Growing Autos in Germany 4th go!

Thank you so much for your time and that you share your wisdom, @AUM ! I really appreciate !

Please let me know how you can maintain a certain temp and humidity in your lovely grow tent.

I have problems with both :frowning: I put wet towels inside to keep humidity at about 55 to 65 %. If I don t wet them every 4 to 5 hours, humidity drops to 45.

Temperature the same. At nighttime for the girls ( 6am to noon), temp drops to under 20c.
Is there one appliance to solve both of my problems ? Kind of an mini-air conditioner ?

I know that you dont have a heat problem with your wonderful led growmachines. LED is on my wishlist. But the energy called “money” is rather small at this moment. Have to save for a while first…

Hope you can enlighten me on this two problems ! Thank you and we ll see us later.

Jay guru deva ! AUM :om_symbol:



Thanks for the towel idea, I’m struggling with humidity right now!


His are developing faster because they are auto flowers not normal photo period


They are looking great!


@Swe-can @Esrgood4u @DatDamDog @Fill_Watertank @RZombie @TheShowMeHomie

Good mornin divine souls!

Thank you so much for stopping by and leave some kind words which is very much appreciated :heart:

Yeah the colors are great and beautiful!

I am very greatful and humble that this grow is again a success :slight_smile:


Namaste dear Jiva!

If you browse over my last grows you can see what and how I grow :slight_smile:

So I would recommend checking out my previous grows :pray:

Where is your tent? What kind of ladies do you have, auto or photop.?

I grow under housetop… so I got problems with heat too last september :wink: I will install an Air condition next year in february, so this will not happen again for the temps were sometimes over 30° Celsius and that is not good for the trichomes and terpens.

Nighttime temp 20° is not a problem, you will get cool colors then :wink:

Hope this helps you a bit.

Every divine blessings to you! I love sizzerland!!! I am a climber and I will be in Magic Wood , Davos in august for bouldering :wink:

In the winter it is wonderful and I have all parameters under perfect control, so my temps are now at 23-25° Celsius which is the optimum for the ladies.

Humidity is now in the last phase of blooming between 35-40% which again is perfect.

I have a small humidifier for 30 Euro which ionizes the air and so I can manage the humidity in the seedling and young plant phase on 70-80%, later in veg times they are at 50-60%.


Your plants are looking good, they are photos or autos?

The towel is a good solution just make It long lasting:
Take a bucket with water hang the towel in there I use like a hanger for clothing It has to hang with the bottom in the water and as much surface of the towel above the bucket. It can suck the water out of the bucket.
For the temperature I use either an electrical heater or I just don’t fully filter all the air so like only 15 min in an hour where you suck the air away


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Dear @AUM ! your words are much appreciated - like nectar to a wonderful flower :rose:

You sure did help me along with your remarks ! The idea with a small humidifier for 30 Euros for instance…

My tent is in my bedroom. The noise of the fans are disturbing my rest. So I end up many nights on the sofa in the living room… I live on a small alp on 1350 m/asl. At this time of the year throughout the day I have around 20c in my bedroom.

It gets a bit colder at night cause I love to sleep with open windows.

I do grow outdoors since a few years but am new to indoor. Having 8 plants for my first grow. Because money is tight I did not wanted to use expensive seeds. 5 are bag seeds (some maybe males) but 3 of them are photos. (FEMINISED)

One called ICE, one Royal Gorilla and one Royal Queen (Seeds from Holland-this is why all this “royal” :wink: )

This is ICE -

Day 21

Next is Royal Gorilla - Day 21

The leaf on left side is yellowing and having small brown spots…

And last but not least - tadaah ! her highness, the ROYAL QUEEN

I m a paraglider pilot since many years. Who knows - maybe I ll come up to Davos in September to watch you bouldering from my glider…

In case you pass through Lucerne I would be delighted if you would stop over for a pipe or two and some relaxed chat.
My house is your house. You can stay and eat if you wish to.





Hey dear one, of course I will stop of its not far away we will see next year :green_heart:

Oh if you want some seeds I will happily send you some as a gift brother :slight_smile:

So when they are photos they are looking good, they have more time to grow then autos :wink:

As well very important is the right medium to grow in … I use soil BIOBIZZ LIGHTMIX and enhance it with and to make it more lofty I mix in perlite and vermiculite and 20% Kokos

and of course I use the best WATER, it is informed with and Tesla Plates, In my water tank are an air bubbler and gems like Bergkristall etc. as well…


The Headbud of the Dutch Passion genetic “Critical Orange Punch”

Next are a two pics of the “Night Queen” as well from Dutch Passion :wink: Really hard and heavy chunks/nuggets and I tried a bud already, wow, what a bang, really strong and soothing! And the bud is smelling like water melon :wink:

The Head Bud of Blueberry Banana, all pics are from yesterday :wink: I think All will be good :slight_smile:

Much Joy Love and Peace of Mind to you all, you are all blessed holy beings, never forget that truth! :heart:


Namasté AUM,

hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. Sorry for my late answer. Usually I answer sooner but this time I had an emergency.

You think my plants look good ? Some leafs are drooping just a little, no ?

Have been to Florganics - excellent stuff ! I use informed water too. Put some Bergkristall or the like in the water pots and let them be a day or two. If possible, in the sun.

Am very interested in informed water ! Unfortunately the link to “Grander” is broken. Doesn t lead to where you planned it… Please check it - would you please ?
Tesla plates - what a wonderful idea ! You are looking very good after your plants.

How sweet to offer me some free seeds ! I would love to, very much… Will send you my address in a pm.

I not sure if all is well with my plants. Will upload some picts to my grow diary so every one can comment.

You may will have a look at them too ?

– OM –



hola amigo,

alles cool we all have a life and me too so

I will get back to you later alligator :pray: by the way here on the pics they look dry to me :wink: Ho do you water them and how much and how often?

forgot to mention I use as well CO2 and UVB half lightime :slight_smile:

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Namaste dear ones,

here are pics from the Fugue State in the net 65 grams DryBud not much but the quality is fine!

Cream Caramel in the dark room and I can tell since I have already smoked some popcorn buds… wow, it tastes so yummy like coffee, and honey, sweet and of course caramel mmmmh

… and two pics from the remaining but they will soon be done and ready to harvest

I wish you from the bottom of my heart a lovely peaceful and very happy holy day :heart:


very nice plants ! too bad I cant taste them…

Love your grow lights ! how many m2 is one of them covering ? How big is your grow space 4x4 ft (120x120cm) ?

I wish ypu the same - a happy, calm, sunny and stoned sun-day :dark_sunglasses:

high times ahead !



Absolutely beautiful!!! Well done, AUM!

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Thank you dear Tappy :green_heart:

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Holy senior :slight_smile:

Thank you :heart:

here is a link for you, but please check as well my older grows, for there you will fin many of your questions answered

My tent is 120 x 90 x 180:blue_heart:



Namaste and Hi dear OGs,

sorry for the lag but here are news for you:

I have harvested Fugue State:

65 gram drybud, wonderful smell, very sticky scenting fingers, great smoke and refreshing uplifting high!

As well in the net is the Cream Caramel I think it will be 100 grams, but these strain is awesome, its like the old hippie weed I smoked in 1975 :wink: It has 2%CBD and 18% THC and leaves you happy on the sofa :wink: lol

Here you see dancing under Disco Light the Blueberry Banana and the Critical Orange Punch and the small plant on the right is problem child Blueberry Banana :wink:


Cream Caramel ist eine sehr gute Wahl! Bin mit Sweetseeds generell sehr zufrieden Sad s1 ist mein Favorite!
Grüne Grüsse!