Grove Bags usage for cannabis storage and curing

Long term storage with these are not very good from my experience. Yes being able to slightly breath it works decent for a cure but I found at a certain point it’s gets too dry when it’s stored.


Like @PadawanWarrior and @Kushking902 state, these are no good for long term storage. Dry 'til in your prefered range (58-62rh), bag for 2-3 weeks until cured, store in airtight containers. If you leave them in the bag beyond 2-3 weeks they WILL dry out.


Qp bags for an oz. or maybe close to 2 oz. Those little 1 oz guys definitely don’t hold an oz…with any space.


Surely you have a friend who never shuts up about “the dry and cure and terpenes bro” while ruining all his bud/terps by failing to acknowledge that Cannabis cures via climacteric respiration.

You’ve never had a neighbor pull some bud out of his fridge, telling you how picky he is about strains and terps, Only to find out his shit has never been burped and doesn’t even smell taste or feel like weed until you take some home and burp it for weeks?

You’ve never been to a dispensary where every bud on the shelf smelled the same, and not like weed? Only to find the bullshit you regretfully purchased actually starts to smell a little like weed a month later?

You’ve never brought cheap shatter to make edibles, and couldn’t, because it smelled like plastic? Only to come back to the overfed bullshit 6 months later to find a black glob of hash scented goop?

The Marijuana goody metabolic pathways are 100% dependent on oxidation. Mylar bags hold co2 and don’t let O2 in.

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That just not true , i have had bud in them over a year and a half , will use nothing else .
Yes they are dependent upon ambient room temp and humidity , but my home is air conditioned and kept at decent humidity levels .

if bag gets down to 58 i just open it , breath into it two or three times , bring it up to 61 or 62. It will stay there a minimum it 4 months . I keep a hygro in some to keep a check . No way would i put a boveda pack in there , defeats entire purpose .


I use them because it’s easier storing grove bags in a tote or a cabinet than it is glass jars. Less space , easier to handle etc etc etc. and compared to the equivalent amount of glass jars it would take , they aren’t really expensive.


You have taken other people’s weed and burped it yourself for weeks?


I could imagine the neighbor wanting to gift some of their abundance and @ChemDom didn’t want to smoke it until it was a more idealized cure or what have you. Just how I read it. Many blessings and much love

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I smell an opportunity here, “Professional weed burping service”. What say you?


Sure just give me your house keys and I’ll get right on it :joy:


I don’t know half of what you said …lol, I’m just a middle aged guy who went from Mexican brick weed to growing his own from time to time simply because I moved and couldn’t find a dealer a decade ago. I dry/cure and store bud in the freezer and it’s fine to me. I guess I don’t have a sophisticated palate.

I’ve used the burp and jar method and prefer the freezer. Mylar and food storage vacuum bags are great for storage. I use paper bags for the dry and cure part in the freezer aka “freezer cure”.

I’m wanting to try new things so I’m looking into various drying and curing methods and somebody mentioned the grove bags. If they do what they say I’d like to try them out. I like jars for keeping ready to go bud but they take up a lot of space. I’m also interested to see what a grove bag might do ,as a test, in a fridge for a lotus cure.

I’ve never been to a dispensary. What is shatter, sounds like a bad night.


Shatter is just a concentrate like hash or oil. Turns out almost like glass. You break it up and smoke it in a dab rig or other device.


I don’t even know what a dab really is…I mean I’ve seen people putting something on a hot pen or something and smoking that.

Think I’ll stick to joints and my volcano. I do want to make some edibals for my senior parents who suffer from a variety of shit and can’t smoke / vape anything. I was thinking some gummies or better yet a hard candy like a lollipop for micro dosing.


Think of it as a bong with a special attachment. Either a crystal or titanium bowl. It’s really just for smoking a very concentrated form of the plant. I got all sorts of gear but still stick to my joints for the most part. I am a creature of habbit.


I was amazed by how much more I liked the Grove Bags over mason jars than I thought that I would.
Very pleasantly surprised by how my low expectations were demolished.
However, I agree that the Groves may very well not be suitable for long term storage.

I thought about putting some 1 ounce groves in mason jars for longer term storage, but have yet to try that.


I was really surprised to like Gtove bags as much as I am. Amazon sent me a nice humidor to review that I think will work well for storing Grove bags. It’s holding the RH at 63% and keeping it’s set temp. The controlled environment might help with long-term storage.


Outstanding Idea! :+1: :+1:


Me too. They make my life so much easier. Since it’s so dry here it’s hard to dry slowly. The longest I’ve made it was about a week before they need to be packaged. This is with a humidifier. Usually my dry time is more like 4-5 days. So I needed to burp the jars more than most people who can prolong the dry. The bags make it super easy. I throw them in with a mini hydrometer or 2, get the RH around 57-62 and just check them once a week to make sure the RH hasn’t dropped below 55. After a few weeks to a month I’ll put in jars.

I have some GG4 in bags now. Needs another week or so in bags. Maybe I’ll put most in jars and keep a little in Grove bags to see how they do long term compared to jars. Maybe seal one of the bags and leave one unsealed. I say that now, but I’m a lazy mofo so we’ll see what happens. :slightly_smiling_face:


So much passion about bags here.
How are they in the fridge?

Payment plans…how much is it. Im too lazy to look and figured it’s more fun to ask

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