Grove Bags.... Has anyone tried them on a cure?

I predict you will see a major difference. :face_with_monocle: The bags are very “tight” as far as smell goes. The stinkiest of Bud can be put in them, in a car, and not be smelled. They seem to hold the smell in very well. When i crack my 2 holding Bud, the smell is very strong. The bud in them is bought dry PGR bud. So the fact they have brought back smell to them is amazing to me. Bud was at like 50 % when i got it. Placed in the bags, blew into them and sealed. Did it till i got bags to 59/60 % then shut them. Week later bud is much nicer, has way more smell.

Cant wait to try them on a “cure” with my good Bud. Thinking they will absolutely make my buds the best they can be, and save me much much much hassle with the damn jars.



Pretty impressive ! I know I was sold on them


I’m out of likes already this morning. lol
I believe you have that one statement, slightly, incorrect. The buds have to be at the desired moisture level before sealing up for long term. Whatever moisture is in the bag will stay in there. Water molecules are too large to pass through the bag. I believe you are right about @smokenhike,
I think he will be pleasantly surprised. lol


@MoBilly just a thought, and it could certainly be tested with jars side by side.

In jars I have seen where I could put buds in a jar at 62%, and as moisture migrated from the stems into the leaf the jars would increase in humidity, hence the need to burp.

“If” that same phenomena of moisture migration is happening in the bags, and the rH in the bags isnt increasing, then where is that excess moisture going?

I know “barrier” bags exist that allow O2 molecules to pass, but not H2O molecules, I have some of them, they are used for dry aging meat. Grove bags are different.

I believe that if you put the same harvest at 63% rH, half bags and half jars, you would see the rH rise in the jars but not the bags, at least that is what I saw in my one side by side trial. So if the moisture is rising, as shown by the jars, where is that moisture going in the bags?

Not so sure that H2O wont pass through these bags. Why would rH rise in the jars and not in the bags?

Just pondering…


Day or two after I put the last crop in the bags RH went up to 67% as the moisture evened out between buds and stems. It stayed there until I took the buds out for a bit to dry more.


Don’t agree

I can put bud at 65 percent in the bags a few hours later it’s at 60 percent
Humidity is going somewhere


I’ve used them for my last several harvests. I love them. I hated having to baby sit jars.


I always try to get mine down to ~60% ± 1% before bagging. I don’t doubt you about the RH lowering after a time but I would have to wonder if the bag was totally sealed.
I contacted Grove Bags and spoke to a person in sales. She said the moisture level should remain right at what goes in. She also said she would create an account and put up some information regarding this.
Thanks @Jetdro .
Anything that adds to the conversation is a good thing.


I just got done opening a vacuumed pouch of that Turkish Twist from Copa my first one of those sealed up just a small sample bag I did a half of a regular one and when I opened the bag I was slapped in the face with the smell and sneezed it burned my nose almost ,A powerful miasma of Pine and gasoline and a sweet floral with almost citrus on the back end I haven’t noticed until now that came through.It blew away the burped jars by 10 fold.The texture and Stickyness was preserved a lot better in the cure in the bag.I have a 1/4 lb grove bag and it’s almost like they use turkey bags for the plastic.Haven’t tried grove yet I think I’m good with thr cheaper vac bags.


I like the way you work through a quandary MrWizard. I don’t know the technology well enough to argue with that and besides, in my thinking, your reasoning is sound.
I just think it’s some sort of manufacturing magic mojo. lol

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I can smell my weed through the close grove bag. It’s faint, but i can smell it. I’ve been told i have a sensitive nose. They definitely wouldn’t be K-9 proof.


That’s odd @PineTarBastard . You must have one talented sniffer bro! I have had 10 bags at a time in my locker for a while and after days of being closed in, I could never smell a thing when I opened the door.
You must have to leave the room when a dog farts.


Could just be a bad/worn/damaged zipper.
Heat seal the bag and see if you still can sniff it?


Ya shouldn’t be smelling through the bag at least the ones I’ve used are smell proof.


They’re k9 proof. Tested and worked like a mother fucker.


Iv placed flower with moister levels around 68-70%. And the bags still work if you have more air volume than it recommends. I HIGHLY recommend these for those who can’t get 65 degree or less drying periods in. When the flower is dry but the stem is super moist. The bags work magic. Idk how they did this with plastic bags. I read the little book that came with mine. Doesn’t scientifically make sense to me. But I wouldn use anything else. I pack em. Forget em. And only smoke out of one bag. Which I use to refill my smoke jar.


Having said that, @PineTarBastard , I remember when I first got my bags. One of them had a spot that had creased during manufacturing. Seal the bag up properly and give a simi-gentle squeeze. See if any air escapes. I found out that one had a leak because I smelled the pot when I opened the locker. That might be the case with yours. The factory replaced it and gifted a couple for inconvenience within four days.


I have a cardboard box full of grove bags with different strains and I can smell it within a few feet a times.


Do you guys keep store them in room temps? I’ve got mine in a small room that stays 65 degrees. Is that too cold you think?


Nope 65 degrees is pretty good.