GTR Preservation & More Crosses

Looks great! Seeds and hash arriving soon

Im a litre behind but ive got 3 name canidates
Niki Lauda - both these build off the next gen or next itteration of f1 gtr

Longtail would be sweet

After a a good amount of thought it looks like I am chopping the GTR on day 51. Popped a bud off of the bottom to check where the seeds are at and this would be the better half of what I pulled out.

The issue we ran into was the leaves going into the buds dying off and I don’t want to risk bud rot ruining this run.

Here is what the tops look like, this strain was suggested to be run almost twice as long as what I did.
But we have some viable looking seeds and saved some pollen so we are calling that a mission accomplished. There is definitely room for improvement, but this was a great way for me to learn the ropes for breeding.
The Rainbow Belts is doing just fine, only 1 plant decided to be sad so we are chopping 2 nugs and turning the light down a bit. Probably should be running CO2 if I’m running my 600w at 100%.

The Humboldt Pound Cake turned out to be a rainbow belts #5, and my buddy told me one of his rainbow belts is outperforming the other by a wide margin, so it looks like the question mark I put on my HPC? Tag was correct too lol. I thought there was a chance for a mix up when my tray fell over. The nose knows, so I have 2 Rainbow Belts GTR crosses between my #5 zkittles heavy pheno and my #6 moonbow leaning oranges pheno.
I threw in my Sour Pineapple Kush into the ring and grabbed some pollen while I could, so I atleast have one more cross coming out of this mix. This one is a very Afghani style pineapple kush leaning plant.

Cheers everyone! Happy Memorial Day for those in the US. I’ll keep this tab updated for the remainder of the rainbow and sour pineapple kush crosses. Once I got an idea on what I have I’ll start talking how much I have for giveaways!!!


Those seeds all look good and healthy to me congratulations on your grow.


Thanks @darkillusion I appreciate you sharing knowledge and helping me along my the way!


Happy to have been of some help to you. :grinning: :+1:


Halfway thru sorting out the GTR seeds, can’t wait to get some of these out to you all! Rainbow Belts crosses and Sour Pineapple Kush cross will be getting sorted out in the next couple weeks.


Awesome Sauce :grinning: :+1:

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Im a big fan of rainbow belts right now! Phenominal


Rainbow belts is a great high. Congrats!


this is straight og of you @cdues21


OG blessed me very early on, so I gotta return the love!


It’s been a love/hate relationship growing it, but by the time I’m smoking it it’s worth it lmao


Thank you! I’m excited to see what I find in the RB26 (GTR x Rainbow Belts #6). Hopefully I got a winner I am growing for hash by this winter.


They all sound great but the rainbow belts got me too. :star_struck:


Alright I had to use @ItsintheGenetics 's suggestion for Launch Control for the Sour Pineapple Kush x GTR cross. I also decided @Tugthepup 's suggestion Niki Lauda would work amazing for the Rainbow Belts #5 x GTR.

Looks like I got 3 GTR crosses and the GTR F2s to to start sending out!


Where can I sign up, and what can I do to return the favor? Been wanting to try these for a minute.

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PM me your address and I’ll have them headed your way!


Super pumped you went my suggestion. Im pumped for these! FAF boiiiiii


Just wanting to share an update with you all. I’m about to send off Rimrock tests for 10 of my RB26s. Here is the best of the bunch so far.

I’m happy to have the tent cleaned out and dedicated to growing flower again. Finally trying my hand at a 15gal living soil grow. This is Andorian (Blue Dream SC cut x Romulan) from Romulan Genetics. I have a GTR F1 I didn’t use for breeding and a Cat Piss by 707 genetics filling in some gaps.

I’m switching to 7 gallon pots and keeping them no till. After dealing with those monsters for seeds in 3 gallons, I don’t ever want to have to water 2x a day again :joy: