GTR Preservation & More Crosses

Just wanted to share some progress of my first intentional seed making. My pollen donor was my GTR F1 by Aficionado Mendocino.

This male will be pollinating 2 of my Rainbow Belts #6s by Archive Seedbank (RB version 3.0)

1 Humboldt Pound Cake by Humboldt Seed Company.
And a GTR F1 female from the same pack.

My main goal is to make some more GTR seeds and to make a cross that’s been on my mind for years. I love cars and was ecstatic to have a strain called GTR and fate decided to bless my RB#6 with one of my favorite terp profile, rotten oranges. This line up perfectly to lend my creation the name RB26 (GTR x Rainbow Belts #6). Which is the name of the Skyline GTR’s engine.

I would love suggestions for the HPC x GTR the only thing that came to mind immediately was Murder Mountain Pass.

GTR female… I love the leaves on this one.

Here is a Humboldt Pound Cake from my last run.

Hopefully this is the right place for this, I will update as I go along. I figured I should start right when pollen is dropping to share my progress. Cheers everyone!


Good luck hope you get lots of beans to help overgrow the world :earth_africa: or to run a giveaway :+1::clap::facepunch::partying_face::sunglasses:


HPC X GTR = Ground Pounder, R34, Launch Control or Nismo? just some ideas


Awesome stuff @cdues21 !!

Will follow along!


Pulling up a chair for this.

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Best of luck, watching and learning. Love cars also and we definitely need an E46 strain :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Redwood Skyline


Pulled up my chair and settled in


I’m currently attempting the reverse an EFOG auto from HSC also. Good luck @cdues21!
I’ll be watching. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Very cool, I’m down to watch the show!


I wanna see too.


Dam that sounds interesting :thinking: now you got my attention :eyes:

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The F2s will have to stay in the vault, it’s the smaller plant so I’ll have to hold on to what I get. But I will make sure the RB26 makes some rounds in the OG track :wink:


Launch Control immediately caught my mind, it’s a cookies cross so it’ll do all the work for you lmao


ngl that name is sexy, I’m liking that one a lot.


Does anyone have a good recommendation for collecting pollen with a full tent? I put parchment paper across the canopy and gave my ol boy a lil shake and scraped it up. Didn’t seem like all that much though :confused:

I’ll be drying the pollen for a couple days and transferring this into the nail polish container, I’d like to BX my next gen GTR with the left over pollen without having to deal with my man busting his stuff all over my other ladies.

Bonus Cayenne Pepper I have growing in a old container I used for a cover crop vs no cover crop yield comparison (2 clones same size, same number of branches, cover crop was a 10% less yield.


Rainbow Belts is looking great and holding seeds! I was scared due to my #4 being almost sterile. I had let a herm grow out and the RB4 was the only plant to not get seeds even though it was touching the herm.

GTR is also looking amazing. Makes me wish I grew this out to flower first… But there will be plenty of time do do that in the future.


Here’s an update for you all. Day 39! GTR was up first followed by 2 of the Rainbow Belts #6s. Looks like we are just cruising along! Anyone have any recommendations for judging when the seeds should be ripened enough to chop the plant down to dry? Calyxes are splitting open and showing the seeds, but they are still green and starting to become firm.


Seeds take around 6 weeks to fully form.


WOW those buds are laden with trichomes and look spot on congrats on this run! :clap: :facepunch: :sunglasses: :peace_symbol:

Pictures and information just keeps getting better and better😉

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