Growing Autos in Germany 5th Go

Ahhhhh, I got it now, lol :slight_smile:


Namaste and Aloha Maria Johanna lovers,

I hope this post finds you happy and healthy or at least alive and still kicking :wink:

These are pics from yesterDAY46:

I have decided to cut the leafes in the darkest shades and woohoo the energies goes to the top of the plant :wink:

I am still in full war with those litle suckers, controlled to seeing only 1 or two flies per day… and I have bought new yellow cards and new F-Nematodes but the problem is I have AIRPOTS with many holes al around… a paradies for those litle black flies

Here below you see the NORTHERN LIGHTS, after pruning some leaves and the tiniest buds the Headbud raised 15 cm in one night!!! So beautiful :slight_smile:

The colours of the PURPLE LEMON are wonderful:

@ReikoX SBR/GT is an awesome genetic and she is smelling wonderfully fresh lemon like:

ZKITTELS :slight_smile: The biggest Buds she has so far :wink:

Here in the back is the CBD Crack 1:1 :slight_smile:

I wish you a fine peaceful we!!!


beautyful Ladies in there,AUM !! that Purple Lemon does look Bomb!!

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Hola dear Saxo,

thanks for stopping by and dropping some nice words brother :heart:

Yeah, and tonight I will post new pics for the buds getting real big now :slight_smile: juhuu!!!

Have a lovely day :green_heart:

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Fresh pics for you, we are at DAY 54 or nearly 8 Weeks. :slight_smile:

2-3 weeks to go still … :wink:

The CBD Crack is an awesome plant, such buds of beauty :slight_smile:


Hi dear brothers,

nearly 9 weeks and here I have some trichome shots, what do you say @ReikoX @Tinytuttle @Mongobongo @beacher @George @randrobertson522 @Esrgood4u @saxo @Funkjunky @Hashtree … do i have all ? Hihi :slight_smile:

Purple Lemon

Sugar Black Rose/Ghost Toof


Northern Lights

Gelato #3

CBD Crack 1:1

Much Love and Joy and good health to all of you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@V4vendetta @Swe-can @Badfishy1 :green_heart:


Everything is looking great. Not to long now. I love the positive vibes you always bring. :v:


Looking good @AUM PIstil still looking fresh to me week or so away IMO


… and that is very much appreciated bro that you reflect those loving vibes and right so! :green_heart:

This is joyful and very positiv vibrating:

To those who wrestle, strive, and hold on, the joy is doubled when the materialisation comes. The joy of contrast will be yours, for knowing the past of darkness you will revel in the light of fruition; the joy of tried and tested companionship will be yours, for years will have proved to you who are your chosen associates, and in community of suffering will come the strengthened link; the joy of peace after victory will be yours, for to the tired warrior the fruits of achievement and rest are doubly sweet; the joy of participation in the Masters’ plan will be yours, and all is well that associates you closely with Them; the joy of having helped to solace a needy world, of having brought light to darkened souls, of having healed in some measure the open sore of the world’s distress, will be yours, and in the consciousness of days well spent, and in the gratitude of salvaged souls, comes the deepest joy of all, - the joy a Master knows when He is instrumental in lifting a brother up a little higher on the ladder. This is the joy that is set before you all - and not so very far ahead it lies. So work not for joy, but towards it; not for reward, but from the inner need to help; not for gratitude, but from the urge that comes from having seen the vision and realisation of the part you have to play in bringing that vision down to earth. - D.K. :heart:



Ja, that was my thought as well tinytuttle :green_heart:

Thank you for helping me :slight_smile:

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I agree with TT they all could use a week, the Gelato #33 a little longer than that.


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::ok_hand::ok_hand: beautiful work there brother!

Happy Harvest very soon


Beautiful colours I may say :heart_eyes:, “one more week” is the motto of our forum … frech|nullxnull


They look great, I’d also say 1-2 weeks for them.


I TOO, always love the POSITIVITY you bring to your threads…that and the HAPPY PLANT PICTURES! They look beautiful, brother!


great show,AUM :popcorn: they doing nicely ,a week or two? …das wird :wink:
that PuLemon does look goood !!


Nice penetration on them lower buds.
After quite a few grows after switching from hid I think i have hit sweet spot, it’s the let them grow into the light thing.
Sometimes I’ve raised too much as instinct kicks in and I go back to hid rules by default.
Think tide has turned


Ohh thank you soo much for your advice and love you bestow so wonderfuly on me again :slight_smile: :green_heart:

So that was my thought as well about a week and the Gelato about two :wink:

Yes this time it will be a good harvest and it will be a fine quality … I tried some small popcorn Buds from the SUGAR BLACK ROSE/ GHOST TOOF and she smels like roses and is already quite strong :wink:

A lovely weekend with lots of joy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Shiiiit ! only 9 weeks ? They look real great :slight_smile:

Been thinking of growing some Zkittels and Gelato ±3… Now I wait and see what you will tell us about them…

Most of all that commented said one or 2 more weeks… This means then only 10 or 11 weeks in total ! My plants took at least 4 to 5 weeks from so many white pistils to close to finish !

Hard to believe how **FAST ** those autos are ! Must get some of those beans :slight_smile:

Nice picts - nice setup - nice grow - nice plants - nice guy :slight_smile:

:om: Boum Shankar :om: