Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

20 grams maybe

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Looks like this… My scale is out of batteries it seems. This is heavier than it looks, but still seems light, but what do I know


Seems quick… Is it dried? If not… Sprinkle it out over some baking paper for a week and leave in a dark place… Like drying bud… If it’s dry Id say put it through a seive and give it a roll.


Looks closer to 35 grams

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He says it’s dry, been a week. Should I put it out longer to dry?

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Look at this crazy root ball from the Panama Garlic Haze! Digging so I can plant autos


@Budafly here’s the flower on my lithiops. The weird rock looking succulent


Peculiarly Spectacular Texture looks like my gummy rolls.
Flower is very familiar petal structure to others in cacti family. Does it stay or come and go?


It didn’t even look like a flower that was ready to open yesterday. I’ll let you know what it does after a few days pass. It certainly looks like a cactus flower for sure. Wait… Just came out flower closes when sun isn’t directly on it. I’ll let you know if it dies off or just goes dormant. There’s another flower pod on it as well


For years we had a cactus that only bloomed one night a year, it was spectacular and super, super soft. petals, stunning.


I’m most excited for finally figuring out my succulents in general and actually caring for them so properly that they are all flowering instead of me killing them all. Took me about 2 years to figure them out lol

At first I thought the flower was 4 new rock like leaves forming. It seems that new leaves formed with the flower as well. 2 rock leaves with the flower in the middle


Sun goes down it looks like this now. See the new rock leaves on it? Those came with the flower


ET’s fingers!

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Right?! This one is so interesting. I am gonna get another that actually looks like stones.


That weird thing at 5 o’clock in the photo is the 2nd flower forming


Yeah OK I see it, looks like a shroom stem right now


Yeah, I thought it was just new leaves growing at first. It went from looking like that yesterday to a flower today


Is anyone a big Frank Herbert’s Dune fan here? I’ve been obsessed with the book for decades and a big fan of David Lynch’s 1984 version of the movie. The Ridley Scott remake just came out on HBO Max and I watched it immediately. Didn’t realize that it was gonna be a two parter. Well, I watched it with the man who never read the book or saw the movie and to him it was kind of slow and he didn’t understand a lot of it. Anyway, Dad is also a huge fan. He’s actually read all of the books including all of the prequels that Franks son wrote. Of course he watched it 2 days in a row. It was freaking awesome to geek out on it with Dad for like an hour and a half today. So we could compare the movies, the book etc… The visual effects were also amazing! We both absolutely loved it!


Love It Mucho, Can’t wait to see new one.

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Should he OK then… Have you tried it yet?

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