Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

You’re right! No need to panic. I do have another female sour dubb if I have to dig this one up.
I got so frustrated out there trying to get pics with everything but my real camera. Finally went and grabbed that but the batteries are dead. lol. I’m charging them now and should be able to get pics of all these suckers tmw. I don’t really know why I’m flipping out. Probably anxiety from the funeral and being so frustrated with myself. After that herm last year, I have paranoia regarding them. I didn’t notice that one till it was too late and it seeded my ufs


Oh man, I got blessed by the Rose Bush Fairy this year. Our big flash flood rain event we had a month or so back really stimulated everything, especially after a year and a half drought.

I even got my raspberries to bloom this year. The lady that sold me the place never got them to fruit, ever. I finally got a few flowers last year and this year I’m looking at getting berries!! That’s my best surprise this year. I cleaned all of the old dead canes from the bushes and removed leaves from ground up about 8-10 inches for airflow.

My Blackberry bushes are gonna be like my roses. I have hundreds of blossoms. They’re the thornless variety and are huge berries but they have lots of huge seeds. Still… we have the technology for that.

And, it rained today a couple of times. I cooled down to 72 at some point and is still right at that same temp. Screw the high 90’s!! at least for a day. peace


That’s awesome! I’m jealous! I got a few leaves on the raspberry bush I bought last year, but they curled up and died. No clue why. I got blueberries on the new bush I bought and the birds ate them all. The dwarf that I started from a twig 3 years ago was allowed to bloom this year. You are supposed to pull all the flowers off the first 2 years. I have been getting maybe 3 or 4 blueberries a day off of them. lol They are delicious.

Ha! You had a drought? We have had one for 6 straight years now. They are gonna start rationing water again. I haven’t had a green lawn in years!


Slow down… calm down… in either case nothing bad could happen from this for at least months so other than having to replant if it’s a herm there is no rush or stress.

I have had a (famous) strain that always threw out some male bits at the fifth node without fail and was never a problem because it was all over with before any female flowering happened.


Happy Father’s Day to all you Daddys! Dad Rules!!
Hope you are all being spoiled silly and having a wonderful Sunday! :heart:


My lily trees! Look at the size of these suckers!


You got me choked up on this Father’s Day mate! Thanks for that and it’s great to see you. Growing your Sour Bubble as we speak. Take Care and Happy Fathers Day to you!


  • This year the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere falls on Monday June 21 at 03:32 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the international standard time used by astronomers. The solstice arrives on Sunday June 20 at 8:32 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time in Los Angeles and at 11:32 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time in New York.

Got this from Yahoo… So Happy Solstice in like 12 mins! You know what this means don’t ya? It means its cannabis party time. It’s time for the stretch and budding time is near! Tis the season!


Those lillies are beautiful Meesh I can’t wait till I finish doing ‘other shit’ and can get stuck into gardening and composting etc.


They are an “Oriental” variety, so they smell like heaven too! They will need a stake tmw I think, there are like 2 or 3 more on the stem that are about to open as well. Stay tuned… the giant Trumpet Lilies are getting ready to open next. They are almost there. Gardening is the best. The drought is kicking my ass though. Flowers could have been better throughout the garden if it had rained. My whole garden suffers from uneven watering. One of these days maybe I can afford a sprinkler system and drip irrigation. sigh


Good morning! Happy Solstice! I have 2 Orange Goji females so far and the Sour Dubb in the ground is a herm. Weirdest looking thing. It can’t be anything else. I’m going to dig it up and plant the other fabulous female with a jillion pistils and no weird banana bits. I will be completely shocked if this one particular iced cube is a male. It’s not telling me, but that plant screams bushy female.

I’m allergic to the Panama Garlic Haze. lol. Sticking my face in those to look through the loupe is killing me! Major itchy eyes, nose running and congested at the same time instantly. That means they are doing something and ready to show their bits any time now.


Happy Solstice Meesh :sun_with_face:

Days are getting shorter now, so you shouldn’t have to wait much longer for the rest to show.


Hallelujah! It’s driving me crazy. Just want 9 females in the ground and the rest out of here one way or another!

Almost forgot, Dad and I were putting around in the tent yesterday and he sticks his face in one of the Orange Goji and says "Yep, that’s authentic " cracked me up! Even to Dad who wasn’t here to smell them everyday it was obvious. I’ve actually got quite a few stinkers this year. The SSDD and the Garlics are pretty strong too.

Hey @ReikoX time to change to your gold avatar for summer!


Just for you… :grin:


Almost forgot, Dad and I mulched around all the ground plants yesterday. Should conserve more water that way. Plus, keep all the microbes alive as the top layer of soil wants to dry up really quick now.

It’s hot out there! Not looking forward to digging up that herm


You guys, a monarch butterfly just found the new Milkweed I got this year as it’s blooming now. It was all up in there! I wasn’t quick enough to get a pic. I’m excited, hope it lays a bunch of eggs in there!


B careful of what ya ask for! Damn caterpillars are eating every leaf in sight. They r real bad here in Texas right now.


Luckily Monarchs only lay eggs in milkweed and all of the cannabis is safely inside the bug net. Butterflies are good to go! Here, it’s these small ugly brown gypsy moths that put all the pillars in the weed. Ugh


I had a bunch if cannalilies in full bloom along my fence line. A week n a half later they look like a bunch of green sticks coming out of the ground.


Alright this herm mother trucker is gone. That’s a load off.

It’s replacement looking a bit crazy as I just snapped all of her branches, supercropping and pruning her. Def, girl here

Just read recently that you have a higher chance for herms in feminized seeds. Probably the case here.

Pruned and supercropped all the rest of the ground plants. Accidentally cut a branch of the cheese I wanted to keep. Oops. Oh well, chopped it off. Kashmir is looking interesting as that bug damage also topped it a few more times in weird places. The roots on the herm looked really nice though, it had already uncurled all it’s roots and was spreading out through the ground soil. The soil was nice airy in there too. I liked that.