Hamme Hydro's OG Phototopic

Yes those smart asses make an ass outta me this way! :innocent:

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Dimmed the led to 250 watts.


I have killed a few plants with my LEDs. There power is not to be underestimated.


Call me the hemp serial killer after these last seven weeks!

Glad to hear i am not alone in this partner! :wink:

Bro had thrips this run they killed 5 plants and stunted growth on a few

It took weeks to recover and I still check everything every day

Your not alone

Bigun once told me if your not growing your not having any trouble
There’s truth in that

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Wise words my friend, wise words! Allow me to add: when you smell the pot, here comes trouble! :stuck_out_tongue:

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No smell
No tell
No sell
: )


My soil grow is entering the final stages. The plants became a little bit too big to my liking, but they didn’t care about me and kept growing! But they will reward me in the end when i go to their cremation party! It’s going to be smoking!!

I don’t want to treat these nice girls like hoes, so i am not going to elaborate on not being completely happy with them! I mean tears can lead to mold for crying out loud!

And the ladies on rock-wool say high too!

I could ramble on about switching a tad bit too early but i rather ask them: is you is or is you ain’t my bit… eh ladies!

Bye bye partners in the crime that should not be one in a perfect world!

Hamme says peace from the broken world!


Simply beautiful :star_struck: my friend

I love the structure of the buds and the evennesses of the canopy

Canopy management is not an easy task


OK guys a quick funny story about no smell before I realized how bad a Pakistan Ryder auto flowering can smell and also my first grow when I did not have any odor control

I was coming home from work one night pulled into the deli about four blocks away from my house and said oh my God somebody murdered a skunk or it smells like weed around here and I followed it all the way home seems like the stink kicked in and it traveled I had a carbon filter very quickly


Yes the odor is something we all underestimated in the beginning at least i did too back when i grew outside! When it was almost time to harvest i slept with one eye open but they still managed to steal the biggest bud!


Hello! The seedlings didn’t bother the overdose of led power much in contrary to their cutting sisters.

I replaced the clones that were stunned too much from the overkill of light earlier. Just two survived from the ten. The others have been replaced.

If this still won’t work i am through with the clay pebbles.


Hello my friends.

Unfortunately my plants on clay pebbles are degenerating again, i am clueless why i cannot get my clones to catch on but the day before yesterday i transplanted the last good cuttings to big blocks. It has cost me more then enough material and electricity. Fuck clay pebbles, from now on i call them gay pebbles.



Good luck bro. It’s never easy with those buggers. Nevertheless, i’m taking a seat and enjoy a full net of ganja :eyes:


I’m with you brother cull the weak and start over fresh

You got this



I sure isn’t sir, i tried damn near everything to get my clones going on those gay pebbles - dedicated most of my summer to it - but without success. Which is a shame because i do see a lot of potential in the medium, but as a clone grower not being able to get my cuts going it’s pretty much useless for me.


Hamme fuck the gaypebbles you are the master on rockwool and dirt

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No playing around go for safe and predictable

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After nearly a whole summer of trial and error and also the lonesome height of electricity prizes i see no other way as to resort to a medium that i am used to. But since other growers are very happy with the nuts and see great results, there must have been something wrong with my approach.

Thanks bro!


It was due to a lot of coincidental circumstances that i moved away from rock-wool, but that is actually the nale on the head my friend. Something for me to think about! :slight_smile:

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