Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

Can you do Japanese Maples there? Or no because of no hard freeze / dormancy period? You’ve grown hostas which like that winter dormancy…

Still waiting on the tweeker neighbor update!


We can, they line the next block. I cant as I’m allergic to maple trees. I’m in hell whenever the Santa Ana winds blow in. Yeah, my hosta is gone now. Bet it wont come back. It was cool though. Ill just buy them like annuals.

Been really busy and gave myself a day off from thinking about the neighbors. They are drama. Had a plant day today and feel pretty rejuvenated. Promise I’ll update y’all soon on that shit show. Don’t want to bum my Sour Dubb high right now. Super potent bud. The Sour Dubb and the Port Wine Cheese are my 2 flavor faves of the year. Never figured on the Sour Dubb. That plant didn’t thrill me at all through the entire grow. It tastes amazing! The high is almost too strong for me. Can’t wait until it’s cured. btw… Everything is dry and in the buckets as of yesterday.


I never knew there was such a thing!

Japanese maples line the block? Thats pretty crazy. Maybe regular varieties of maples? If I ever saw a block lined with Japanese maples, I’d lose it! Ya know, the shorter, like 5’ tall, mushroom shaped, waterfall flowing cut lace leaf style?

You couldn’t live in my town, literally maples all over, in almost every yard! Maples, Oaks and Ash, the three most popular trees here.

Sometimes underdogs win. I have one mystery plant outside that I didnt bother caring much for (my outsides are left on their own, even though it wouldn’t be hard to give em more care, part of leaving them alone is they blend in better), with such a great strawberry scent I wish (1) I took cuts (2) I knew WTF it was because it smells so awesome and (3) wish I knew she’d smell this good, I woulda absolutely babied her then!

Can’t wait to taste the outside ladies after a sampling a week ago…

I hate you… But good for you! Still hate you because in the next two weeks I expect the outside ladies to come down, the whole auto tent should be done as well… trim prison for me… You at least got dad and the man to help! (though you had some monsters to process)…


We don’t have the weeping kind (I wish). It would be hell on my sinuses but candy for my eyeballs. We have a different variety. Delicate, but probably 7 or 8 feet tall. An all black one and an all green one. At least I think they are Japanese maples. We have some weird magnolias that line this block. Not in front of my house, but like every 3rd house or so. Jacarandas line the entire neighborhood on the other side of me. Gorgeous! So happy they aren’t on my side of the hood though. So messy and stain cars.


I’m actually allergic to oak trees too. Oh and walnut trees. Claritin is my friend when I travel. lol Thank dog I’m not allergic to flowers.


Yay plant day am really digging that begonia all of them actually, those pumpkin planters and the pansies go perfect together you always have the coolest plants, plus it’s a great way to destress :sunglasses:


I grabbed that 6 pack of pansies at the nursery came home and decided I needed candy buckets to plant them in on a whim. They look cool out front with our other Halloween decorations. Plant days just need to happen sometimes. My ultimate destress. Everything is a planter when you have a drill. lol

Ooh, I ordered some rooted succulent cuttings too! Found the cotyledon pendens (the rad one I posted with the orange bell shaped flowers) a string of watermelons and a rosary vine for my hanging collection. Super excited for those to arrive!


Now that the plants are harvested we can get operation new storage shed going! I’m gonna talk to my client today. He’s gonna have his guys make my foundation. Level the space with gravel for drainage and use cinder blocks for the base. I can’t wait the man and I are going crazy with the mess around here and would really like to finish up redoing the house and merging our things.


If you haven’t used it in 10 years, you probably don’t need it.
If somebody stole it & it wouldn’t upset you, you probably don’t need it.
If you don’t need it, give it to someone who can or to charity/thrift store.
A “keep” pile, a “get rid of pile”, & the SMALLEST pile: “the maybe pile” :man_shrugging:

That’s my system of purging. Kinda like merging, I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:



You don’t require a one armed roofer do you? :rofl:


We’ve already given so much crap to charity. We can’t really go through anymore stuff until we have storage. Like winter blankets, holiday decorations and stuff. I’m gonna put some of my collectibles in storage as well until I can get around to cataloguing and selling them. Not keeping duplicates of our stuff or anything


This year’s cheese is cured! Came home from my clients and immediately rolled a few doobies. It’s pure delicious greatness. This year’s plant is a bit fruitier than last year’s. Still the underlying funky cheese feet taste, but heavy dark ripe fruit and floral taste on the top. It’s super sticky and crystallized. This old strain I doubt is more than like 20% THC, but it gets me pretty high. Got a tingling sensation right now. Everything is a little brighter but def not over weeded. Such a nice strain. Dad’s ultimate fave and def one of mine. It will be in my lineup until Dad grows bored or finds a new strain obsession


Hell no! You’d probably fall through my roof from all the termite damage. Maybe not the house, but def the garage. I’m sure all the wood is rotted and I’ve got fascia issues.

Basically… They both have issues. 2 of my clients are roofers though. Actually my client sending his guys for the shed foundation is a Roofing company. I’m over there twice a week. Fkn dangerous job. The insurance alone is epic. He’s had 2 dudes die over the years.

Edit: Ha! It didn’t quote your whole post. This is why I don’t post from my phone.


Insurance??? What’s that?? :rofl:
On a different note I’m in on Tuesday for an operation to put pins in. Definitely off till the new year so I guess I’ll be popping up on OG more often to keep you and me occupied. :smiling_imp:


Well, it’s something! I’d prefer you were well and mobile. Best wishes on the surgery :hugs:


Thanks @Meesh. Too be honest I could do with the time off. Just means I’ve got to be careful with cash for a few months. Things will work themselves out I’m sure. Your thread will be quiet till next year now yeah?


If I had time off in England, I’d visit every botanical or formal garden I could find. :hibiscus: :green_heart: :herb: :blossom: :drooling_face: You don’t need an arm for that. :sweat_smile:

I’m still gonna review the cured strains and do a small winter outdoor auto grow for entertainment purposes.


I’m gonna start watching the football I think now that Newcastle United is the richest football club in the world. :sunglasses:


Been digging out one of the planters I let go last year when I was depressed. I killed my bitchen yarrow plant and a new salvia with overgrown grass. Sigh

Most of it looked like this when I started. I weed whacked it first.

I broke it up into 3 sections. The first section above has carnation plants. They look like they will come back. I’m gonna work on that section tomorrow.

Did the other 2 sections yesterday and today

Section 1 I planted the new dancing dolls salvia and the 6 pack of sweet alyssum. Also dug up the ranunculus rhizomes and replanted them in there. The bush separating the sections is my genetically modified lilac bush that is dying back for dormancy now. Thank dog it’s fine. My most prized plant in the entire garden. Been growing it 3 years now from a small twig.

2nd section I planted a hyssop that I had in a pot since spring and a new yarrow plant. In front I planted 3 yellow mounding nasturtium seeds. Hopefully they come up.

They don’t look like much now, but it’s always fun to watch them all grow in. I’m beat up from the feet up from digging. Off to bathe and smoke Sunshine Daydream doobies.


Sunshine Daydream is sticky as hell. I wasnt sure if it would burn in a joint as it’s sticky and spongy, but it did just fine. Its not fully cured yet, but it is delicious. Tastes like a skittle or some sort of fruity candy. Still needs a bit more cure to smooth it out. It makes me cough like crazy. It has a brain dead high. Seriously, I blanked out at least 7 times yesterday and either forgot what I was going to say or what I was doing. Literally stoned stupid. So far, seems to be one of the strongest strains. Very sativa like head high, feeling energetic, but I could also veg on the couch. Zero raciness. I feel social, but also at times too brain dead to hold a thought. Note to self: stay away from sharp knives after smoking it. Its nice for the tendonitis in my elbow. The sharp pains are dull right now, not as noticeable.