Happy Little Trees with Meesh 2023

In pic they look the same too. Good thing. Check node spacing, pick tighter one. Both look nice, COOL…Orange Goji in Da House…soon…lol!


All 3 look the same to me. I’m still waiting on one to show sex. I’m going to put one of these in the ground tomorrow though. I have a friend sniffing around for my extra females.


Dad and my fiance are installing a power outlet on the outside of my garage and fixing one of the fluorescent light fixtures in the garage laundry room.

I am sitting in my garden feeling like :poop: this is the 3rd infection I’ve had inside my head in 6 months. I’ve already lost 2 molars and the hearing in my left ear from the last two. Here I am with another infection in my ear.

Anyway, I’m looking at the transplants and stuff that needs to be done. Gonna do what I can today. My stomach is dodgy. Probably from the gnarly antibiotics.


Blue Dream, gorilla sherbert, road kill skunk and orange goji are in the ground. My man dug the holes for me. I’m a little concerned cuz the blue Dream literally broke apart when I pulled it out of the pot. I’m sure it will live, but boy are those roots gonna go into shock. I shouldn’t have watered them yesterday. They were all a bit moist for transplants. Oh well, what’s done is done.

The man disposed of all the gg4ril plants. Which was good cuz it was hard for me. I’m bummed on all males there.

I’m back under the shade. Getting ready for round 2 which may only be the T-rex going to it’s final 10 gallon home. The other Clones I’ll get to soon along with the MAC. After that there will only be black mamba and Iced Cube to go in the ground. Dog willing I get females!


Pause for a Love Fire joint and a ginger ale to settle my stomach. I forget weed is good for that. I know…

I really liked the roots on the ones I planted today. Always shocked at how much roots grow in such a short time. They really went crazy in those 2 gallons. The plants always look bigger in the pots though cuz they are like a foot off the ground. Look pretty tiny in the ground comparatively


BKxSSDD aka T-rex in her 10 gallon forever home

Orange goji freshly planted

Mother’s milk clone hitting 1st trellis layer approx 3 feet

Peanut Butter Breath one of the seedlings that went straight to ground. This one and cherry pie stalled out a bit. Next year, I’ll build more roots before going to ground.


Some of these pistils are so tiny that they look like little pimples. I’m pretty certain I have 2 female Iced Cubes and 1 maybe 2 female black mambas.

I just want selection time to be over and all the plants in their final homes. Makes my life easier. Transitions kill my knee. Although pruning in the ground is no picnic these days either, but I only need a few rounds of that before they are bigger.


Did we go out of town? :man_shrugging:

Hope things are OK



Sorry, just been busy with doctors and dentists and wedding stuff



putting the fiance in med school is an excellent idea! :rofl:

Glad you’re busy & don’t need life alert yet.

:evergreen_tree: :rotating_light:


We were out scouting locations for our wedding reception today. We still have 4 plants to put in containers that we didn’t get to this week. There are 2 confirmed Black Mamba females, both are beautiful and exactly the same. The last RKS is a male. The last Orange Goji and all 4 Iced Cubes are still not saying. I’m gonna let Dad choose which female he wants me to keep and it will go into the ground tomorrow. My client is having an audit, so I may be a bit scarce for the next week or so with the extra work. I’m helping them prepare.


Final transplants

Black mamba

MAC 15 gallons

Blueberry 15 gallons

T1000 15 gallons

Rainbow Belts 2.0 20 gallons

Mother’s milk getting big. Almost to 2nd trellis layer. Approx 4 feet. She smells wonderful


Not sure what I was seeing before to make me think I had females on the Iced Cube. I only found balls on one. I disposed of 3 males today. I am down to 3 unsexed Iced Cube, 1 unsexed black mamba and 2 spare females (1 black mamba and 1 Orange Goji). Out of all that remain, I only need one Iced Cube. Then I’m done. I’ve got 5 container grows this year. That will be 14 freaking plants this year that I’m keeping. I do feel like I have a whole lot of indica though, so I’m gonna lose a few pounds to bud rot. Still, it’s a lot for one year, seeing as I don’t sell it.


Looking great!

It’s a lot of plants - more than I could manage for sure. Love your trellis system and moth cage, admired it last year as well. Mother’s Milk is taking off :rocket:

It does seem like a lot of indica, initially when I read “I’m gonna lose a few pound” I figured you were talking about BODY weight and thought, well, if it were me I’d probably be GAINING a few pounds because the chips and cookies. :rofl:

Hope the audit goes smoothly this week!



You have the most gorgeous plants! My wife and I dream of when we have a yard to plant things in and have planters and stuff like you do! Thanks for sharing!


Beautiful plants and garden. :slight_smile:


Lots of color and life in your garden!
It’s very soothing to see those flowers in full bloom. Hope I too can grow other plants like that someday. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


What are pic 1,3 and 5? I really like those!

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Planting Succies today. Will be editing as I go.

Echeveria “White Star” She’s fabulous!

New Buddha with sedum "Vera Higgins "

Another new cutie with Crassula “Campfire”

Random tiny cacti… I know the one on the left is a Peruvian apple Cactus . It takes patience to plant the little guys. They were like 2 inchers.