established lore. If the racks are in a very controlled environment the buds come out perfectly. I have done it both ways and after over 100 grows (I’m old) I consider this fact that you can take to the bank. I do usually hang my plants, but this is ONLY because I am lazy. I also hate trimming and generally put it off as long as possible.


Crap man. I got a sample of grove bags when I first tried them. I noticed the bags that weren’t black smelled like you describe. I did not like them one bit they really stank.
The black ones seem to be fine.


They’ve just been sitting here next to my tent waiting to be used for harvest coming up… and the smell is gone. Like I said it was subtle and now I know it goes away. Bags seem like good quality but I’m ready to test them out and see what’s up.


Highlighted in Paragraphic’s Alien Labs Documentary !

This is a great documentary. It’s lays out a lot of basic info about the plant, growing conditions, how the commercial grow is set up…
But the reason I put this clip of the documentary on here is that Alien Labs are committed to using Grove Bags. That just adds to how much I trust the technology.


Hilarious. Admittedly I’m a pothead, but did the guy self-identity as a cop?

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Anyone have any insight on Groves or Autocures?

What sizes are most important? And what would be a good price?


i get the the 1lb bags from here Grove Bags - Indoor Farmer

no complaints easier than burping jars

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Already a long thread about these


Hey @MoBilly ive been using them for about a year and honestly have found them a game changer for me. I use the 1/4 lb bags, heat seal them with a hygrometer inside and throw them in my fridge and forget about them for 3 weeks and have always been happy with the result. I was too forgetful to be on top of burping the way I needed to be and they have certainly fixed that. Just make sure you’re fully dried before using them as they won’t really aid in that regard. Reusable as well, maybe two to three times if heat sealing.


Thanks for the input. That’s, pretty much, what I have been doing. The only difference is, I’m vacuum packing after the cure into 1/2 - 1oz packages. That’s working great for just the two of us. I have been reusing them on my second grow right now and I am pleased with the results to be sure!


I just ordered a bunch because of this thread. Thanks guys!


Why are y’all heat sealing them
Do they not hold air tight just being closed up ??

I got a bunch and am going to try on my upcoming harvest


I’ve never heat sealed mine seems to seal just fine from what I can tell .


Cool thanks wasn’t going to do that