Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

I’ve been teaching this kid I met how to grow. He’s 23 I believe. He is a veteran and is as sweet and polite as they come. Just a really sweet guy. Could be my son Anyway, I had given him some of my bud for his PTSD and he expressed a lot of interest in growing. He has a veggie and flower garden. So I gave him an extra female Orange Goji plant and have been mentoring him since. This is his very first cannabis plant and it just went in to cure today. Check it out…

Mama is proud :partying_face:


Passing forward :sunglasses: :+1:



Hey guys… I don’t have any trim, but how many ounces of bud do you need to make bubble hash?

Depends on the size of your bags. The 5-gallon bags will hold a max of 8 oz. dry. If your washing dry, expect about 5-10% return, variety depending.


We are gonna give one of the mans buddies some bud. Hes gonna make hash and we’ll split it. So if I understand you correctly 4 ozs of bud if we are lucky is 4 grams of hash?

Should get more than that if its good weed .

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There’s a bit more to it, but if you are interested, check out a book by Robert Clarke called “Hashish!”.
Just finished reading it, really great but old enough there is nothing about “bubblehash”, but the last section was on ‘Sidu Sam’s Secret’.
That was the first water separation process, bubblehash is built on that.
It’s amazing how far the improvements have gone on hash production since the 70’s.



Good Grain alcohol and ground dry return the best IMHO.
Or 99% iso, either way
If it were fresh or fresh frozen, deep freeze bubble hash then. I have an ol fashion ice cream type setup with one bucket in salt water, Ice co2, and my bubble bucket in it, water temp is 32 consistent thru stirs. Yesterday I did 24 lbs of trim that was frozen fresh.


99% iso with vacuum filtration and a fractional distillation setup, yep… that’s a bit more involved than a set of $20 bubble hash bags though. Also, that’s no longer hash, but RSO. It’s not as easy to handle as hash either, but certainly better for infusion and edibles if that’s your style. Sorry, I think I may have wandered off topic a bit… can you do bubble hash with iso too? I’ve never looked into it, went straight from researching infused butter to RSO lol.

I haven’t actually made hash, but 4 oz of good bud should make 30+ grams of RSO. I’d expect a fairly similar amount from hash, maybe a little bit less since it’s a less efficient extraction process. ~24g?

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112g buds / X = 4g hash, x=3.5% yield
Three eighths of hash at 10% yield


It all depends on the cultivar. I washed some hash recently that yielded very low. Garbage in, garbage out. That being said, I would estimate 12 g of hash from 4 oz. of dry bud.


I have always taken alcohol, or ISO, mixed with green, shaken and poured in glass dishes through cheapie plastic coffee filter, mesh basket type, then 4 coffee filters under that, let drip, let pan material evaporate. Scrape, Smoke, Vape, Eat
I do multiple separated pours.

My bubble sand I press and make, oozo ala Love.

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You know what we need? A “mark all as read” button on our notifications

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There’s the dismiss button that clears all unread posts in your message folder.


I dont see that. Wait… Yay I see it now

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I made this for lock out love, free to copy and share/personalize.

Id get min 12 grams too. If I don’t get a min 10% return I won’t use that strain again. But the yield also depends on the level the dudes at and how clean or new his bags are aswell as the environment he’s working in. Good thing for you guys @Meesh is you have washed your buds which should give you a nice clean hash



Just a fair warning… Big & many batches will equal or exceed trim-jail exhaustion. :point_up:


:evergreen_tree: washi washi


Yeah, I don’t have the patience to make hash. Hence, split it with a friend and make them do the work lol