Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

Monday update

Well the sunflowers are ummm doing very well one being a whole inch from the light so in a bit of trouble also we were told when asked this morning that they are likely Moonshadows @Rhino_buddy, and with average heights of 3-7ft that i just read these are going to be heading over into the father inlaws garden, they wont be as voracious over there though as they wont get fed like they are now though they will have the space and sun.

As for my more mainstream plants :wink: , the cinderevils just gonna go back in this thread and figure out when day 0 was and ill chop right at a full 10weeks which i think is in a day or two also actually starting to fade now. As for the trizzler is working on seeds.

Cinderevil bud shots


Damn those look good! Crazy how many vibrant white pistils it still has that far along.


yeah though fortunately just the top foxtailing stuff, down below its all brown except for the very tips


LOLā€¦ I swear every time you show us them Cinderevil, I get a boner, and at my age thatā€™s saying sumtin!! :rofl: :rofl: :scream:
Seriously though, if I can be serious for a moment, Iā€™m so looking forward to seeing these Cinderevil grow up to be like their sisters there! :grin: :sunglasses: :+1:


Thatā€™s some bud porn if I ever saw any! Lol @JohnnyPotseed !

Those moonshadow Sunnys are gorgeous flowers. Itā€™s too bad they donā€™t make any pollen. I try to plant things that will benefit lots of creatures. Those might be something birds could use, but sadly no pollenators could use. Still gorgeous flowers none-the-less. Hope we can see them when they flower. :wink:

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Really nice!! The colors, wow, and they seem dense as sā€¦! :pray:

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Didnā€™t check for that and I agree shitty on that aspect as Iā€™m also in favor of helping the pollinators, actually have this really good park near by thatā€™s more a gardeners park that has alot of work done by the locals and it has had some beehives for years now Though some dick kids or whomever pushed them over in early spring and they were removed to avoid further vandalism, sucks as the park already isnā€™t as flush with flowers as it normally would be.


Oh and thanks for the compliments.

And went back either day 70 today or Wednesday as I had two different starts a couple days apart and I donā€™t remember through the pics and comments which ones I kept when I was down to 4 of themā€¦ So likely will split the difference and chop tomorrow or Wednesday if Iā€™m busy


I do love to watch them @Mr.Sparkle :exploding_head::raised_hands::raised_hands:

Those pink hairs and foxtails is a perfect match :exploding_head:


Nice work bro!

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Beautiful work. Foxtails and all.

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Looking good friend !

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I hope mine end up looking like that!!!
Such beautiful plants! Week in and week out!


So went through the last plant of the GRCDā€™s for seeds, im happy this last one brought up the count, means plenty to give away.

So should be a bit over 800 between the two big piles which iā€™ll likely mix, and the top container of them being the other plant which i will likely keep separate and keep them for personal stash.


Wow @Mr.Sparkle, those are darker than dark roast coffee beans! Lol


Fine work as usual MrSparkle, very nice looking seeds and your going to make a lot of people happy with your sharing. Well done.

Cheers Johnny


I wasnā€™t dibsy or looking for seeds but those are some nice mature seeds. Dark roast dank

Visual appeal A+

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That is beautiful fruit of your meticulous labor.

Bravo Mr Sparkle

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Man you are tough , that must be way worst than trimming ! I donā€™t know if my arther would let me do that :+1:


Absolutley gorgeous plants @Mr.Sparkle ! You do outstanding work!

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