Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

Great grow Meesh another good season .


Thank you @gramps

Tomorrow ma Petite comes down. I don’t remember being this excited by the strains I grew, but I’m sure I was. Always know that I can never wait until they are cured to test them. So far, I love the first 5… 4 more to try.


Early morning again. Ma Petite came down. Dad is washing and hanging her now. Only one more day of this crap! Yay!

@Budafly just realized you said you got up at 420… How appropriate :rofl:


Big ass hole in the net! I think one of the fans burned it. Sigh. Gonna have to patch it. At least the last plant comes down tmw. Shit.


That why the 'pillars and bud rot are starting to prevail?

There isn’t just one hole in the net and it wasn’t from heat from the fan. There are 3 different holes that were burned into the net as someone obviously tried to rob me last night. Looks like they were out in the pitch black yard and couldn’t figure out where the opening was, made their way in the dark to the front and burned one hole realized it was blocked by the fan and trellis, burned a second hole and found more trellis, finally by the third something spooked them. My guess the man got up for work at like 2:30 am and turned on the bathroom or kitchen light.

I am incensed. Since Rosie, my neighbor, died, her husband has let his bipolar disorder go untreated and basically has been manic and nutty. Running the streets doing what he calls Project Homeless and moved a shady homeless tweaker into the back studio. Apparently there were police and a huge ordeal while we were in Turks and Caicos. I’ll post more later, but long story short. Once it was daylight I could see what went on last night so I insisted that we also take down the last plant the Sour Dubb so if they come back they will get no prize. Junkies scare me and I worry about desperate tweakers breaking in my house to steal weed now. I’m this close to going out and buying a shotgun.

Anyway, ma Petite was hard as hell to trim, all fluffy larfy bud, a million branches and leaves. Still got a decent haul all tiny fluffy buds.

Sour Dubb reeks like Sour Limes and Onions. Mostly it smells like pico de Gallo. Crazy. Big solid nugs like the Orange Goji


I was wondering whether or not you were worried about theft. Stay safe.


Got a whole layer in the net of Iced Cube. Never got a pic of it still on the branch. It looks like a lot but it is very light. I’d guess is Iced Cube and Panama Garlic Haze will be about the same weight once dry believe it or not.

Sour Dubb… All the nugs look like this. Very dense.


Sorry to hear you have dirt bags so close its electric fence time .


Anyone remember the ugly duckling I bought at Home Depot because I felt sorry for it? Dead and broken leaves and flowers?

I gave it love


Man that’s crazy… Makes me feel so uneasy when I realise people have been trying to get in the farm or have broken into the warehouse… We deal with that shit all the time here. We had fires started by thieves here a couple weeks back. They wait for the community to respond to the fires knowing that all the farms come together and help… And while everyone’s out trying to stop a major disaster their houses are being robbed… Obviously also inside info… But yeah… Fuck that homeless crackhead


So, I called my bipolar neighbor and had a serious conversation with him. Letting him know that “Project Homeless” will not be taking place next door to my property any longer. That I seriously question his judgement after letting a homeless meth smoker stay at his house. That if he wasn’t more discerning in the future with his tenants we were no longer gonna be cool as neighbors. He agreed that he had poor judgement with that guy and that it wasn’t going to happen in the future. I let it be known that he will most def not be running a half way house next door to me. Not only that I wouldn’t tolerate it, but that it was also illegal. One must have a permit for that sort of thing etc…His poor judgement could have easily gotten my house burned down with me in it and possibly the houses surrounding me since the tweaker burned my net. I was very blunt and incredibly clear. I am the easiest and coolest neighbor until you fuck with me and mine. I’m the neighbor that knows everyone around, but minds my own damn business. My family has lived on this block since 1948. I was also very clear how uncomfortable I could make his renters if more bs ensues over here. Umm they are just renters, I am a homeowner on this block and an OG. I pity the fool who mistakes my kindness for weakness. You wanna see Meesh go primal, just fuck with me on my land.



It’s a wise move, even the best of intentions can lead to a horrible outcome. I have a neighbor who took in an old high-school buddy who was down on his luck. The guy went out and bought a bunch of meth (from the guy down the street, but that’s a whole other story). In the middle of the night, the guy comes into my buddy’s room and starts beating the shit out of him. The guy went downstairs and grabbed a knife. When he came back upstairs to finish the job, my buddy was waiting with his 0.45. He had to shoot him in self defense. He has never been quite the same since…


Did you by chance watch a lot of A team growing up? Lol


I dunno man, she makes moves like Hannibal even though she does talk like Mr T.


Good for you on talking w ur neighbor, I can’t believe someone tried to burn holes in the net, seriously ppl are fucked glad nothing was taken and no1 was hurt. Still u must be furious I would be like you said your the nicest person until somebody tries to mess with you and yours and that’s exactly how it should be.

Wow that flower u saved is alive and well, amazing wat a little love and attention can do very pretty :cherry_blossom:


Here in the UK the criminals go around with temperature sensor guns they point at suspected grow houses. If they get a high reading and they think you have a grow they come violently through your door and take everything you have. I hear about this happening almost weekly. It’s usually addiction to other drugs that drives them.


Or maybe they just want to get warm… :hugs:

:evergreen_tree: :rofl:

