Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

I was wondering how trim jail was going for you & now THIS!?! WTF. :unamused:

Maybe time to consider getting a puppy that will grow into a large & intimidating sentry… :man_shrugging: May even be cheaper than ammunition:wink:

Sorry to hear but glad you’re OK. :call_me_hand:



I should have expected a reply like that from you bro. I spat my beer across the room :rofl:
On a different note. @Meesh I hope this hasn’t effected you too much. I can recommend a Pitbull or bull mastiff as a deterrent. Hope your ok :+1:


Shotgun with rock salt won’t kill but hurt like hell


Having been shot by rock salt as a kid I can concur!!

I vote for electrified fence. If he’s burning the net for access he won’t notice an electrified line till he touches it…

Edit: boobytraps have their own class of crime so NO BOOBYTRAPS… ever!! Electrified fences are not booby traps thankfully… pest management…

Anything designed to maim or kill can get you serious jail time, and disqualify you for license consideration in my state…


Usually the legal term is ‘man traps’ & most municipalities take a ‘dim view’ of them…
Although, …I have heard a good argument presented to change the name to ‘retroactive birth control’ :thinking:

Electric fence is really good, just use the usual stock fence module… not like my father who just plugged it directly into the 120V…
Mind you, the raccoons never came back… :laughing:



Sure… :smirk: But dangerous landscaping & jagged, rusty “artwork” can do a good job.

The lava rocks out here are ankle-breakers; no running across that shit in the dark OR the daylight.

I scraped my calf real good but it could have been worse… fuckin’ wild pigs sharpening their tusks on sapling stumps made ‘punji sticks’


And just mortar in some old glass bottles along the top of your fence, allow it to set & cure & then have a great time breaking them off, leaving them all jagged-like for decoration. :partying_face:

:evergreen_tree: :zap:


Just got home from a little getaway for my man’s 50th. It was nice. Just a hour jaunt to San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente. The man wanted to surf down there but it wasn’t ideal conditions and rained most of the time so we spent most of our time exploring the San Juan Capistrano mission and the historical town. I’m madly in love with that town. It is gorgeous! The gardens in the mission alone had my attention. Mostly Cali Natives and drought tolerant plants. I had Hotel California playing in my head the whole time.

Funny when I put on my apnea machine at the hotel the only thing I could smell was weed. :joy: I guess from drying in the house it just permeated through the filter. Didn’t notice it at all when I was home. Pics to follow of the mission


RIP dude! :surfing_man:

Happy Birthday G! :call_me_hand:




Great pics of Mission SJC!!! I grew up close by there in South Laguna right by Thousand Steps beach!


The whole town is awesome. I fell in love with it. Don’t know if the BBQ place was there when you were, but dang it was good


Tested the garlic fresh dry. Way too harsh without the cure. Really fluffy bud so the trim job was tricky. Lot of little bud leaf. This one really needs a cure before I make a real assessment. So far, it still has heavy lemon lime smell, but none of that taste. Right now very haze like coats your tongue. Initial taste is hashy and burnt rubber, bitter. Major garlic on finish. Leaves garlic onion like taste after exhale. Not digging the bitter on fresh dry, let’s see where it goes in cure. It will go in the bucket in a few days. High af. Very bright, energetic, slightly racy. The man says he feels creative right now on it. Extremely pleasant sativa high. It’s actually perfect right now as I’m going out to do one transplant and deep watering of the front and side yard. Randomly chosen, but perfect choice for this task. Nice daytime weed.


So much fuckery with these POS neighbors. I’ll post later this evening when I’m on my computer. Much easier.


Damn hope it’s nothing to serious, I’ll stay tuned



'Hope it goes better… :man_shrugging:



Some new plants

A badass Begonia

Crown of Thorns for Mr Frog


And some Halloween :jack_o_lantern: fun with plants. Think they turned out cute


Changing up the garden with more perennials and drought tolerant plants. Bunch of new beauties

3 salvias

Harvest glow

Dancing dolls

Hot lips :lips:

2 new geraniums

New scented “nutmeg”. Saw one at the mission. It inspired me. This is my 4th scented variety now

Random unique geranium not scented


English daisy

Apple blossom Yarrow cuz I killed the one I had from seed. The grass took it over.


Wow, you just get a whole new season to grow flowers, huh? We are just getting to freezing temps at night but still mild in the day. No more outdoor gardening. I brought all of my stuff inside. I have one tomato plant that’s been going since last year and I’m gonna try and keep it making fruit. I have a lot of bud to put away this weekend. It was bittersweet for me. Everything got seeded. But, I have a bunch of good clones I’m flowering inside atm, so I’l have some good smoke. One volunteer is actually very promising with very few seeds compared to the monster. I’m trimming it up pretty clean to start curing once I get them all finished. Happy gardening! You always have some really cool plants. I really dig that begonia and the red geranium. peace


Yes!! :smiley: :hibiscus: :blossom: :herb: Exactly that, plant wise fall is like a second spring here. Many annuals act as tender perennials here and will grow again in fall. Pansies, stock, nasturtiums, snapdragons etc… As far as perennials, we can plant most any time of year and if its not their time they will just stall out some until the right season. The perennial salvia I just bought blooms all year as well. That’s why I bought it. It never stops. I have 5 or 6 varieties now.

That begonia IS cool af and the geranium is going with the harvest glow salvia in a tire planter we made. :green_heart: