Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

@jetdro no the plastic used for the ziplock on the back isn’t the same as the resin used to make the back and allows leaks which will allow excess moisture to get in or get out. Heat sealing locks it all in and allows the bag to work properly. I threw one in the fridge with a hygrometer inside and in an hour it had dropped the RH to the ambient inside the fridge. When I sealed it it stayed stable for weeks. This allows me to cure at a nice low temp keeping any terps from volatizing at all


Sorry. Bag not back…

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We’ve decided to take the plunge and stock these guys in a few sizes, but I am certainly a bit concerned with any type of plastic used for cannabis or food. I always feel like the plastics will be leached into the cannabis somehow.

Does anyone ever use them for food storage? Or only cannabis?

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I’ve never used it on vegetables or anything like that.
I do, however, have some Swakhammer that has been in bags for several months without heat sealing the bag. The hydrometer still shows 63% and the smell is strong. I’m doing this one as an experiment to see how they do long term. (Well, as long as I can keep my hands off it. lol)


Believe it or not a lot of commercial style growers have an expert grower( felons some of the time) paired with ex-law enforcement. Not sure why that is maybe for the "squeaky clean image"lol an ex officer brings to the business. It is a common trend have read a few articles on it.

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There’s a Canadian version of the site with lots of shipping options through CP and they’re also offering free samples of their 1/2oz bags for those who haven’t tried them yet like myself. This is the third or fourth site I’ve seen them discussed on so figured it’s time to break old habits and try something new.

Thanks for everyone’s input about them, always a pleasure to read and greatly appreciated.


Thanks for your input @Somatek . That’s helpful for our Northern neighbors. I don’t believe there was a Canadian outlet when I started this thread.

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Your friends up that way might like to know about this offer.


That’s awesome man, thanks. That was a big issue with grove bags, cheap bags but expensive shipping. I will pass the link along.

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I’m glad to help @DougDawson . :v:t5:


It must be new as when I look last, maybe 3 months ago, there was just the .com site which was no longer offering free samples so I didn’t think much of it. After reading through this thread I figured it’d be worth checking out again and discovered the Canadian site so thought I’d share for cheap shipping and anyone else in Canuckistan looking to try them before investing.


Smh :thinking::thinking::angry: wtf

Thanks again. Doug enlightened the The Canadian Contingent (Part 1) - #3336 by CanuckistanPete
Now your Canadian friends on here are aware. They are in happyland right now. :slight_smile:


I bought some and they just arrived. My current grow is just finishing up so I have some plants drying that should be ready to bag in a few days. I’ll likely post the progress of the use as well as my thoughts after the cure. I got them through grovebags . ca and the shipping seemed reasonable and the product priced far lower than I would have paid to avoid burping.


I am glad that things are working out for you guys up North. :+1:
Please do keep us updated. I have little doubt that you will like them. Thanks.


There definitely worth buying just the tough part of deciding which size .


I hope so, putting all of my harvest in them when it comes down and dries. Not gonna vac seal them either, but will put meters in them

I have messed woth 2 of the small “mailer” bags. BOTH , once zip lock closed, would not re open! No way either would. Ruined both trying to unzip them.

Afraid to try it on the bigger bags, hope thats not the case with them. Wonder if the msilers re designed like that, or im an idiot.

I’ve got like a 3 oz black with a window it zippers fine .


all mine but mailers have windows too, black


I’ve got some oni white grapefruit Kush in one that’s about 2 months old now prior to 6 months vacuum sealed . As fresh at 3 week cured . They definitely work .