Gushmint test run fun (hopefully)

Lol…got it

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ya im in a 3.5x6 with about 6.4 foot height. running the 650 watt at about 80% so maybe 500 watts. dont think yield will be anything crazy since pheno hunting but hope to at least get a zip a plant.

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I’m thinking I might up my.pot size, drop my plant count, increase veg time…your numbers look good


i only upped pot size cause hand watering and allows me to feed one day on one day off with occaisonal water water skip. i think next time i will only go 15 plants instead of 18.

Another 2 culled dante #4 and i think an apple and banana i will have to re check


Everything looks great in here, guess I never hit watching as u just reminded me of it but I missed 40 posts lol :man_facepalming:t2:, oh well here now for good. Herms are definitely a possibility with testers at least you are on the ball :facepunch:t2:


fingers crossed on that lol. never know with these sneaky she males! doing my best to keep a close eye. thanks for following!


@Tappy do you want these 4 before i toss them they hermed on me from seed but these are the clones from dantes 1/2/4 and alien mints 4 if u wanna risk testing them lmk before i trash em


Day 34 of flower not much not much to update atm down to 14 plants after killing 4 herms 3 dante crosses and one alien mints.

Clones all in solos doing good have the 4 that hermed seperated to be tossed or giving away

See ya on week 6


Looking great :+1:


Day 41 of flower smells kicking in some have a baby poo and fruit smell others just a really nice melon berry mix makes me keep smelling my fingers over and over yum

Gonna take them to end of october and then see whose staying and going.

Back up cuts all in solos getting crowded had to trim the apples banana in veg so took some clones and might toss her for space once they root

Thanks for following see u next week


Fuck Ya :sunglasses: :metal:


every day i walk into that smell and just cant wait to smoke some!


Nice job man! Looking dank and greasy!

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oh yeah… the gg4 crosses are starting to catch my eye…pure stickyness!


Yeah anything GG4 is just covered in frost. I’ve grown Nana Glue a few times now and it’s one of the frostiest strains I’ve ever grown.

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Getting badass in there! Looking good bro

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28 more days id say!

Oh man! Gonna be some fatties , dope!


Not much to post just things slowly getting fatter and stickier turned the furnace on so going to need to keep eye on environment see how things change.

Back up clones all had their tops chopped to control height and bush out to see which becomes keeper moms or tossed.

Still no roots after a week for the a&b#3 cuttings. And thats it for the weekly update