Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

So ‘Grove Bags’ don’t deliver to Canada from their factory in Ohio. Anywhere else in the world but not next door.
Anyone want to ship some bags to Canada, some great deals on their website. If so, hit me up. Of course I will cover all expenses. My order would be less than $100.

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They have a Canadian site now! :+1:

You can sign up for a free half ounce trial bag as well


Wow. Thank you for that info. WOOT WOOT


I just got to read more of this thread and I see the info there, thanks for the quick response.


No worries, it’s easy to miss a post here and there :v:


Tried a 1/4 pound bag it opened and closed just fine

Guess the little mailers are one time use ???

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Ive used the 1/4 lb bags for about a year now. I’ve found the click seal isn’t great for repeated opening. After frequent use the plastic seal will separate from the bag leaving it useless. In my scenario I have found them best used for curing and long term storage. But not so good as a general use bag that you dip into everyday.


I would highly Highly recommend indoorfarmer as well, next day delivery and they carry grove bags.


I get my Jacks nutes from them. Good service, fast shipping. :+1:


Does anyone have a discount code they could share? I provided my email address to GROVE a few days ago, with the promise of a discount code for my first order, but it never arrived.

@MonasticDank ,
That is my take as well. I’m using them for the cure and then vacuum packing and freezing or keeping it in jars.

@Jetdro ,
I have three ½oz bags that I keep my “on hand” smoke in. I’m still using the same ones I started with about six months ago. No problems yet. IDK :thinking:


I got several ounce packs, but thinking 1/4 pound would have been better. I also got some of the freezer bags but haven’t tried them yet.


Oh yeah, @ReikoX . I have several 1/4 lb bags. I just use them for curing and then into something for long term.

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Sweet! Got my free bag on the way!! Thanks for sharing!!


Canadian sample bags showed up today! Not sure if they messed up or were feeling extra generous but they shipped two letters with a bag and pamphlet in each instead of just one :smile:

That’s a mistake I can get behind!


Someone prove to me that these bags are any different from regular bags. Back it with some curing science. Don’t be shy I’ll go 1 for 1 on this.

My weed is 27 times better than anyone else’s I’ve smoked,including the emerald cup winners, what an absolute joke… I use regular vaccum bags and regular burping. This shit is beyond silly. I used to buy lbs from the famous growers in Norcal and have to cure the shit in FOLD TOPS before selling ounces. I don’t trust what anyone tells me about weed because the most famous growers are slanging wet uncured mids.

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You’re very argumentative my guy lol


I’m with you on vacuum bag cure but I’ve been using one of there bags for a couple 3 months now I don’t know what magic shit there made out of but my vacuum cured buds get better in one of those .

I’ve been curing and storing for a number of years now and so far I haven’t risked doing a lb right from a 14 day dry in them I like sticking with what works.

I’ve done a couple oz of a few different strains with good results seem to smoke smoother I like there smell proof .


You can, possibly, word a statement without the attitude man. WTH anyway?

You lost my attention with that lie.


He’s already suspended for the day, but that’s actually Boron guy I think :thinking: