Gushmint test run fun (hopefully)

I love this time of the grow…buds just fattening, terps coming in hot, crystals glistening in the light! Beautiful!!!

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14 more days till chop. Some are ready now some need another week some amazing buds here that the pics dont do justice the gg4 crosses blew my expectations and one alien mints is just a beast. Think i see 5 keepers that need to be ran again and turned into moms. Really excited here


Ho fuck…buddy…lookin serious over there! Maybe I should have taken you up on those clones you were tossing…lol.
Looking hard, frosty and plump! The swell over the next couple weeks should really fatten everything up nicely! Looking really good!!

Come January, I should have some of those pre98 bubba kushes cloned and ready for action Jackson. Maybe we could do a little swaperooni early 2024?


absolutely man im covered in trichs had to try and tie up some buds but just fighting a losing battle. did my best hopefully they hold each other up now until chop. ill def have some cuts to swap or give you come new years. prob even sooner. i know ill be bushing out 4 at minimum and use for moms :wink:

plus i have some fem hella jelly and jelly donuts i need to pop!


Looks awesome bro! Very nicely done. Hope it smokes like it looks


me too! as long as i dont fuck up the dry and cure should be some killer smoke!


Jump on that ASAP! Looked for Govt Oasis for a year and could never get a cut. Chased it from the valley to San Diego, always just missed it.

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Our low, low rh in the winter dries my harvests super fast. I’ve been finding that jarring it a bit early helps the cure come out much better. Holds the strong skunky notes much better. Have to watch it and maybe burp it more often, but you run zero risk of hay smell.

It looks like you run a bigger operation then me, so you probably have a drying tent or something to keep your temps and rh stable after chop.
Do you just free hang your plants after harvest? Dry or wet trim? Do you box or bag for 2 weeks while drying?

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Great job brotha, Plants look beautiful!

This one really caught my eye, Is that the Gushmints x gg4 J.W cut?


this was all done in a 3.5x6x6.5 i am used to doing this in 4X10X8 Space i had to do this make shift diy because i was moving (finally found a house altho its tiny) but i liked how easy this went i might just leave this half of set up where it is and do another similar in a tent at new place.

i usually run one strain at a time so i can hang dry and then into a gamma sealed 5 gal pail to cure and burp. i think i am going to go with turkey bags for these and treat it as a jar i will then take all the best buds and seperate them and all the meh buds i will just put together in a zip lock bag and use for edibles :smiley:

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indeed. and one of the keepers. all the gg4 turned out amazing but 3 will be kept and ran again. 2 for sure but prob 3 lol.


Awesome, Hope the smoke knocks your socks off!

Might as well keep the 3rd just in case haha.


my exact thoughts lol

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Got the much needed transplanting done hopefully they recover and stop the twisted new growth

Also took the 11 apples banana#3 clones from rapid rooters and into solo cups. Work should be done for a week or 2 now.

Going to send 10 of the backs ups to the new house and flower them instead of tossing out.


Wow man! Those look great!


thank you! 13 more days!

Cant keep the buds from flopping any longer next time all lowers trimmed and in a trellis 9 MORE DAYS!


decided to soak 4 hella jelly and 3 vanilla cream pie from hsc. wont document in this log but maybe open a new one for general growing and seed popping

8 more days.




So I’m headed to that new Hydro store today (opens at 11am) It’s a lot closer then I thought.
I just checked their website and they have some 20%, 30% and 40% off deals.
I couldn’t remember if you were a coco-man or not…but they have 30% on this one…so about $28. Lots of good deals actually. My maxibloom was $25.99 last time I purchased from RSG…but this place sells for 23.99.
Also, if you show them you have ACMPR (allowed to cover up last name and address) you get an additional 10% everything in store and free samples when they come in.