Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

Finished the planter. The carnation looks crazy, but it’s alive muhaha… I think it will be okay. Found 4 hyacinth bulbs while I was digging. Put them in a pot for spring.

Planted a bunch of trailing nasturtium seeds by my back wall, some chamomile seeds by the raspberry bush, and cutdown macadamia tree sprouts trying to come up from the roots and watered. Busy and productive day in the garden.


Y’all think I should chop that carnation back? The green is on the ends. Not sure if I should chop it to about an inch or not.


:-1: :scissors: Let it be… just adequate water & light. :slight_smile:



3 weeks cured…

Azad Kashmir smoke report. Tastes of burnt rubber, lacquer/shellac, Eucalyptus and a hint of nutmeg at the end.

Racy on the onset. Body tingling, def body high, but also psychedelic. Tripping. Almost too strong for me at first. Started to panic then mellowed out. Happens to me when there is a heavy body high. The man is loving it. High af


That sounds like it would be great with a little CBD to take the initial edge off.

Actually, it just sounds great! :rofl:



The man didn’t have a problem, only me. Intense body highs always make me panic. Really anything that even slightly effects my motor skills. Really really strong strain.


Got my new succulents. Stoked! Only I have an email out to the seller because I ordered a 4" rosary plant and got only 1 rooted strand in this tiny 2" pot.

Rosary plant

String of watermelons

Cotyledon pendens the one I posted before with the bitchen orange bell shaped flowers. Super excited on this one. It’s gonna be awhile before it flowers and grows out.


I never realized how many different types of succulents existed, can’t wait to see them grow


Hi@Meesh! NIce report! I do like “too strong!” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :fire:


The rosary vine is not actually a succulent, but you care for it like it is.

But yeah, crazy amounts of them. I’m not sure if there are a lot more trailing varieties though. I may have most of them now. I’m enjoying them more and more actually. Almost all of them flower too and of course the weirder the flower the more I like them.

Bought this other kind that looks like rocks. It’s actually getting a flower. I’ll post a picture when it opens. Think it is called lithiope


The ones hanging from your avocado tree are so cool, it’s the perfect little spot to sit an admire the beauty of nature I’d be out there all the time which I’m sure you are


I’m loving the cooler weather. Really enjoying my time in the garden right now. I dug out another planter. My black eyed susan vine had taken over. Really cleaned it up. Chopped out all the vines that had taken over and pulled out most of the grass in there. I cut my favorite pink daisy down almost to the ground. It was all woody stems down there. I sure hope it comes back as fabulous as it was before. Been pruning back everything. Working one planter at a time. Yesterday, I cleared a bunch of clover out of the shade beds and planted 3 6 packs of white impatiens back there. I can’t find any black mulch in the fall or I would have layed down a bunch of new mulch. I’m beating back the grass in all the planters like I would eat an elephant, one bite at a time. I’m gonna dig them all out again, dig up all of my bulbs while Im at it and rehome them in better spots and am planning a lot more perennials and drought tolerant plants. When I originally planted everything I was a noob to gardening, so I really didn’t plan out the beds very well. Now, many years later and for the most part I know what I am doing and definitely know my plants and flowers now. I am searching for some Gallardia aka Blanket flowers as we speak and some bee balm and a few other perennials to fill my mostly bulb filled planters.


10 days in on the cure… Panama Garlic Haze. No full review yet until it’s fully cured but the weird bitter taste is gone and I definitely taste garlic. The smell is all lemon/lime so weird. Cant taste any of that. I love the sativa high of it. Excellent!


I’m sorry to hear that. That might make her a good candidate for hash. As the hash cures, the thc will oxidize to cbn, which is a stronger anxiolytic than valium, gram for gram.

It’s unfortunate the male didn’t allow the mom’s structure to shine. The more “open” structure of the mom would have been a little better at keeping mold at bay. If the flowers had a couple more weeks to gain some more amber, the same oxidation would happen and help the flowers lose their edge.




Made some quickie-hash from my grinder & it destrooooyyyyyyyed my energy for 3 days after just a couple bowls… :zzz:

Was really annoying 'cuz I didn’t see it coming. Would be great when needed though.



@DougDawson I think I’m gonna try sticking some of these auto seeds straight into the ground. I’ve never done that before. Gonna do that today inside the net. Hopefully they germ. There aren’t any bugs or birds that can take out the sprouts in there.


So, I’ve become a dog sitter for the man’s sister’s dog Lerue. She comes over and hangs out with me and Jezzy a couple times a week while his sister is at work. I love it. Bring me all of the dogs!!!


That’s cool, I know many do it that way. Hope it goes well. If you end up needing any more of those seeds let me know. Looking forward to watching you experiment. Best of luck.


Let’s hope I catch my gardener so he doesn’t hit them with the weed whacker. Fingers crossed

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Got the hash back from the man’s friend. Wasn’t too big of a yield. Not sure what I was expecting from a qp