Growing Trees with Meesh 2021

Ahhh bro. The extra family member that comes with the house is a bonus. Just don’t get jealous that your pup is getting more action than you are :rofl:
I’m glad things are starting to work out for you. Keep us updated :v:


Yeah London seed centre is my go to seedbank if I ever need stuff fast. They are slightly more expensive but they always seem to have stuff I need in stock when other banks don’t.
I’ve seen me make an order first thing on a week day morning and add a note that they are needed quickly and Ive had the seeds in my hands the next day. :+1:


Good morning from the East. I was poking around your thread, looks great over there, and hope you are feeling well.

Weeds in the garden are truely annoying. The advice to pull pull pull, is spot on. I would add, loosening up the soil with a fork as you go, to try to get whole root systems.

Hands and knees stuff is tough as the years progress, so I use a SCUFFER. use this religiously in early Spring and whenever weeds appear. I use a long handled scuffer from Johnny’s Seeds, and I made a small, narrow, hand scuffer from a 2" wide piece of sheet steel, sharpened the edge with a file. This can do fine and tight areas around keeper plants. Can post a photo if you like.

Good luck with all things.


diy fine scuffer :slight_smile:


That’s similar in operation to a dutch Hoe, there’s several regional variations too.



That’s a great tool! I’m going to look into that to save my back and knees





This has a longer handle.

That would make my knees ache. Especially if you’re rooting out weeds


Autos, super slow but still going. Looking like they need a dose of fertilizer. I’ll throw something down later.


Yeah me and you have the same thoughts on what a Dutch whore is :rofl:
We used to do Amsterdam every year until the virus hit. Everything I love is over there. Weed and whores :rofl:


My amaryllis is blooming. I’m counting 5 flower heads on this stem. It’s a good one. I have another red one in the kitchen that I’ve for years and it always has leaves but only flowers every other year for some reason. I got this bulb this year though.


Got this hyacinth bulb at the 99 cent store. Figured I wouldn’t be able to force a bloom, but for a dollar I tried anyway. Look who woke up…

Thanksgiving cactus starting to show me some love

I’m supposed to stay off the knee, so the house plants been giving me joy. Got this money plant from the half off dead section of Lowe’s. They had overwatered the shit out of it. Most of the leaves were gone or dead. Now, it has new leaves and is starting to look cool as hell. Supposed to look like coins hence the name, but I think it looks like flying saucers so I call it UFO

Not sure if you remember my search for the Cotelydon Pendens succulent, the one with the rad orange bell shaped flowers,. Well, here’s what she looks like now… Perfect and gorgeous all kinds of new growth. It’s so shiny and healthy now

Checking for the before pic when I first got it in October… Found it! What a difference


Almost forgot, I inherited two Cymbidium orchids when my Mom moved out of state a few years back. They are way back in my shade garden, looking like crap, haven’t done a damn thing for years. Suddenly the other day I noticed like 5 different flower spikes on one plant. One spike is almost open, I’ll get a pic soon as it does. That stuff is what excites me in the garden. The little things in life.


This stuff has started to take over Ocean View, HI… It’s kind of interesting to look at up close but also kind of disgusting; It looks like some alien reptile with weird snake like markings.

The last place I stayed…the guy was weedwacking it while telling me he didn’t know how to get rid of it. Basically was spraying seeds & clones everywhere on a semi regular basis.




Love those UFOs… They look super cool


@cannabissequoia Weirdos like that are what got me going on this new succulent kick. The weirder they look the more they fascinate me. I believe I have another one in that family. Very similar but it’s pink. They call it a butterfly :butterfly:. It gets those same round pups all around the edges of the leaves, but I keep mine in a pot. They don’t call them mother of thousands for nothing. :rofl::rofl:

@Sunvalley I think UFO may actually flower in the summer. Real name is Pilea aka money plant. So bitchen!


@Nagel420 you were asking about Maple trees here. Pretty sure this is one although I have learned since our conversation that we have California Sycamore trees that look almost identical. It’s raining and I’m in my jammies, so I did a zoom from my porch…


nice artwork there - hard to tell what it is though

is it this ? Red Maple


It’s called dollar weed in Florida and it is invasive as hell.


I think that’s Red Maple.

Cheers G

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